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Star Wars One-Liners

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OK, I got another stupid idea for a thread.... I was watching Empire and when this one scene came up I couldn't help making this stupid one-liner joke. Then I got to wondering if i was the only one who did that. So I figured I'd start this thread so people could come up with and share there Star Wars one-liners.

So here is how it works.... You say a Star Wars quote then follow it with a one-liner. The quote can be from any of the 6 movies or the clone wars TV show. And you can use the same quote more then once. Also, if you like someone else one-liner hit the little green button on the bottom of the post. That's all there is to it.

I'll go first.... (forgive me if it's not that funny)

Imperial Officer: Bounty hunters... We don't need their kind of scum!

YA, because the Empire has more then enough scum already!

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Cute idea, moved it where it belongs though

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ok, thanks....... but you could have given the game a try while you were here. :(

ah well.... I'll try another one...

Emperor: Fire at will commander!


Edited by E-wing

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Leia: "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."

Obi-Wan: Help you?! Everyone is always wanting me to help them. Help me defeat Darth Maul! Help me defeat the Separatists! Help me learn the ways of the Force? Save me from the Sand People! When do I get to do something for me?! I'm here on some Force-forsaken rock, alone, watching over some whiney brat!

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James the Defender

Luke: "What's a matter girl? You smell something?"

Taun-taun: "Yeah...YOU!"

Edited by James the Defender

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