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World of Warcraft

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Uncle Du

That's funny. Now I can go re-install Diablo II, lol.

Is it out for Mac?

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I played the first quest, with Thrall, yay.

Having never played a WC RTS before, I can now see why they made it a MMORPG, as there are quite a few RPG-like things in there, such as an inventory, levelling up, skill points, quests, etc.

Seems good so far, the graphics are a lot better than what I was expecting, too.

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You're going to like the rest of the cinematics. Mmm...Blizzard does a superb job at those.

I especially like the one at the end of the Orc campaign.

You have to get the Frozen Throne expansion too. It will fill in a lot of details about Wrath of the Lich King and give you some backstory.

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Uncle Du

I wanna play it but not on my crappy vista laptop.

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Did Karazhan for the first time last night. It started out as city defence after the Horde killed the King of Stormwind, then descended on Ironforge to get Bronzebeard. After the Horde gave up and we couldn't get enough of us to mount a counterattack, a few of us decided to do a Kara run. lol

I thought it was pretty cool, but there was a L80 Death Knight who left after about 5 minutes saying it was boring...

Only boss we didn't do was Netherspite, because they kept somehow forgetting about the green beam. :roll:

A warlock and I were in charge of the blue one, but he somehow died (nobody was sure how, lol) so then I couldn't get the blue beam twice in a row and nobody seemed to get the hint that someone needed to get it, lol.

So yeah, a bit of a nightmare with that boss, but the others were okay.

The Curator wiped us once after the tank pulled him accidentally before we were ready. Prince Malchezaar wiped us once too, what with his debuff and infernal Infernals!

But yeah was pretty fun and got a bunch of epics from it, even if they were slightly useless to me now. :p

Edited by Andy

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78 to 80 is going really slowly! lol, I'm about halfway to 79 now

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Does anyone have a favourite zone?

From the classic zones, I quite like Duskwood as it's very well themed and has some pretty cool quest chains there.

Outland-wise I would probably have to go for Nagrand. 'tis very pretty, lol.

I'm currently stuck for a favourite Northrend zone... I did like Dragonblight... Storm Peaks is really cool too, but I'm getting bored lol. Icecrown looks awesome too.

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Oh Kara...you pain in the ass. Having to run through you countless times for purples that seem so pointless now.

Except for the Lightning Capacitor from Illhoof. I keep that around for sentimental reasons. :p

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Icecrown is frozen Mordor, lol.

I liked Storm Peaks because of the lore and music. Having to fly up and down as well as around was annoying.

I also like Zul'Drak and Dragonblight was fun too. Hmmm. Tough choices. Grizzly Hills, though the quests were kind of meh, had some awesome ambient music as well.

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Really? I HATE the Grizzly Hills music, lol.

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The best Northrend zone was Sholazar. It's a refreshing change from the rest of Northrend, and the quests are set up to be done quickly, even alone.

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I've been replaying the campaigns. I think I'm about to start the second Orc campaign (after the Undead campaign, summoning Archimonde at Dalaran).

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Very true. However, I was very disappointed in the Nessingwary quest chain. I was looking forward to toppling the elite beasts again then discovered how dreadfully easy they were, especially the final quest.

I liked the lore there, though. Getting sent back to Un'Goro was a nice touch.

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Mmmm, level 80. :D

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Late grats beeurd.

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Yeah, now it's saving up for epic flying and decent gear... lol

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Warcraft III > WOW

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Everything > GI

Welcome back, buddy. :p

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Pffft GI > All you mean! :p

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Warcraft III > WOW

oranges > apples

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:lol: I love it!

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>8< spider pride

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[~*`Sylvanas?*~]: i hacked admin :)

***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "~*`Sylvanas'*~" from the chat.***

[~*`Sylvanas?*~]: lol lol lol

[Killzone?jaeden]: TIE fighters

[theLichKing]: What?

[Killzone?jaeden]: Nothing.

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Dude...this cinematic is awesome.


Once again, King Varian shows his intolerance and casts a bad light on the Alliance. FTH!

I like Rhonin. He looks and sounds funny in the video. Different than what I pictured from his role in the WC novels.

Anyway, the new content that I've seen so far is pretty fun. Finally something to do in the game again! The first thing I did was run to Feralas to catch a sprite darter pet then went to check out the Argent Tournament. Looking forward to the grind ahead to champion the different factions. I want the Blood Elf magic broom pet! :lol:

Edited by Drake

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