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Bad furday

The Office

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Bad furday

Did anyone see last night's season finale of The Office? Technically, I watched it today, and ..


Naturally, Michael wanted a huge going away party for Toby. It was complete with ferris wheel, and inflatable play area and a tropical

sounding band. There were also fireworks! (don't you need a permit to shot them off in a city? lol)

Micheal also thinks he loves the new lady, Holly ( "Are you real or are you a Holly-gram?")

He also sings (badly) Supertramp. :p

Holly likes the big man (Kevin) and as they're walking out, Michael advises them to try The Glider Diner.

Squee!!! I've eaten there before! Brekkers 24 hours, and a better-then-the-Egg & Sausage-McMuffin thing!

During the fireworks, Jim has slid the box with the ring out of his coat pocket.

Pam has been accepted to the Pratt School of Design, so I guess Jim wants to propose before she leaves.

I thought Jim was really going to propose to Pam, but then Andy ruined the moment with his fumbled asking of Angela to marry him.

Jim obviously can't propose now. He's in shock and slips the box back into his pocket.

Later, Pam is sad and tells the camera that she was sure Jim was going to propose to her.

Meanwhile, Phyllis heads back into the office to find Dwight and the newly engaged Angela making out in a cubicle.

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Season 5 premieres with a 1 hour episode September 25th!

It's been so long because of the damned writer's strike...I can't wait! :D

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I should watch this show much more often than I actually do. :???:

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Good show, one of the better shows on TV, watch it!

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