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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/02/2009 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I didn't... ...and she is right... ...but I like your way of thinking!
  2. 3 points
    You voted up your own post, didn't you?
  3. 3 points
    It's a feature hat was added a while ago that nobody seems to use. if you like a post you can press the + in the bottom right corner to give the poster some reputation.
  4. 2 points
    "I survived ten years at Galactic Basic."
  5. 2 points
    This must be some sort of record. Great job, B. GB looks pretty! :D
  6. 2 points
    Vader playing the accordian is totally the bomb diggity. Yes I said that. And yes I meant it.
  7. 2 points
    YODA : Confer on you, the level of Jedi Knight the Council does. But agree with you taking this boy as your Padawan learner, I do not. OBI-WAN : Qui-Gon believed in him. YODA : No, I said! Trained the boy will not be! Sent back to Tatooine he is.
  8. 2 points
    He's the forum creator. He can do what he wishes. :p
  9. 2 points
    Oooh... I have one I came up with, if you don't mind, er... food that isn't low-fat. Copied/pasted from a food forum I posted it on earlier (Seppy Food): This is something I sort of came up with on my own, while modifying my mom's ziti recipe (which was really like mostacolli because there's no olives...) Anyway... it's like a pizza pasta. Or perhaps Heart attack pasta, depending on it. It's rather plain for now; I haven't gotten a chance to experiment further with spices/herbs, etc. Ingredients: 1 pound of Italian sausage 1/2 - 1 pound of rigatoni (or any short pasta you like, like penne) I jar of spaghetti sauce (whichever you prefer; I generally use the plain original because I don't like chunky tomatoes or veggies in my sauce) 1 8-oz bag of mozzarella, shredded 1 bag of pepperoni 1 9x9 pan or casserole dish Directions (just approximations, since I generally don't measure, haha): Boil the pasta as indicated but keep shy of al dente, as it'll keep cooking in the oven. Do as much as you would like. My suggestion would be to fill the dish with the raw pasta, and see how much you want. Depends on if you want more meat or more pasta. So at least half a box. Brown the sausage in a pan. Remove the grease if you would like. In the pan, pour about 1/4 to 1/3 of the jar of sauce on the bottom of it. I don't bother spraying; I find that the sauce helps keep things from sticking. But if you're afraid of it, go ahead. Add on top of it, a few handfuls of cheese. Then add in about half of the cooked sausage and as many slices of pepperoni as you would like. I wouldn't recommend too many, so please don't use up the whole package, unless it's small. On top add in about half of the half-cooked pasta. Then some more handfuls of the cheese. Repeat the last five steps: more sauce, more cheese, more meat, more pasta. Now you should have used up all the pasta and meat and most, if not all, of the sauce (all--especially if you don't want a partial jar). Then finish on top with lots of cheese. Only use the whole bag if you want to. After you preheat your oven to 350, bake it for about 15 minutes. Everything should be cooked through. You just want to heat up everything together and melt the cheese. (I'm not sure on this, though...I need to double check the cooking time and temp.) Then eat. :p
  10. 2 points
    She just knew that this was going to be a fun thing to explain to her mother when she returned. "It's alright, I understand...I can be quite clumsy myself." Alexis said, offering her a small smile of amusement, handing the metal object back over to her. "Of course I don't juggle daggers.." The twenty year old knelt down, picking the glass up carefully and catching it in the white apron of her dress. She held it suspended until she could get the glass to the garbage. She was going to have to sweep as well.
  11. 1 point
    Anyone else here playing The Game? You'll know if you are: you'll just have sworn at me for starting this thread ^_^ The aim of The Game is to forget The Game. You remember, you lose. As soon a you learn of The Game you are playing The Game. You will always be playing The Game. Okay, the point of posting it here, other than to irritate people: So far it seems to be a mostly English phenomenon, from people I've asked on other boards, though I do know a few Americans who have been sucked in. I'm just trying to work out how old it is (oldest estimate so far is about 7 years) and how widespread. I know that were I to walk down my local high street on a busy Saturday and yell "Remember the Game" I'd get some hideuosly dirty looks. I was at a maths Lecture in london (see, even Maths has school trips! ^_^ ) and someone mentione it, and a group of complete strangers all turned around yelling "No!" So, tell others about The Game. Do your best to forget to The Game. You will be playing it for the rest of your life. It's a conspiracy, I tell you, a conspiracy!
  12. 1 point
    Can you imagine Luke Skywalker teaming up with the Avengers? Well Stan Lee can. In an interview with Big Issue the creator of many of Marvel's mightiest heroes appeared enthusiastic about the prospect of a crossover between the Star Wars and Marvel franchises. With Disney owning both universes it's not totally impossible, although it does seem an unlikely pairing. "Can you imagine Spider-Man saying 'may the Force be with you?' It may come to that!" Lee says, explaining that if there was a demand for it then the studio would find a way to make it work. Spider-Man recently rejoined his fellow Marvel characters under the Disney banner after previously being solely useable on the silver screen by Sony Pictures, and will appear in the upcoming movie Captain America: Civil War. With the Lucasfilm Story Group keeping a tight leash on the direction of Star Wars canon it's unlikely we will see such a crossover any time soon, although Marvel and Star Wars characters can be found mixing freely in the Disney Infinity video game.
  13. 1 point

    *flails with excitement*
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Truer words never spoken here
  16. 1 point
    No more of this discussion in this place.
  17. 1 point
    One could make broad generalizations about Southerners too.
  18. 1 point
    I love Michael Buble. **Note, yah, he says "sith balls." If this is a problem, wanna move it for me? <3
  19. 1 point
    We're not very good at keeping these things up. :p
  20. 1 point
    True. *eyes the thing Ewing's working on* That looks suspiciously like a robotic arm. Is it a .... pizza maker?
  21. 1 point
    Better than yesterday!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    She pounded at the wall with her pickaxe until she'd collected enough spice to fill her bucket. Dust rolled up in the air, stinging the nostrils with the lingering tingle of the gliterstim they were here to mine. It was incredible how many people became hooked on the stuff just from mining it. Five people in their cluster alone had been caught trying to smuggle some back to the bunks this year alone. It didn't seem worth it, for the punishment you received for stealing it. Lashings, if you were lucky. Sometimes if you stole too much they would shoot you on the spot simply because they couldn't trust you not to steal it again. Kind of idiotic, since they were the ones getting them hooked on it in the first place. It was a perpetual cycle. But Katri would be damned if she ever found herself doing that. Still...she wasn't sure if the affects of it were real, or imagined. They said that gliterstim stretched the ability of the mind, allowing the person taking it to have a brief spike of telepathy in the heightened mental state that it brought. Sometimes, Katri thought that she could hear what the people around her were thinking. Most of the time it was annoying. Her arms ached enough without having to listen to how everyone else's hurt too. But other times, she thought she'd hear other things...whispers in the dark, secrets, plans... "...Just drive it into her stomach, watch her die. That'll teach her..." She glanced nervously over her shoulder at the man who's thought it had been. It hadn't been aimed at her, but at the woman beside him. Maybe it was paranoia, but sometimes she swore these thoughts came true. She remembered one particular time where everyone had gone to their morning meal--err, gruel fest, to find that someone had been impaled over the serving counter. She still didn't know how some people were able to eat that day. Katri hefted her bucket, carrying it over towards the big collection bin. Of course, her new 'friend' Mr. Chase had picked up his to follow. Would he never get off her heels? She sighed, then stopped when she thought she heard something that wasn't him trying to start up a conversation again. Hadn't she? She looked around in the dark for the source of the strange noise. "Shh. Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" Ryen asked after a moment, looking around. Something passed one of the red diodes they used for light. Something big. Or at least, that's what she thought she saw. "There's something in here with us." She said, looking to him. "It has to be a--" The sound of a blood-curdling scream cut her off, then quickly dissipated into a large plopping sound that made her stomach turn. She had seen something before, and now that it wasn't eclipsed by the light, or the collection bin she could see it clearly. She wished she couldn't. The sight of the large spider impaling one of the workers with it's large poisonous stinger only served to put fear into her. Fear that it was coming towards them next.
  24. 1 point
    No picture in this one, but I definitely found this amusing. My son was playing with his Weebles (if you don't know, they're these little wobbly people toys...google it dammit) and he's taken to grabbing two of the people and having conversations between them. I hear him say, to the other toy, in a higher pitched voice than normal for him, "You killed my father!" To which the other toy responds, in a deeper voice (deeper for a 4 year old), "I AM your father!" No BS, this is totally true. *sniff* That's my boy!!! :D
  25. 1 point
    She was only kidding. We never loved you then and we still don't. *giggles evilly*
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