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Xbox 360

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Uncle Du

I think you can't get access to Netflix either. Think you gotta have a Gold membership for most anything now.

So, beat Prince of Persia. Pretty good. Kinda good twist at the end. You want it Unknown? ;)

Edited by Du

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Uncle Du

Picked up Mirrors Edge and Last Remnant. Not really impressed with Mirrors Edge. After playing Prince of Persia and using the acrobatics and jumping in that game, Mirrors Edge actually sucks. The controls are hard to get used to, as the LB and LT buttons are the main buttons used for acrobatics in the game. I'm not left handed, so it's kinda awkward. The environments are beautiful though, the whole game is wonderfully rendered.

Haven't played Last Remnant yet, but I felt the need to get into a good RPG, and I've heard good things about it. Stay tuned...

Edited by Du

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You should watch Zero Punctuation reviews (videos contain strong language) before buying a game.

Edited by Drake

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Uncle Du

You're definitely right, and I'm definitely going to watch his reviews more often, that was hilarious!!

This is what I get for not doing research. I didn't even REALIZE it was EA game till I got home. Shoulda known that with the way this game was marketed that it was EA, and that anything they hype so much on prime-time TV is going to be a big steaming pile of s***.

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Quick answer. Play online with other people.

Well that sucks.

*scribbles Xbox 360 off list of things to eventually buy*

I'm not paying for s*** I can do for free elsewhere lol.

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X-Box Live isn't the only reason to get a 360. The free Live Silver account lets you download game content, videos, and whatnot.

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Uncle Du

So far the Last Remnant is pretty good. Unique battle system, although it's a little simple. You don't gain "levels" in the traditional way, but the better you do in individual battles effects how fast your individual traits go up. The graphics are good, what you would expect from a Square game. I might actually beat this one. :p

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X-Box Live isn't the only reason to get a 360. The free Live Silver account lets you download game content, videos, and whatnot.

I can download videos from YouTube. :p

I can't afford a 360 anyway lol. :(

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Uncle Du

But you got a PS3? ;)

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Perhaps that's why he can't afford a 360.

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Such a waste...

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Uncle Du

I still want a PS3 for Metal Gear.

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I have joined the XBOX Brotherhood.

*Chorus of angels*

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Welcome to the fold, n00b.

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Hey, I have a question. I noticed on a video I saw for Prince of Persia that the characters had black lines around them. If you remember from the OT special edition, they talked about this being because of the computer graphics in the movies. Are all 360 games like this. It was really off putting to see.

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I'm pretty sure the new PoP uses a "unique" visual style. I'm not a fan of it either.

There's some mad Boxing week sales going for 360's here. I might buy one this week (240 or so for a Pro at Wal-mart, the Holiday package with two games).

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So, PoP is unique in that and the other games I'm interested in (ie. Halo 3, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Soul Calibur IV, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Last Remnant, Fable 2, etc.) aren't that way?

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If in doubt, just look up screenshots for those games.

Edited by Drake

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Uncle Du

The graphic design of PoP really doesn't take away from the game at all., IMO. It kinda adds to the character of the game I think. It's definitely unique.

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Tomorrow we see if Wal-mart is sold out. Wish me luck!

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Uncle Du

The Navy Exchange has a TON of video game inventory right now. It's really hard not to go hog wild. :p

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Gamertag is SgtChickenman90.

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Uncle Du


Just picked up Guitar Hero World Tour today. This will mark the first time I have played any game of this type, and if my calculations are correct, I will become hopelessly addicted, and you all will never see me again. :p

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It's been an honour serving with you.

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Uncle Du

So ya, I am addicted. Problem is, my dumb ass left my box at a friends house last night. My Lady drove us home and I was a little tipsy and I forgot it. :p

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