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EU not canon for Ep. 7

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No expanded universe elements will be making their way into Episode 7, according to screenwriter Simon Kinberg (who's working one one of the stand-alone films, as well as Star Wars: Rebels).


He states "the canon is the canon, and the canon is the six films that exist."


So I guess there goes all the rumors and expectations about seeing our favorite EU characters in Episode 7.

That is, if Kinsberg is being honest and not throwing us off...


Whether this will still be true for 8 and 9, is yet to be seen, obviously.





However, when asked about the solo project he's working on, of which films are planned for Han Solo, Boba Fett, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kinberg didn't rule out the possibility of using the EU, basically saying "it's not off limits." And that he's taking inspiration from everywhere for Rebels.


Could this mean that Boba's life will be portrayed past Ep. 6 where he 'died'?







Video interview with Simon Kinberg


Six films only canon for Episode 7

Edited by Mara

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