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Being Human

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There are two versions of this show. First came the UK version then the US made a copycat. I started watching the US version and it's pretty great!

Two friends, who happen to be a werewolf and a vampire, move into a house that's haunted by the ghost of a young woman who died there? Wacky fun! It's got Sam Witwer (from The Force Unleashed and BSG) and Sam Huntington (from Fanboys and Superman Returns).

Here's the first episode: http://www.watchseriesonlinehere.com/being-human-us-s01e01-there-goes-the-neighborhood-part-1-of-2/

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First came the UK version then the US made a copycat.

That's so unlike them! :p

Not actually watched it, but I keep meaning to get round to it...

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