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It's in theaters now but only limited release as far as I can tell because my local theaters are not offering it yet.

I hope it becomes more widespread because I think every human, especially shark haters, NEED to see this.

I think I'm gonna write my local theater and petition for it to be released here. You all should do the same. We need to get the word out that sharks are not our enemies.

It's horrible what humans are doing to sharks. We are butchering them for absolutely no reason.

I have to say that even though I like it as a film (a fictitious movie), I think Jaws, even after 25+ years, is still doing a disservice to sharks all over the world.

There are still people out there who think sharks are "bad news" and want to attack every human being on the planet.

By from years and years of watching various shows, including a lot of Shark Weeks on Discovery Channel, sharks are the completely opposite.

It's really our fault, as humans, who go into their territory thinking we are in control. It's not the shark's fault. They don't have fingers to feel things out; they use their teeth.

I saw one image this past summer on Shark Week that really chilled me to the bone, and it involved finning... where fishermen will catch sharks, cut off all their fins and their tail and toss them back into the ocean to drown. I will never get that image of that poor finless, tailless shark dropping down into the ocean out of my mind.

And for what? So some rich guy in Japan can have shark fin soup? It's horrible.

This also reminds me of that fisherman in Florida a few weeks ago who wasn't even fishing for sharks, but for another kind of fish. He happened to get a huge shark on his hook. Any self-respecting person would have let it go, especially since he wasn't even there to fish sharks in the first place. No, he wanted a big, pretty trophy so he dragged it to shore to show his friends.

Sharks are the big predators of the ocean. If we kill them off, then the whole ocean will die.

Please, please if you have any ounce of humanity left in you, you will go promote and see this documentary.

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A good thing, this is.

Moving it to Entertainment forum, though.

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Well, I'm not sure what good it'll do, since 99% of the world's population will never encounter a shark, unless a local aquarium just happens to have one. lol

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A good thing, this is.

Moving it to Entertainment forum, though.

Yeah, sorry about that. :p

It can do a lot of good. There are a lot of activists out there who never encounter what they are fighting for. All it takes is some willing people.

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It's playing in the UK now, starting today!


It was also nominated at for the Critics Choice Awards for Best Documentary... but it lost.

And, sadly, the Academy overlooked it for an Oscar nom.

Edited by Mara

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