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Darth Paladin

Worst Jobs in Star Wars

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Welcome to Galactic Basic!

Love the sig! :lol:

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Welcome to GB! Stop on by the spaceport and The Drunk Side for a free drink!

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Hahaha....that sig = roxxor.

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The publicist for the Skywalker-Solo family. Could you imagine all the dirt they would have to keep from becoming public? Brothers and sisters kissing on the lips. Hidden/forbidden marriages and children. Alcoholism. Han almost hitting Anakin after Chewie's death. Vader torturing his own daughter and future son-in-law. Vader cutting off his son's hand. Luke cutting off his father's hand. Jaina and Jacen flirting with the dark side. Jaina and Kyp's relationship. Anakin Skywalker choking his wife and trying to kill his best friend. The Galactic Enquirer would have a field day.

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