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Alice in Wonderland

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Did anyone else see this yet?

I saw it the other day, and I thought it was pretty good! I didn't have any particular expectations about it, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much.

It's not just a simple re-telling of the story or even it's sequel, Through the Looking Glass, but it does have familiar elements from both stories.

I'm not totally sold on 3D cinema yet, but I thought it was well done, although I felt that it wouldn't have been any worse in 2D. :p

I loved the portrayal of the White Queen, but I felt the Red Queen was copying Queenie from Blackadder II (which also starred Stephen Fry who plays the Cheshire Cat in this film, so that connection is already there to be exploited). :roll:

But over all I thought it was great, and I'll probably get it on BluRay when it's out. :p

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I loved it. And you're right about the fact that it is probably as good in 2D. Mad Hatter was kind of hard to understand in parts, but I'm sure I'd catch more if I saw it again.

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