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DISCUSSION: Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?

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I was thinking we can start something new where we discuss some of those great questions mankind has been pondering for centuries. Sorry of this is in the wrong place.

I think there are aliens. There has to be.

Look at probability alone. Our galaxy has billions of stars. Some say there are billions of galaxies. Our own solor system has a sun with medium heat, medium gravitational pull. But it has nine planets, ninety-something moons, and who knows how many asteroids. Imagine how many planets bigger stars would have.

And the elements that make us up: nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, magnesium, cholorine, etc. aren't exactly rare.

I think the probablility is good based on that.

Not to mention, they say there might have once been life on Mars. That would be two planets in one solar system with life.

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In terms of any sort of life on other planets, yes, I think it does exist. It's quite probable that some planet somewhere in the galaxy has the correct conditions in which bacteria or ameobas could form. I really don't see how there couldn't be life of some sort on other planets.

Sentient life, on the other hand... I haven't an opinion.

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I believe in the possibility of other sentient life in our galaxy...taking into account the different equations and theories.

Hehe...my personal favorite is the Drake equation that states:

N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L

N = The number of civilizations in Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.

R* = The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life, in stars per year.

fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.

ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.

fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.

fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.

fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.

L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space, in years.

Doing the appropriate calculations it comes out to 50 civilizations that are emitting an electromagnetic signal. There are a number of estimates that have been made so the equation isn't at all accurate but this is the best and most popular method.

Now, if the planets were spread out evenly...the next civilization to us would be 120 parsecs away which would be 3 702 809 000 000 000 km away.

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There has to be some form of life somewhere else in the galaxy, maybe not in our own system.

I doubt we'll descover any other intelligent life in our lifetimes though... But I could be prooved wrong, we'll just have to wait and see.

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Bad furday

Yay for the Drake equation! :D

Yes, I feel that there must be life out among the universe. It would not be logical or make sense that we're the only form of intelligent life out there.

Now, whether or not the extraterrestrial beings are sentient enough to pick up and reply back to any variety of the signals we've been sending them, that's another matter altogether.

However, the discovery that we are not alone in the universe will be quite possibly the greatest scientific discovery of all time!

Or: There may already be life out there, which knows of our existence, yet has decided not to communicate with us, as it doesn't wish to be found.

Think about it. If their technology is ahead of ours, what do we have to offer them?

I don't think that any aliens would like to be part of any of our national and international conflicts that we carry out.

But, if I'm wrong about that and I hope I am, then let them come and see what life is like here on Earth!

I wonder if we could set up some sort of terrestrial/extraterrestrial student exchange program? :lol: :p

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There's life out there somewhere, I just don't believe that we have the technology to find it yet. Maybe we need to get hyperdrives...

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Oh it's out there somewhere. But until we can get faster-than-light technology, we'll have to wait for them to find us.

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Bad furday

When I'm abducted by aliens, I want to fly their ship. You know how much fun that would be?! :lol:

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That's after the gang probe right Furday?

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Bad furday

Ah, F the probe. I'll talk.

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They'll probe you just to see what the insides of a wookiee look like. :p

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Bad furday


One would hope they have more advanced methods of seeing what's inside of something other than a probe! :p

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It would be cool finding out alien technology.

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For about a week, me and my mom both had the same dreams about being abducted by aliens, and we found some small things missing from the house. Talk about freaky.

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*X-files music starts playing in the background*

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Yay for Aliens..

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You're an alien!

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Hey..thats not way to treat Canadians :wink:

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I'm an alien, something alien. I'm and Englishmen in New York..

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Meh, Canadians are almost Michiganders. I guess you're not so alien.

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*sniff* thank you :p

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Anytime Cheezeboy.

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Bah..you and your deragatory nicknames...I would presume Admin to be more sensitive towards others feelings :p

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You never said anything about it. If you want me to stop, I'll stop.

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No..I'm fine with it...just trying to confound and confuze you with my intricate style...and....stuff..

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