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Doc Ani Jade

The Dream Thread III

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I had a weird dream while I was at camp...

I dreamed that I was at home watching TESB all alone when all of a sudden I was sucked into the TV and suddenly I was Luke Skywalker's lightsaber. It was his battle with Darth Vader and I am really scared because I'm being swung around like crazy. Then I woke up... it was short but scared the sh*t out of me.

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hmm.. wierd...

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Well now she can say she sympathizes with light sabers

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Oh yes, and that's such a useful and practical talent. :roll:

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i never said it was useful

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Bad furday

And she'll start PETL: People for the Ethical Treatment of Lightsabers!

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Doc Ani Jade

my dreams are making less sense...

the track team as a commando squad, the orchestra conductor who uses bags of nabisco, and the wierd evil place next to the skatepark...

uhoh, time to shut up...

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Bad furday

So that's where Ani disappears to! :wink: :lol:

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Doc Ani Jade

*looks around*

hey, who told you...when I find out... :)

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*whispers* Ani? It was you!

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I've had a few more of those dreams where someone is chasing me...but last night I dreamed about school.

Last year before school started I had about 3 dreams...and in all of them something went wrong on the first day of school...

Last night I dreamed that I didn't have my schedule, so I didn't know what classes to go to! I went to the office to get my schedule as the bell rang, but the person there said that the nurse had the schedules! (that's how messed up my dreams are...I mean come on! The nurse?!? lol) Anyways, I couldn't find her...then my principal came up to me and gave me a folder and a binder and tried to get me off to class...except i didn't know what class to go to!!!

*sigh* at least I wasn't getting chased again...

And, no, I'm not nervous about school starting...

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I have dreams like that too....

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And she'll start PETL: People for the Ethical Treatment of Lightsabers!

No, I'm going to call it CALC: Citizens Against Lightsaber Cruelty.

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Wow...old thread...

I'm still having the same dreams...where I'm running from something...they happen quite often too

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lol. I don't think I read that last one :lol:

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Doc Ani Jade

my dreams are so random...im not cruel enough to drive anyone here insane... :wink:

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I had yet another chasing dream last night...suprise suprise!

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lol. So far in my dreams I have been:

Luke Skywalker

Han Solo

Wedge Antilles

Jacen Solo

Anakin Solo

Salacious Crumb (don't ask...)

Kyle Katarn

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I was Buffy the Vampire Slayer last night...and I dont know why I know that cuz I didn't even fight any vampires...or evil dudes...some guy was chasing me

I think I'm reading too many books...

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I had a dream sooooooooo weird, I don't even think I could post it here, because it's so very random it'd give y'all brain damage!

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Doc Ani Jade

I had a dream, I was eating somewhere, and I was going to pick a friend up, but I took a wromg turn and went to my school, and shoved into a pit full of lions...Ironically, my dream ende when I was hit by a car after escaping the lions...

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I just had a dream that my alarm went off.

When I woke up in RL, I thought I'd slept through it, but it was only 5am so I went back to sleep until my alarm really went off.

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Okay I had a really really odd dream last night...

I dreamed that I was Luke Skywalker and I was fighting the Yuuzhan Vong, when suddenly I look over to the side and I'm fighting side-by-side with Teal'C from Stargate SG-1. The rest of the Stargate crew was huddled behind us, trying to get the Stargate to work. I stopped fighting and walked up to Teal'C and asked him, "Can I have your autograph?" But then a Yuuzhan Vong stabbed me with an amphistaff and I died.

I think I've been having a bit too much sugar if I'm dreaming stuff like that...

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LOL! That Teal'c...he sure is a character. Too bad you died though...

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The other day I had a dream that I was Jango Fett, which was really cool - flying around in Slave 1 then getting out and killing people... I think I've been playing "Bounty Hunter" too much...

And then last night I dreamt I was a Jedi being pursued by some Sith Lords, who turned out to be two of my old teachers from High School. Strangely enough, these evil Sith just happen to be both Religious Education teachers... But anyway I manged to loose one of them while fighting the other along a cliff-edge, then I conveniently woke up.

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