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Anakin Solo - Potted Plant

The potted plant theory that started it all.

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Anakin Solo - Potted Plant

Story time. So many who see my screen name might remember the legend of Anakin Solo - The Potted Plant. I have not been able to find the original post, from the original thread (and the original SW.com forums are now gone forever). However, I did find a version that was later retold by the originator of the legend, Dremloch Deleoric himself. This story is not something that I ant to be lost to the ages, it must remain for posterity's sake. The legend started with a single post (that I was not able to find) from the warped, deranged, convoluted and twisted SW theories thread. It was originally just a short paragraph but it went viral. It was been discussed on Wookieepedia. It has been mentioned on TF.N and numerous other boards and sources. To help give the story legs, I, a huge Anakin Solo fan, decided to make sure the legend would be preserved. I was grieved by his death in Star by Star because I had really come to like the character, rather a lot. So I changed my name from Anakin Solo, to Anakin Solo in his new living form, the potted plant. The rest, as they say, is history.

By Dremloch Deleoric:

The TRUE Potted Plant Theory:

As the NR flees the Core Worlds in order to find a new way to counteract the YV, the Force guides a sleeping consciousness to a forested planet to its new destiny. After several months in a Jedi healing meditation, the dormant soul finally awakens. It remembers all its past, all of its accomplishments and all of its future tasks. But most importantly it remembers its name, Anakin Solo, Jedi Knight. Feeling the Force flowing through him like a roaring river, he smiles for he knows that the future of the YV is now limited. Looking around he discovers he is no longer on the worldship but in a lush swamp. He tries to move but suddenly feels disorientated. He looks down on his body and gasps at what is before him. Where his arms and legs were are now powerful branches/stalks, and his body is now a strong armored husk.

He clinches onto a nearby tree, the world spinning out of control and sliding from right under his feet. Slowly he starts to breathe carefully and gather his thoughts and allow the Force to flow and show him what has happened. With that he finally understands the will of the Force. With his new body not only can he match any YV, but also he can see them in their plane of the Force. With new resurgence and acceptance of this he heads out to Master Yoda?s old sanctuary. There he not only finds the tools he needs to construct a new Lightsaber but also a beautiful dark-green emerald that sings in his ear with his touch. Using a strong broken tree limb as a casing he constructs a new Lightsaber.

After careful search in the dwelling he finds a text disclosing the location of the starship that brought Master Yoda to this Force-enriched planet so long ago. He lets himself dive into the rapids that is the Force flowing through him and searches for his loved ones, making sure each is safe but each going through horrific emotional trials. He searches for a possible future and see?s? a smile slowly creeps across his face, the time of the YV in the galaxy is now limited. He goes out in search for the craft, knowing that his tasks are many and great, but confident because he knows the Solo children are reborn and the galaxy has A New Hope once again?

Keep in mind, that is not the original post, from the original thread (the original was just a short paragraph, but after searching I fear it was lost to the ages). The above was the oldest I could find.



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I remember that thread you posted a screenie of... Good times. :p

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Anakin Solo - Potted Plant

I remember that thread you posted a screenie of... Good times. :p

Indeed they were. :D

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Radioactive Isotope

Yunno, I had heard of this theory way back in the day, but I never knew where exactly it came from. Thanks for posting!

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Anakin Solo - Potted Plant

Glad you like the story. Crazy stuff, good times back on the old forums.

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Back in the good old days, before the Great RPG purge

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Anakin Solo - Potted Plant

Back in the good old days, before the Great RPG purge

Before the dark times, before the... empire.

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