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Because they say that it is making me too hot, and takes to long to comb. It's unfair, my sister has longer hair which she never brushes or washes.

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Evil evil evil dolls...evil evil evil sewing machine...evil evil evil Melby and Melsy. We had to make dolls for Lit., then put them in a microwave. Melby's battery burnt, so now my friend's house smells awful.

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:D Guess I went a little overboard.

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Master MJade

really over board

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Sorry..... :oops: :oops: :oops: I'll go hide in a cave for the next couple years...or not.

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It can't be that bad!

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yeah. I'm only ever gonna hide in a cave if there is a nuclear holocaust.

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*cough cough* Uh you're most likely gonna be the cause...

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can't see the cave helping in event of a nuclear holocast, but whatever u want. Hmm, what would i do in event of a nuclear Holocast? Watch?

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That's about where I stand. I'll just grab an AF jet out of there...

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can't see the cave helping in event of a nuclear holocast, but whatever u want. Hmm, what would i do in event of a nuclear Holocast? Watch?

You wouldn't be able to. You'd be blinded as soon as the bombs go off. They emit light in the gamma wavelength that would blind you and give you the worst sunburn of your life.

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That's the idea. Living in a post apocalyptic world is not my idea of fun.

There's this film in which a nuclear bomb goes of, and tehre's footage of milk bottles melting. I scarred my History Teacher for life. Watching TESB today, I saw his father! My woeful claim ot fame, my History Teacher's dad is the admiral that gets throttled

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Yeah. Nuclear bombs are the only thing that frighten me. Cos unlike most bombs, where you die instantly, this is a slow, lingering death.

First off, you get blinded and sunburnt by the bomb's gamma flash. This will be quite painful, but not lethal.

Second, you get hit by the heat wave a few seconds later. This is searing heat, which will burn you alive, evapourating all your body moisture and blood in a few seconds. This would be so painful that it's incomprehensible.

Finally (you're proabaly dead by this point) you get hit by the pressure shockwave. This shatters the charred remains of your body into dust.

The closer you are to the blast, the less time there would be between the events....

Sorry if i've scarred anyone fo life...

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that's still not the worse bit. The wosrt bit is if you're not close enough to get hit. Then u get radiation posioning and your skin starts to rot and peel off in strips. And then there;'s teh nuclear winter, with the ice age temperatures and nuclear rain and snow, that will cause more raditaion posionsing and coincidentally make everyone sterile, though at that point I don't hink anyone would care.

If someone starts a nulear war, I pray they hit Britain early on.

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that's still not the worse bit. The wosrt bit is if you're not close enough to get hit. Then u get radiation posioning and your skin starts to rot and peel off in strips. And then there;'s teh nuclear winter, with the ice age temperatures and nuclear rain and snow, that will cause more raditaion posionsing and coincidentally make everyone sterile, though at that point I don't hink anyone would care.

If someone starts a nulear war, I pray they hit Britain early on.

Nuclear winter is incredibly unlikely to happen. It will only happen in someone fires off loads of nukes over the entire world. One or two won't cause much trouble in that sense.

Personally, if someone starts a nuclear war, I pray they miss Britain altogther. We might last, seeing how we're an island. If France or Germany got hit, we might suffer some radiation, but otherwise we'd be okay.

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A few minor changs in climate and we're a second greenland. the only thing that's keeping Enlgnad mostly temprate is the Gulf stream. Being an Island, we're much more liable to temperature flunctuation than countries on the continent are.

If someone fires an Abomb, do u really think no one will fire back> There;s too many treaties and plans to stop them. It's like pre WW1

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actually, I'm not too sure. I think it's very unlikely that a fulls scale world nuclear war would ever happen. Very unlikely, for all the same reasons the cold war never escalated to one. It is possible that terrorists will blow up a nuke somewhere, but if that hapens, there'll be no-one to fire back at.

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THe reason hte COld War didn't escalate into Nuclear is coz no one dared to fire the first shot. There are a lot of govts at the mo more than willing, should teh provocation arise (not pointing any fingers...) one of our yr 10 classes has a 'hit list of countries Nixon wanted to Nuke' article pinned to hteir door, and tehre's a similar one on the History notice board.

I like the new treaty though, destroying even more bombs. Though there's still about 2000 left, more than enough for several nuclear winters. Question is, are people still building them?

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THe reason hte COld War didn't escalate into Nuclear is coz no one dared to fire the first shot. There are a lot of govts at the mo more than willing, should teh provocation arise (not pointing any fingers...) one of our yr 10 classes has a 'hit list of countries Nixon wanted to Nuke' article pinned to hteir door, and tehre's a similar one on the History notice board.

I like the new treaty though, destroying even more bombs. Though there's still about 2000 left, more than enough for several nuclear winters. Question is, are people still building them?

You've basically just proved my point. No-one dared fire the first shot. I'm afraid that still applies today. Despite what the US government may say, Saddam Hussein could have nuked America years ago. He just didn't have the nerve. No-one would have the nerve, apart from terrorists, to blow a nuke in the modern world. And even if they did, I don't think there would be nuclear retalliation. There would be swift international retaliation with non-nuclear methods, that would crush the offenders.

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Apparantly there's a lot of pressure on Bush in America to nuke Afghanistan at the mo, which considering h's over in Germany at the mo to try and rekindle the 'fight against terror' after protests against it may not go down to well.

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Maybe. People who want him to start firing nukes are idiots, and everyone knows he never will. Bush isn't an idiot.

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Bush isn't an idiot.

Ha! You wouldn't say that if he was your President....or Prime Minister in your case.

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Nah.People need to to give the guy more cr3edit. And you think President Blair isn't an idiot. Yikes. everything like the railways, healthcare system, police system is falling apart in england at the moment, due to government lack of funding, then inefficient use of funds once they are allocated. Also, Blair has cocked up the education system by adding another set of exams at 17, so people overall can learn less.

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I don't mind Blair, but I'll be voting Lib Dem as soon as I get the chance. Free Universities again! Bush, well, I know nothing about Gore so I can't really judge, but I'd rather still have Clinton.

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