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Hurrah! Beeurd actually did something he said he would!

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My RPG Character database!

I know have all my main characters up... YAY



I might have to split the JPL characters to a different page... cos that's the only one I have minor characters for... and there's a lot... lol.

Might group the minor-minor characters into one page...

And then there are people from my other SW endevours... Which all link in together into the big continuity of Beeurd's SW stuff. :p

Seriously, I'm very mindful of continuity when I make a SW character for an RPG. Just check Bucket's profile. :p


And then there is...

Stage III = Dead RPG Character profiles!! Mostly Minor RPs that I never got into that much... Plus the original GB RPGs. But then my GB RP Chapter 1 character was Jay... who is my character in JPL... lol.

Rambling. I need sleep. :p

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Looks a lot better than the Word doc. I have of my characters at home. :p

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