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Uncle Du

Swine Flu

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Uncle Du

You're absolutely right, free press is vital to the function of democracy. Everything has its limits though.

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Most the cases in California are in the lower counties, within driving distance of the border. My old school, University of San Diego, being less than a half-hour's drive from the border, keeps sending me updates on the swine flu spread:

"Late Wednesday afternoon, a University of San Diego student with flu-like symptoms was evaluated at the Student Health Center and tested positive for type A influenza. The student?s condition is not considered life threatening. The Student Health Center will provide medical support throughout the recovery period. The university is working with San Diego County Health Department officials who will conduct further testing to determine if this suspected case is swine flu."

If that person turns out to test positive, they'll close down the school. Geez, I left just in time.

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Uncle Du

Apparently there's 3 possible cases in PA...somewhere. They didn't say where.

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Same in my region. They won't say who.


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Yup, no extra influx of idiots at work. Just the normal stabbings, panic attacks and heart attacks

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They said yesterday that there were three possible cases in Worcestershire (where I live), and I know who one of them is. I expect they got the all clear by now but I haven't heard from them.



Preliminary analysis of the swine flu virus suggests it is a fairly mild strain, scientists say.

It is believed that a further mutation would be needed in order for the H1N1 virus to cause the mass deaths that have been estimated by some.

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Uncle Du


*freaks out, flails hands in the air and runs around screaming like a little girl*

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It could even be YOU!

*brandishes cross*

Unclean! Unclean!

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Uncle Du

It could even be YOU!

*brandishes cross*

Unclean! Unclean!

*dies from fear*

*not from swine flu* :p

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If anyone catches this stupid flu, please cough on me. I want a swine flu vacation! <---my new goal in life.

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Just say you have flu, and maybe they'll get scared and let you have the time off. ;)

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Bad furday

Do I have to stalk Tsl in the carpark again? :p;)

Maybe I'll start coughing and sneezing at work tonight :p

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Wait, why are you stalking me? Do you have swine flu? Because if not.... *brandishes little mace spray can thingy*

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Bad furday


*slinks away* :p

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Or, if he does have swine flu...

*gets out can of Lysol*

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Uncle Du

See, the solution is so much simpler than the media makes it!! ;)

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James the Defender

I have a severe ear infection and mild bronchitis and everyone thinks I have swine flu... It's starting to get on my nerves...

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Uncle Du

It's not really a good flu virus unless you're evacuating from both ends. :p

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And turns out this is weaker than everyone thought it was going to be...

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Uncle Du

What?! No way!! :p

Oh, and here's a question that will let you medical types school me, what exactly does the H1N1 thing mean? Is that like the unique genetic make-up for this virus?

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Yup. I've had it explained before, but I don't remember. Avian Influenza though is H5N1. It's what's called the serotype of the virus. Like I said though, I don't remember the details of what it all stands for

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Uncle Du


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James the Defender

If I had an astromech it would be H5N1 :p

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Uncle Du

You would definitely not make it through airport security with that thing. ;)

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