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Science Fiction Fan Films

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Whats up science fiction fans? I thought you guys might enjoy this link. Its a science fiction fan film website with a streaming client broadcasting various science fiction fan films. The name of the web site is SciFan TV .

SciFanTV broadcasts a range of independent / fan produced science fiction films, including: Star Trek Hidden Frontier, Starship Exeter, Ryan K. Johnson's MST3K and Dr. Who films, and a number of others. SciFan TV also has a discussion board. The discussion board is reletivly inactive, but all are welcome to comment, discuss, suggest, etc...

Sci-Fan TV is a small "online TV network" showcasing fan-produced fiction. This online network is completely commercial-free and run as a non-profit. "Sci-Fan TV" is incorporated as a Louisiana Not-for-Profit with a web site at www.SciFanTV.com . It is sponsored by Mike O'Neal (www.MikeOneal.com), a science fiction fan, who enjoys fan-produced fiction. The SciFanTV service is offered completely free of charge with no banner ads or advertising of any kind.

PS. If anyone has any ideas of possible content to be added to SciFan TV please contact me. We are looking to make this website grow in both viewers and content for everyones enjoyment.


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