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Guest Nameless Guest Formerly Known As


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Guest Nameless Guest Formerly Known As

*wanders in, lost, confused...he knows this is where he was headed, but why, where, how, who are all unanswered questions...This is the plight of the Nameless One.*

Okay, seriously, what happened to me? As in me, Occo, The Eternally Mana-Screwed? I know I visit GBN very rarely...but, come on, folks! Typing in your SN, double-confirming it, and getting a "username does not exist" message is VERY frustrating. So...what's wrong, how can I fix it, and how can I get back to being the fringe spice smuggler to GB.N's Republic?

And if I should be taking this somewhere else, do tell.

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Your SN is "Occo, The Eternally Mana-Screwed One" :p

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