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Chapter 3: Archaic

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Layla's eyes seemed to soften at the sight of him. "Jaxon, it's good to see you too." And you look horrible...all that you endured, and now you turn to alcohol...?

She rose, walking over to give the repulsor-chaired man a hug, like any good houseguest would. She was trying to play the part after all.

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Deign smiled a little bitterly at the embrace, swallowing hard at the sight of his father's further deteriorating health since his last visit a month ago. "Hi Dad. How've you been?" As if I couldn't tell...

Jaxon waved off the question. "Ah, same old, same old, son. It's quiet around here without you. And just plain sad without Sena. After so long, I can't imagine what would have kept her away like this. But she's alright...."

Tera came back in with Layla's coffiene and an ale for Deign. "Supper's ready!" she called, summoning Deign's three remaining siblings, the youngest about twelve, the oldest barely sixteen. "Deign, you take your old place to the left of your father, Layla, you're next to Deign."

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"Thank you Tera." Layla took her seat wearily at Deign's side, crossing her legs beneath the table and set her drink down on the table in front of her. "So how has everybody been? You'll have to tell me everything I missed out on." She faked a smile.

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"Absolutely," agreed Aeric. "We'll contact Coruscant Security and have her and the entire staff brought in for questioning under suspicion of criminal association." The Captain checked his chrono. "Well, we shouldn't leave the rest of the squadron hanging much longer." He got up from his seat and started for the door, the others getting up to follow.

Just down the hall, the three officers and Jaim entered the pilot's lounge where the rest of Revenant Squadron was waiting.

Takeshi noticed some surprised expressions and stares, at his armour, when he came in but he avoided the looks, keeping his eyes on Captain Tunon.

When Jaim had taken a seat with the rest of the squad, Aeric started. "Sorry to cut your leave short but, as you're well aware, the base had been compromised. More specifically, the location was discovered by a bounty hunter on Ithyari. Then, earlier today, a mercenary attack force slipped through Altagak's sensor network and began landing ground forces while bombarding the base from orbit. The Screaming Mynocks held the ships in orbit at bay while the remaining base personnel, including Lieutenant Beskar," he glanced over at Tak, "and Officers Adarra and Nasrin, fought with the landing parties."

"Eventually, the mercenaries retreated once they achieved their objective." Aeric paused. "The capture of Officer Nasrin. Now, the attack and kidnapping was orchestrated by a man named Deign Argos. He is the leader of a criminal organization called Archaic, based out of Corellia. They have strong ties with the Imperials there. To make a potentially long story short, we've been tasked with a two-fold mission to rescue Layla and bring down the Archaic organization."

"Right now, I need to speak with Admiral Besav. Lieutenants, I will call you when it's time to resume planning. The rest of you, I want you all to get settled in. The NRDF has supplied us with rooms here, until we can establish a new base of operations. Your belongings, once they arrive, will be brought to your new accomodations. For now, you may go find out which ones are assigned to you. You can also feel free to explore any of the recreational facilities in the building, including the flight sims. If any of you have contacts that would know about Archaic, please find out what you can from them. Jaim, that's you...and Captain Fae, I think your services would be valued on this mission. Thank you."

Aeric turned and left the lounge, leaving Takeshi and Nat with the rest of the squadron.

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Tera began doling out portions, passing plates around with the eficiency of a woman accustomed to large meals. "Well Sena disappeared right about the same time you did. That's really been the focus these past four years. Jaxon's still not able to work, but Deign's been doing so well... with whatever it is exactly that he does... that I hardly have to work anymore myself. Deign told us that you two had some sort of disagreement or falling out or something of the sort. Next thing we know it's been three months and we haven't heard from you or Sena. Have you heard from her?"

Tera sat back into her chair, the plates all passed out and picked up her fork, though she seemed reluctant to start eating herself.

Deign, meanwhile, began eating slowly, keeping an eye on Layla's every reaction.

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Layla didn't so much eat as she pushed food around her plate. "Well, I haven't heard from her in a couple months, but the last she told me she was attending a very good school for electronics. She seemed very happy when I spoke to her. I'm sorry she hasn't contacted you, but she really wanted to surprise you when she gets her degree. I think she was also afraid that if she spoke to any of you that she would be compelled to return to Corellia and give all of that up."

The entire story was fabricated of course, a very well-constructed lie that she put together to not harm this family, which she still felt a connection too after all these years. "I think talking with you especially Jaxon would have caused her to give it all up and come home."

She could feel Deign's violet gaze on her, and wondered what he was thinking.

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Deign slowly put a bite in his mouth, chewed and swallowed it deliberately, his eyes on Layla the whole time, studying her. He was about to speak when his mother interrupted.

"Oh, I'm so glad to hear she's alright. See, Jaxon, I told you she's okay. Do you know how we can get in touch with her?"

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"I forgot her comm number back in my appartment." She shook her head, moving some more food around. She was afraid to eat or drink, not knowing how much control Deign had over this whole experience. "I'll have her call you though when her finals are over."

She turned and looked at Deign, having had enough of him watching her. She forced a smile. "I'm sorry, Deign dear...is something wrong?"

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Deign sneered back at her and brushed a stray lock of red hair from her eyes. "Not really. I can have someone get that number for you. No need to rush away on account of that." His look hardened imperceptively to everyone else, but it was certainly plain as day to Layla. "Or any other reason for that matter."

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She forced a smile, even though she wanted nothing more than to slide out of that hardened gaze, or slap the hand that dared to touch her. "Of course Deign. If you all don't mind I think I'm just going to run to the fresher quick. That coffiene's moving through me faster than I thought."

She uncrossed her legs and stood, ruffling Deign's younger brother's hair as she moved to leave the room, walking through the familiar house to the fresher. She closed the door behind her as she entered and breathed deeply as she let this character, this fake version of how she felt seep away.

Deign had turned into a monster, and this was just proving it all over again.

She placed her forehead against the mirror, and caught a reflection in it, a glimmer of hope that she hadn't even realized. A window. Taking her shoes off, she stepped into the tub and fought with the pane above it. Finally the old transparisteel budged. She threw her shoes out the window before climbing up and out of it in her blue cocktail dress, and running as quietly as she could across the grass, seeking to escape.

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Cale Sano stood on in the passengers hold of the shuttle to the Archaic base.

"We'll be there in a few minutes." The pilot said.

"Thank you." He said in a collected manner. No one saw him crying, so that means it never happened. I'm an idiot. I shouldn't allow emotions to rule over me. Ha, I'm better than this. He smiled, pushing out his chest to make him look "manlier" As the shuttle landed, he struk a pose of a holohero, then as the walkway extended down, he walked down, and overwalked the walkway, falling on his face. "Blast it all..." He got up and collected his fall. He looked around at the random people looking at him.

"You'd think that with technology today, that walkways would walk with you!" There were a few honest chuckles and he was sastified. He smiled, knowing that he did enough. He walked over to his office

"Sir, don't forget your appointment with Mr. Argos tomorrow afternoon." His assistant said to him.

"Yes, thank you." He walked in, noticing how there was a small amount of dust around. "What happened... bah, nevermind. Dust never bothered me." He sat down at his desk and started up his terminal. The background was a picture of him and Nasha in the countryside of Corellia. He smiled, and started to work.

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The Argos family exchanged smiling glances. Deign's youngest brother, Daryn looked up, as if listening to something. "Do you hear that? The plumbing's stopped rattling."

"I sure missed her, Deign," Tera said. "How could you have let a catch like that get away?"

Deign shook his head and was about to respond when he heard his comlink chime in a code. She's quicker than I thought. Deign rose hastily from the table. "I'm sorry, Mother, I'll be right back." He dashed to the front door, bringing his comm to his mouth and speaking into it in a hushed but urgent tone. "All units, intercept!"

Deign was through the door in time to see seven uniformed Archaic agents converge on Layla, taking her all the way to the ground. Deign was with them in an instant. "I told you not to try anything, Layla."

Layla kicked at him angrilly, yelling at the Archaic agents to get off of her.

Edited by Rogue

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At Deign's signal an agent stuncuffed Layla, another taking hold of her legs. Deign knelt in the grass so he could look her in the eyes.

"Did you honestly think I was trying to put everything back the way it was? Come on. You're smarter than that. Let me lay it out for you. You know where Sena is. And I want her back. I also have a feeling you have some very interesting information that will prove most valuable to the Empire. Now since you obviously can't be trusted, you won't be spending the night in that comfortable cell you were in at first, oh no. You're new accomodations will be a little more... restraining."

Edited by Pandora

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"You call those quarters comfortable? Psh." She glared up at him defiantly, struggling against her restraints. "And you tell me...if I thought you were trying to fix everything do you think I'd be running? Everything that's happened is your fault, Deign! Sena's gone because of you. I left because of you---you tried to kill me, then four years later you expect me to sit down with your family! You know what else---you're father's drinking problem is your fault too, Deign!"

Edited by Rogue

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Archaic, huh? Aston made a mental note to see if he had any contacts on Corellia who could be of assistance.

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"You heard the Captain," Nat said when he had left. "Before you start anything recreational though, like questioning Lieutenant Beskar on his new armor, I would appreciate it if you would all be sure to prep yourself for this next mission. We're not sure when exactly we're going to be ready to move out, but when we get the order I want to be ready to move immediatly."

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"Yes," agreed Takeshi. "And to get any questions out of the way now, yes, this is Mandalorian armour. Yes, I am a Mandalorian. I hid my true identity to avoid questioning by the Rebellion and persecution by the Imperials who killed my family. My real name is Takeshi Skirata. Everything else about me is still the same so the only thing you'll have to get used to is my wardrobe."

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Finishing his ration bar, Kaden took the news and mission objectives in without so much as a glimmer of surprise on his face.

Artie whistled softly to himself.

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Brier examined her nails as she got a bit singled out, and looked a bit too innocent at the moment. As she did so, however, she was able to keep an eye on Tak and take in his apperance without appearing to. Interesting. And if I'd known this, I could have just stayed home for a while longer... I shall look into this.

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Tyrena City

Deign couldn't hold back his rage anymore. He dragged Layla to her feet and backhanded her across the left cheek with his right hand. "You left out of fear and you know it! You know why I do what I do and you tried to hurt not only me but my whole family! And Sena is just as guilty! And you both ran away because you couldn't face the consequences of your actions!"

He turned his back on her and waved a hand in the general direction of a covered landspeeder. "Get her back to headquarters and lock her up."

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Layla felt the pain in her cheek, and knew that it would turn a lovely shade of purple in the morning. She wondered if those were the only colors Deign was used to anymore...black and blues, and blood red hues.

"You're right. We did run out of fear!" She said to his turned back. "We were both afraid of who you were becoming. And now...well I guess it's too late to fix that, isn't it? You're a regular Wilhuff Tarkin, and it's nothing to be proud of! You betrayed your sister, Deign, for a little taste of power. You betrayed me..."

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Deign refused to look at Layla. "Get her out of my sight before I do irreparable damage." With that he strode directly to his own speeder and jetted off to base.

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They herded the restrained Layla into the covered landspeeder, taking the long drive back to Archaic's base. Her cheek was already begining to bruise as she took the long walk towards the cell block. She tried to keep dignity and defiance in her look and stride. She was emotionally torn, betrayed, but she was nowhere near defeat.

She knew that she had used a Zeltron lead back there, telling Deign that it was too late to fix who he'd become. She had hoped he would take the bait, or the challenge. But he hadn't acknowledged it at all. She wondered if the boy she'd been so madly in love with was truly gone.

When the cell door closed behind her, she settled on the dingy cot, staring at the ceiling in wonder.

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Jaing Skirata had been roaming about the Archaic base ever since handing Layla Nasrin over to Argos. If he had something better to do, he would have left to do so. However, he currently had no contracts which meant that he could take his time around here.

For the first little while, Jaing had gone to find the in-house cantina. He had spent an hour or so there, casually drinking and talking with some of the Archaic thugs about the local happenings. The most interesting rumour was that Argos had been planning on bringing Layla to have dinner with his parents.

Crazy barve, he had thought. I hope Argos knows how insane and creepy that makes him look.

After finishing up at the bar, Jaing left and returned to his ship for a short time. He fed Mirdalan and then ate a meal himself, not wanting to risk sampling the local dishes. While he ate, he transferred his new earnings into various accounts and bought a number of stocks.

Jaing left his ship, a short while later, to continue his wanderings and search for more information. Eventually he found himself passing through the prisoner holds.

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Szen leaned over to Nima. "Do you want to do a check up before I try shooting and flying sims?" She stood up and waited for an answer.

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