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Xmen RPG Character and Information Thread!

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I never even thought about it, lol. It's 17 to drive in the UK.

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Can't you drive anywhere in the U.S. with a driver's license at 16?

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ya, but she was living in a hotel...

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You are allowed to have cars at hotels... ;)

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but i don't want her to have one :p not yet anyway.

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The Cove has food.... lol.

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i wanted a soda >.> and a candy bar.

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And fresh air. And to steal monies. :p

Edited by Drake

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Uh huh.... :p

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I am trying to recruit someone to join. :D

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Making a new character... working on it though ;)

Name: James Hammond

Powers: Can become reptile-like and have super strength, some chameleonic ability, and stick to walls/ceilings.

Bio: Coming soon...

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Let's call him Froggie!!


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Frogs aren't reptiles though. :p

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btw, the table that gertie is sitting at is the one where danny and neil are.

Edited by Ayingel

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I'm pretty sure Gertie's not used to guys treating her like that. :rofl:

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nope. she's gonna try to get what she wants...before moving on to the next one :p

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and cue tantrum.

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So are we going to do this whole thing day-by-day or will we be skipping days to make things a little more realistic?

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Okay one of the two new characters I'm coming up with:

Name: Reptile - Jayden-James "JJ" Hammond

Abilities: Superior strength, can change his skin tone to blend in, can climb walls and ceilings.

Age: 18

Bio: JJ has an office job in Greendale, and has lived in his apartment for 2 years. He loves and has been partaking in extreme sports since his early teens. When he was 14 he was abseiling down a skyscraper when his safety gear failed and he began to rapidly fall down the side of the building. Desperately trying to cling to the glass of the building he eventually stuck there, and realised he could stick to the walls much like a gecko. He has kept this mostly to himself, but he has recently heard rumours of a group of mutants coming to town who would appreciate his abilities...

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And I dunno D. What do you guys think?

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Well, realistically...in terms of X-Men "realism", that is...not every day would have something exciting to do. We wouldn't want to have to force plot development too fast within the span of a few days.

We could come up with a post to stick between the days to just go over what the characters have been up to over the past however-many-days.

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i think that would work really well...a "here's what you missed last week" except there was no last week....dun DUn dun...

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Frogs aren't reptiles though. :p

So? :p

Iguanaman!! :D:p

As for moving ahead... I don't mind, as long as I get a post in for my new character in the morning.

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Okay, I'm going to move the RPG ahead from Monday the 25th of August to Thurs the 28th. (Moving by 2008 calendar, this way you can track it, and we can run holidays and such.) Now, if there's anything anyone needs to happen between those days, just post it up here or in your post. There should be no problem bringing in your new character Mara. Also, maybe we can arrange for Mr Mitchell to meet with Jean and Scott today. Lila would be moved into the Institute already.

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Yeah, no worries. I think my post would work either way Tues or later.

And I really don't think we need to be all "by the way this and this happened." Maybe just a transition like "a few days later,..." etc. *shrug*

I do something like that for a university RP I have. Obviously, it would get boring to go day by day by day.

Just let me know when it's all right for me to start the next morning. 'Cause that's where my post starts.

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