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And emo's getting old too.

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Well, they can only stay angsty teenagers for so long before achieving some level of maturity.

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Eh come on, some emo's good. And it's definitly better than most of the crap the radios tend to spew out nowadays.

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Top 5 Bands I Might Like If I Was 12-Years Old and Hated My Life

5. Good Charlotte - I might have to write an op-ed piece for The New York Times about how this band is destroying our culture. You think the Sex Pistols would ever partner with Pepsi?

4. Fall Out Boy - I'm updating this after remembering this pansy-ass band, so Green Day is off the list. I swear, I just think these emo bands can't get over the fact that their girlfriend dumped them. Thus, they write a song about it and we all have to suffer for it. Someone should write a book for these band's lead singers, Maybe She's Not That Into You, Emo-tard.

3. Linkin Park - I just find it funny that bands like Linkin Park are just angry just for the sake being angry.

2. Dashboard Confessional - Chris Carraba should wear a diaper on stage the way he cries on his songs. They were the reason I never considered going to Lollapalooza in Chicago. I saw them when they opened up for Weezer a few year ago. The same year I got my wisdom teeth taken out -- both equally painful.

1. My Chemical Romance - Last year, I got the advance copy of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. After listening to it, I said to myself, "This is the type of album that could turn a quiet 12-year old kid into a little suburban emo warrior who shops at Hot Topic."

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I don't generally like bands as a whole. I like Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance's music, but I can't claim to know anything about them. Dachboard Confessional are a bit meh, Some Good Charlotte stuff is alright, and I have yet to willingly listen to anything by Fall Out Boy.

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I'm 13 and I don't hate my life. I'm not a goth, I'm more of a prep but I like Linkin Park. Alot of my friends are kinda preppy (definitly not goths, except for one-yet she listens to Alicia Keys and Maroon 5, so that's a bit different, eh?). What I want to ask you is, why does age and if you hate/love your life have to do with the type of music you like? I always thought music you prefer at the moment depending on your mood.

Oh, and what's the different between American Pop and Brit Pop (I thought Jet was an American band)?

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Jet is in fact an Australian band.

The difference between American pop and Bripop is the music. American pop music is more your boy bands like N'Sync and Backstreet Boys. Britpop is rock 'n roll. Some examples of Britpop bands are Oasis, Blur, and Pulp.

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Honestly? I think the music you listen to is mostly driven by sociologic forces. Who your friends are, what your parents listen to, what's cool amongst your peer group, what stage of rebellion/developmental phase you are in, which social moreys (sp?) you fall into, etc.

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I still don't understand the "Top 5 Bands I Might Like If I Was A 12 Year Old and Hated my Life".

Oh, and I think the music you listen to has to do with your maturity also. Or the music you should/shouldn't listen to. But that's a whole different story.

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I dont think it has to do with your maturity.

People would associate classical music as very refined and mature, yet I know a kid who loves classical music but is very immature...

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I still don't understand the "Top 5 Bands I Might Like If I Was A 12 Year Old and Hated my Life".

It was Ender proving how superior he is to all of us. His word is law. Bow to Ender.

Personally, I listen to music because I enjoy it. I listen to music because I can relate to it. I listen to it because music is life.

I listen to some emo because I can relate to it. Some of it is indeed, crap, but there are bands in every genre that diffrent people think are crap. You can't base your opinion on a certain type of music on one or two bands.

As far as Ender's supreme list of awesomeness, that is completly true and cannot have any errors, for it is descended from Ender's tongue, and thus is sacred:

5. Good Charlotte- Good Charlotte sucks, in my opinion. If you like it, fine, I don't. To me, their music is absolutly terrible. I hate how they're a pop band that pretends to be rock, and the MTV crowd blindly follows their charade. I can't stand the people who think they're rock heads simply because they listen to simple plan, good charlotte and green day. (more on green day in a bit) But whatever. I ignore them, and it's fine.

4. Fall Out Boy- I havn't heard much of them, admittedly, though my friends seem to like them. Apparently they were once all in diffrent hard core and metalcore bands, and then came together and formed an emo band. I don't have much respect for a band that changes their image like that. Unless they back it up with good music, because music is much more important than the image they portray.

3. Linkin Park- Is one of my favorite bands. I enjoy their music immensley. Had Ender bothered to listen to them...or if he had, pay attention to them, he'd see not every song is about anger. Sure Chester Bennington screams a lot. So did Kurt Cobain, who Ender seems to hold in high esteem.

2. Dashboard Confessional- I've only heard one song from them, and it was ok. Other people like them. People who arn't self hating 12 year olds.

1. My Chemical Romance- How repeatedly singing the words "I'm not okay" in varying tones and annunciations qualifies as a song, I may never understand. Another MTV manufactured band. But whatever, some people like them.

Green Day- They are a very good band. I say this despite the fact they are so widely accepted by the MTV crowd, because music is more important than image. If I can enjoy the music, then it's good music to me.

Now can we please cut the crap on which bands are good and which ones suck?

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I think Classical wins, as one orchestra can span any time of emotion, while bands have a hard time doing that ((Such as heavy rock going to ballads)). w00t

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To me, music is music. I have always like various types of music. THe only thing I don't listen to is stuff like 'gangsta' rap. but each to there own.

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I hate how they're a pop band that pretends to be rock, and the MTV crowd blindly follows their charade. I can't stand the people who think they're rock heads simply because they listen to simple plan, good charlotte and green day. (more on green day in a bit) But whatever. I ignore them, and it's fine.


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All right. B.B. King's new album, 80, is the best album of the year. It may only be September, but I'm 90% sure that this will be #1 on my list at the end of the year. Mr. King has lost none of his talent for making great music. The classic songs like "The Thrill Is Gone" and "Rock This House" are better than ever, and previously unrecorded tracks like "Never Make Your Move Too Soon" are absolutely fantastic. Better yet, he did a great job of collaborating with other artists. He's always good with Eric Clapton, and the duo rejoin for "The Thrill Is Gone," and he teams up with other notable names such as Van Morrison, John Mayer, Roger Daltrey (The Who) and Sheryl Crow. There isn't a single thing that he could have done better with this album. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the quintessential blues album.

Grade: A+

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Serenity by Joss Whedon: Somewhat predictable, story-wise (evil government attempts to make delicate-looking-but-deadly supersoldier female, but she escapes/is rescued/whatever, and then they pursue). But, it had the wonderful Joss touch. Fully developed, quirky characters, great fight scenes and special effects, and snappy dialogue with some lines that had the whole audience laughing, even when things were tense. Music was original and had some unexpected touches (different instruments at unexpected points. The first shot of Serenity had what I perceived to be a very strong influence of Irish folksongs. But that might be just me having auditory hallucinations.). Lowest point of the movie is Inara. She annoys me. Her outfits are too damn nice. Highest point of the movie is the plastic dinosaurs Wash has edge of the pilot's console. Almost made me cry.

Grade: A-

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Uncle Du

OK, we can settle this once and for all, the greatest band ever is Metallica, followed closely by Incubus. Period. :p

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^ Cannot express how false that is.

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< Isn't even going to bother. :p

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*starts to bother and then thinks better of it* :p

Edited by Tsl

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^ Cannot express how false that is.


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I think we need to have a duel to the death about this

Alex, Du, Choose your seconds!

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Uncle Du

Hmm, that's a tough choice, cause I woulda chose Alex. ;) :p

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No no, here's what we do. Get Brandon Boyd, Liam Gallagher, and have them duke it out.

Wait, that's a little unfair... Brandon Boyd couldn't beat up my 6-year old cousin. He's like Robbie Williams in that regard.

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Uncle Du

Yea, but I don't like him cause of how strong he his...well, maybe I do, cause of his strong voice. And sorry, I like Oasis, but Liam can't hold a candle to Brandon when it comes to vocal range. :D

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