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Chapter 2: Forges of Ithyari

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"As much as I'd appreciate that personally," She grinned up at him. "I don't think the Imperials are going to be noticing those spots you're so eager to double-check, babe."

She looked over her shoulder, catching a glimpse at the mirror. She wrinkled her nose in distaste. "I look funny...blast, Ayanna wouldn't even recognize me."

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Tak grinned. "Doesn't hurt being thorough." He thought for a moment, then said, "Ayanna. Is that you're daughter's name?"

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She nodded, looking back to him with a smile. "Yep, that's my little girl. Ayanna means 'beautiful flower'...I thought it was fitting."

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He returned the smile. "It is indeed a beautiful name, Layla. May I see a picture of her?"

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"Oh, yeah." She brightened even more. Zeltron or not, the fact that she had a kid tended to scare away most men. That Tak was interested was a welcome change. "I have one some inside." She led him by the hand into the room and opened up the drawer in the bedside table. She pulled out a small collection of 2D photographs, handing them to him. "That one on the top is from last month, her lifeday party. The other ones are older."

The three year old girl Layla was holding in the picture was clinging to her as if afraid to let go. She had hair the same shade as her mother's, although obviously shorter. Her skin was a lighter shade of pink than her mother's. Her violet eyes looked warily at the camera, as if afraid it might bite.

Edited by Rogue

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Tak took his time looking through the photos, grinning wider with each one. Once finished, he handed the pictures back to Layla.

"She's a very pretty girl. Almost as pretty as her mother, I think."

He thought back to his own childhood. It was a lot different for him, being raised a Mandalorian. He was raised to fight. The girls of his clan were brought up the same way and many grew to be as tough, if not tougher than some of the men. There was a Mando'a saying that went, Train your sons to be strong but your daughters to be stronger. Of course, Tak had been around children before but most often they were in times of war. The children were usually frightened at the time. However, the girl in these pictures was happy. It was as if she were at peace, that no battle or war had reached her. For that, Takeshi was happy.

"Well," he said, still half in thought, "I guess I should probably go get changed and geared up."

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Layla accepted the pictures back with a grateful smile. "Civilian clothes, remember? No Mandalorian armor." She joked, before realizing that he had become lost in thought. "What are you thinking about?" She wondered, head tilting to the side curiously.

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"Hmm? Oh, nothing important really. Just thinking about how lucky Ayanna is to have such a wonderful mother." He smiled. "No armour? Not even my gauntlet flame thrower or my wrist laser? How about my jetpack? No? You're no fun." Tak winked and stuck out his tongue.

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"Hey," Layla teased. "Don't stick your tongue out unless you're prepared to use it, you hypocrite."

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He laughed and said, "Well, it's a good thing I'm prepared to use it!" He moved closer to her as if to lick her cheek. "I hope that bodypaint is waterproof!"

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She laughed. "This stuff won't be coming off for a while...need to use a special solution to remove it. Cleans your sinuses out but does the trick."

She smirked. "Otherwise you'd have the nice taste of makeup in your mouth for hours."

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"Mmm, delicious," he said. "Well, I should get going then. We probably won't have a chance to be alone like this again until after the mission so..." Tak closed the small distance between himself and Layla. Sliding one hand to the small of her back and the other on the side of her neck, he kissed her deeply.

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Her body pressed against his as she returned the kiss. She found herself glad for once that she had followed her more impulsive nature, kissing him last night in the hot tub. For all the risk such an action involved between two friends like themselves, she was glad that she had made it. Both of them had confirmed something in that kiss, and in the subsequent ones after. Maybe it was an emotional or physical need, or maybe it was more. Either way she was sad to think that they might not have another moment like this for a while.

When they were done, she grinned at him. "I guess I'll see you in the hanger, Lieutenant."

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Grinning back, as he stepped backward out the door, Tak said, "See you there. Keep it sexy, Flight Officer Legs."

Tak laughed and made his way to his own quarters where he immediately got changed into a civilian disguise. It was a more restricted, Imperial-feeling outfit comprised of black pants, a sleaveless grey shirt, some black leather boots, and his trusty utility belt. After strapping and concealing his DL-44, Merr-Sonn palm blaster, a pair of daggers, and the Mandalorian Ripper on his person, Tak covered them all with a long black jacket. He pocketed his ID badge and a small case containing a pair of special sunglasses that were equipped with tiny sensor packs and a heads-up-display. He often used them on undercover missions when he was unable to utilize his armour's systems.

Lastly, he strapped his pair of katanas across his back. He wasn't planning on bringing them on the advanced mission but he would keep them in his X-Wing for later fun.

After a quick double-check to ensure he had everything, Tak left his room and went straight to the hangar.

Edited by Drake

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Smiling to herself even after Tak left, she holstered her trusty DL-22 against her side, Throwing a nondescript jacket over it to hide it casually from view. She slipped her Quickfire into the inside of her boot, down far enough to not be noticeable. Then she grabbed what she affectionatly called her 'bag of tricks' slinging it over a shoulder. Inside everything appeared to be normal things you'd find on a civilian.

To the naked eye that is.

Satisfied that she was ready, Layla strolled down to the hanger.

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Tak found a few of the others already in the hangar, getting ready to leave. He went over to his X-Wing giving his astromech, Sixxa, a wave before climbing up the ladder to stow his swords. When he came back down, Sixxa beeped a question.

"Yeah, I know this isn't proper flight gear," he said.

The droid tootled another question.

Tak laughed. "No, I'm not going on a hot date with Layla. I'm leading an undercover mission to Ithyari. This is my civilian disguise."

Sixxa queried once more.

"I'm afraid you won't be coming with me, little buddy. Here, this will tell you all you need to know." He handed Sixxa the datapad he had kept with him.

The astromech jacked into the device and downloaded its contents. Once complete, he handed it back to Tak and bleeped another question.

Tak smiled. "You'll do just fine flying it alone. I trust you. If it makes you feel any better, the Captain will probably have all of the droid piloted fighters slaved anyway."

Sixxa whistled cheerfully and went back to his earlier business.

Tak, meanwhile, wandered over to the others waiting around.

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After getting Arite up to full power, Kaden helped him jack into his X-wing so the droid could start running checks on it. He pulled over a ladder and climbed up so he could stow away his sack under the seat.

He stood up there on top of the ladder thinking about the mission. Even though he didn't have much experience with hand weaponry, he wondered if he should grab himself a blaster or two to have for later. For all of his over and beyond piloting skills, he was a bit lacking in the firearms department. Kaden sighed as he climbed down the ladder.

"Artie, let me know if there are any irregularites."

The little droid beeped an affirmative.

Then Kaden headed off to see if he could get himself a blaster that he could use.

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"Yeowtch!" Layla exclaimed, pulling back her wounded fingers and rubbing them absently with her other hand. She glared down at the little droid, fed up before reeling around to kick him in anger.

"Ouch..." She jumped backwards, nursing her now injured foot, before sitting down on a cargo crate. "That was a bad idea..."

Sexy blew her a raspberry, withdrawing his electro-arm.

"Stupid bucket of bolts..."

Edited by Rogue

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On his way, Kaden noticed Layla having problems with her droid. He walked over to her. "What happened?"

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Layla looked over to Kaden as he approached, shaking her human-appearing head. "I don't know...damn thing's either malfunctioning, or sadistic. or maybe he's having recognition problems..." She sighed. "Droidspeak is one of those languages I never picked up, but should have."

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He smiled. "I don't understand much either. The only reason I understand Artie most of the time is because we've been together so long."

Kaden had noticed her changed looks but didn't give it another thought. He knew disguises and camoflage were of essence for the the mission.

He glanced down at Sexy. "I could have Artie ask him what's wrong.

Or.." he rememberd the other droid. "You could probably use the droid that Szen was going to use. He was looking forward to flying again."

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Tak made his way over to the source of all the noise and found Layla rubbing her foot.

"You okay?" he asked.

Sexy bumped into the back of his legs.

"Hey! Watch it, droid!"

The astromech extended his electro-arm to shock him but Tak was too quick. He dodged aside and grabbed the attachment at the base. When Sexy tried to withdraw it, Tak started to push it in a direction it wasn't meant to go.

"I'll snap it off!" Tak said. "Start being nice to Layla, alright?"

Sexy blew him a nervous sounding raspberry.

Tak shook his head. "You take care of her and she'll take care of you." Absently, he added, "I wonder how long an astromech can go for without a nice hot oil bath."

The astromech squeeled and sputtered off a series of bleeps.

"That's more like it," Tak said with a smile. "I knew you would see things my way." He let go of the electro-arm attachment.

Sexy retracted it and scurried off.

Looking back to Layla, he said, "You just need to learn how to keep them in line. How's your foot and hand? Do you want Nima to check them out?"

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"Nah, I'm alright." Layla smiled halfheartedly at Tak, rubbing the sensation back into her fingers. She turned to Kaden. " I appreciate the offer. But I'm not using another droid...Sexy and I may have some problems, but we're going to have to work them out eventually."

She smirked to Tak. "Guess I'll have to try out a little 'tough love'. Seems to work on him."

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He nodded, shrugging and went on his way after Tak had joined them. He needed to find something that was easy for him to fire, so he walked towards the stash of arms and ammo.

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Tak nodded. "Like people, different droids have different personalities and learning styles. Sometimes you need to show them who's boss. Although, I would probably want to have Arlan take a look at this one. Sexy seems a little too rebellious."

He looked around the hangar to see if the Captain had arrived yet but he hadn't. He turned back to Layla and said, "Are you all ready to go, Legs?"

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