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Bad furday

MsSolo's boyfriend: "She is intoxicating....'

MsSolo: 'Would you please stop looking at me like that? It's making me feel uncomfortable!"

::Where have we heard these lines before?..... :wink: ::

:lol: Maybe you ought to talk to Ana's friend!

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Those lines are from Ep II. Which I just saw (ha ha ha suckers...)

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lol. Actually, I may find myself phoning him, since he's doing Motor Sports and Engineering and is a fan of F1. Today was the first time I ever heard booing.

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You want a rant: I have to do a 1000-word essay on the rise to power of Stalin, by tomorrow. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH

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Bad furday

Oh, 1000 words isn't bad. At the moment, I'm finishing up a 20 page research paper on the rise and fall of the Soviet space program ...due tomorrow! It's just the first draft, but we're getting a grade on it anyhow.

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I know 1000's not too bad, but it's so boring. I mean, who really cares about Stalin's rise.

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Okay then, another dull history essay (actually, this one's not so bad, it's about something interesting):

To what extent was the Korean War a cold war conflict?

Enjoy your homework people!

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I :evil: Haladar. He got to see epi2 already. I have to wait until Sunday, because my dad won't get tickets for its release on Thursday.

I have to write a research paper on 'Jaguars and how the world would be diffrent if they were extinct.' well, there would be alot more cattle...my life would be easier because I wouldn't have to write this stupid paper...

then in history I have to write about the Muslim religon. no offense to anyone on here, but this is very boring. listening to that fat lady talk about Mummahad for an hour strait in monotone puts me to sleep. Maybe that's why I always end up getting a 'b' in her class...

our math teacher is teaching us seventh graders advanced math. junk like the pythagorean therom, distance theory, and how to plot graphs in the third quadrant. it all gives me a headache. :x

in science we're looking at stuff under microsopes. do you know how gross the crap under my lab partener's fingernails looked? ew...

and in gym we're playing dodge ball. i hate all forms of gym. I hate running laps. i hate shooting baskets. i hate playing football.

all the guys think it's funny to watch us girls in dodge ball. they whip the ball at us, expect us to just get hit, and complain when we move out of the way.

the side of my face is all bruised up because i got hit by a basketball. they use basketballs for dodge ball. i think I'll skip gym and become an office aid or something useful like that.

art is the only good class of the day. I love art. I'm really good at art. no one corrects my grammer, spelling, coloring, sculpting, or anything in art. it's wonderful. :D

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I used to lovve art. That was before I took A-level exams in it....

adter failing that, even after being predicted a D, I just went totally off art and havn't done any for almost a year now.

unless you include web design in art :)

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They shouldn't give art exams, that just defeats the whole purpose.

I've been off art and Drama since seventh grade (I was 12)...a bad guy incident. Ever since that, I've barely been able to sketch a dress on biology notes, much less take an art class. Drama's been better, but still not fun.

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I have to write a research paper on 'Jaguars and how the world would be diffrent if they were extinct.'

I'm sure that is the singularly most pointless essay I've ever heard of...

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My sithspawned laptop broke again, so I have to use the school computers or one of the family computers. But all the other computers are so slow, except for my dad's personal laptop, which he never lets anyone use. :evil::evil::evil::evil: Why the heck didn't I take the orange iBook when I had the chance? :x :evil: :x :evil: :x :evil:

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Master MJade

so thats nothing I have a fast computer @ home w/internet but then the internet server kicked us off and wont let us back on.... :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: :evil:

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Tutorial is to friggin' short!!! Sorry to hear about your computer, mjade. But really, they just gave the teachers brand new iMacs and give the student library Dells that are 3 years old.

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Master MJade

@ my school they don't give us comps.. we hafta euither do what i do and get to know teachers or go to the libarary and have libraiarin yell at us for not doin' school work

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We have laods of school computer's, but come two o'clock and the connection slows to a crawl, and I've forgotten my password, and beng an IT GCSE student it's kinda embarrasing to have to ask Dr B to find it for me.

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Master MJade

suck up and do it tell him it was an honest memory loss

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Thing is, after June 25th, I never have to go back again. THere's not really much point, especially as I'm on study leave, so I only go in for exams. Otherwise I would.

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Master MJade

:evil: lucky you you get out of school early.

R U = to a HS senior in the States?

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No idea. HS ends at 18, doesn't it? If so no. I'm 16 (almost). A lot of people go to sixth-form colleges from 16-18, which is prob like your HS junior and Seniors. College and University are different things over here, but not in the US, correct?

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Master MJade

Hs juniors = 3rd yr. of HS

HS Seniors = last year

Colleges are after Hs school universites are the same just take up more money

i'm a freshman = 1st year of HS

going on to sophomore= 2nd year of Hs

hs is about 14-15 to 17-18 for ages of course there are exceptions my mom just turned 13 when she was a Freshman

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so it's yr 10 (14-15) to upper sixth/yr 13 (17-18)? Junior high, I presume, is yrs 7 (11-12) to 9 (13-14)?

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My computer's back up (yay), but the parentals are insisting that I get my hair cut to neck length, which I do NOT want to do! :evil: :x :evil: :x :evil: :x :evil: :x

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Jake Durron

ouch why?

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