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I'm so glad I was remembered. :| I feel so incredibly loved and missed.

But I'm in. Just returned from spring break. And just waiting around till someone else posts do I don't bore the entire rp to death with monologues.

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I remembered!

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Okay, catching everyone up...everyone needs to read from page 76, although i recommend starting around 73ish to know what mental state your characters are in.

It helped me at least :p

Ithyari Mission!

Group One: Captain Tunon, Flight Officers Braenen, Orson, Secura.

Elyanti Starfighter Factories.

Captain Fae's intel:

"Elyanti: lightest of the defenses. They figure they have enough starfighters to attack anyone that is stupid enough to try and take them out -- that's assuming, however, that the attacker was coming in from space, and that the planetary defenses would have picked up on the incoming ships, giving the plant long enough to send out the starfighters to intercept. "

Group 2: Lieutenant Riamor, Flight Officers Kendall, Staal, and Adarra.

: Evyani Ground-based weapons plant.

Captain Fae's Intel:

"Third up is tropical Evyani. If you couldn't tell, I'm working up the list to the hardest to attack. So this is the second most difficult attack, I believe. Primarily the same defenses they're making at the factory. Amazing, huh? So most of that stuff is anti-air weapons. However, here is their weakness: they take a long time to power up. They are not expecting attacks, and they seem to be more for show than anything, according to Imp records. They think that starfighters and the like will protect them, and that they're not a major target." She shrugged. "Never said these men were intelligent. But anyways, once these bad boys are online, you're in trouble. They're fast, agile, and meant to go against 'Rebel' attacks as they refer to them. If you can hit hard enough and fast enough before they get warmed up and powered up, you're fine. If you're still around when they are fully functional...Then I'd suggest you get out of there. They are meant to go against our ships. Only if you're very lucky would you win that battle."

Attack Planning with Lt Riamor:

"Judging by the defenses we've analyzed, the weapons factory is entirely defenseless from the air." Riamor responded to Kaden's question. "Ven is sending you the facility schematics now. Use lasers against the defenses and preserve your proton torpedoes. Unfortunatly we're not flying Y-wings, or bombardment would be much easier. Instead save your proton torpedoes, and have your astromech droids pass on any information that would be useful. We have eight torpedoes between us and we'll need them to bring down the infra-structure."

(Upon recieving data, Kaden makes a discovery:)

"Interesting..." Kaden opened up his comm to the flight frequency he had set up. "Lieutenant, Artie has found some interesting things about the weapons factory. Sending data now..." Artie transferred his revised schematics to the lieutenant's astromech.Without waiting, he dove right in, trying to remember all that his droid revealed. "Even though there are anti-aircraft cannons protecting it, it seems there are less weapons placements on the northwest side of the building, due to the densely packed jungle on that side. Apparently these cannons need room to operate. The rest of the building has a perimeter of cleared area with a small landing pad and a hangar for starfighters. Artie feels because of its size, it couldn't realistically hold more than 24 fighters, or 2 squadrons. For our sake, I hope it's not full. He couldn't get a read on any outside guards. Plus the building is structurally sound without any weak points to exploit. I'd say our best bet is to come at it from the northwest, though the heavy jungle may be an issue."

"Good job, Officer Staal." Nat nodded to himself within his cockpit. "The Captains and I had already analyzed that data in our earlier strategy session and had decided on a course of action along the same lines." He pressed a few buttons on his console as he said, "I'm sending you our trajectory now. We're going to fly low to stay out of the sensor range, and come in just over the treetops at the northwest side as Officer Staal mentioned. From there, Officer Kendall and I will work on the Anti-Air turrets."His lekku curled in thought. "Going by the information Captain Fae was able to gather the Imperials originally put in a hanger meant for one squadron of eyeballs, then had to retrofit it to fit in a second when the regional governor threw a fit. The hanger bay is now set up much like one you'd find on an Imperial Star Destroyer, with a rig holding TIEs suspended aboveground by wing pylons, with one rack of twelve hanging from the ceiling and another twelve lower to the ground. This means that in order for safe launch only two of the four TIEs can launch at a time. Staal, Adarra, you're job is going to be to each fire a well-placed proton torpedo into the suspension rigs. If that doesn't blow up the hanger, then the crashing eyeballs will do the job. After that's done we'll move on to new mission parameters."

Group 3: Lieutenant Beskar, Flight Officers Vaar, Atuarre and Nasrin.

Iriya Droid Foundries

Captain Fae's Intel:

"Second up is mountainous Iriya. Second lightest, but some defenses. The droid factories are expecting, if anything, a ground invasion. In other words, don't do it. This is one you have to attack from the air. There are some roof-mounted anti-air weaponry, but it is a light attack. It can easily take out a starfighter, but it is, from what I've been able to gather, is not intended to go up against aircraft as agile as ours. You should be good to go, if you don't stop mid-air to let them hit you."

Lietenant Beskar's Briefing:

"First off," he said, "Let me answer your first question. Captain Tunon temporarily rearranged the flights roster to suit the needs of this mission. Each person was placed into a flight where they could do the most good for that flight's specific target mission. That said, we four have been put together because..." Tak lowered his voice and leaned in to say, "We're the coolest." He straightened and laughed. "But seriously, we have a very important mission to accomplish. Our flight is to fly halfway around the world, to the mountains of Iriya. Once there, we will need to assault, infiltrate and destroy the foundaries and factories where the Imperials are building their new breed of wardroids. This won't be a simple fly and shoot from the safety of our X-Wings. We're going in to face these walking tanks head-on. I want each of you prepared and ready to go in forty-five minutes. We leave on the hour. Dismissed."

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Thanks, Rogue! :D

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Wow, Rogue. That was an awesome post. Helps keep things straight. Thanks!

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Anytime ^^

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But I need to read back anyway... get my mind back in Kaden mode. :p

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Yup. I'm hoping everyone will do the same.

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I is here.

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Excellent! I believe that is everyone, save our beloved feathered Captain, of course.

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No worries. Everything is well under control ;)

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Radioactive Isotope

so you're hatching a plot to get his feathery bum back here? :p

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Shot down by my own wingmate :(

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Radioactive Isotope

nevaar! i was just wondering if you were perhaps succeeding where the rest of us have miserably phailed. ;)

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I suppose we could be pressing harder to finding him but Chicken seems to have fallen off the face of the galaxy.

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Well, after this mission is done, they're going on leave, right? So that gives us a little time...

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Rogue and I are trying to remember the storylines we had come up with before the "break". :p

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Something about you guys fighting and then her getting kidnapped and going to Corellia, I thought, and some how everyone else follows.

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There were bounty hunters involved.

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Well I wasn't originally going to get kidnapped, but there was going to be an attempt. And we've got it mostly sorted out now


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Hey, I was just throwing out random stuff that I remember talking about with you guys... doens't mean it was all accurate. :-p

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I didn't mean that far.... I was just saying we wouldn't have to rely on Chicken for a new mission for a while. :p

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i just remember that i'm supposed to be injured...

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