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The Cestus Deception [spoilers]

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You people are falling behind on the books... anyone else have it yet?

Editted to add spoiler warning to title.

Edited by TheUnknown

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And what exactly is this "it" you speak of?

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*Points to the title* The Cestus Deception, duh.

And I have the book, but I haven't read it yet. Looks good though.

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Well duh. I'm asking what --

Oh forget it. :p

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I haven't got it. I'm taking a break from the EU now that the NJO has finished. My bank account needs to recover a bit ;)

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Alright...uhh...provide some linkage with these threads of yours so I can see what they are.

If they aren't A: An X-wing book, B: A post-NJO book or C: A Corran Horn book....then they aren't worth my time :p

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Ok, I just finished it. If you don't have it yet, here's my advice, wait for the MMP. Save your wallet a good $20 for a book that wasn't quite good enough in my opinion. Well the book brought up some good ideas in theory, the writing style of Barnes wasn't that impressive. I got really sick of reading one and two page chapters, a book about the size of DW shouldn't have 80+ chapters.

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*does some searching*

Hardcover Clone Wars book.

Not interested in the Prequel books at all really. I dunno...perhaps it's because I know how it turns out...to an extent. Details don't really help, as long as I know what happens later.

I live for the furthering of the plot though, which is why the NJO and post-NJO make up the bulk of my interest.

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