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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2015 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I thought it was tremendous fun. It was a great adventure movie and I truly cared about the characters and their plight. In all, it was a truly strong beginning to the sequel trilogy and Episode VIII can clearly do some very interesting things with the characters. There are still many questions over Rey and I think that's exciting. I thought at the beginning that Ridley may have been miscast but I'm hoping she simply has space to grow in VIII and IX into a different sort of character as Rey accepts her future. My cristisisims are fairly minor in all but I did find the use of the force toward the end to be very curious. There wasn't any set up for it at all and it seemed to come out of the blue. It felt to me that slightly different rules applied for that moment from what was established in the previous six movies in terms of training and ability. I could have done with a little more exposition on the state of the Galaxy and the relationship between the Republic and the Resistance etc. That said, it was a similar amount of exposition to ANH in terms of politics so maybe I'm being a tad unfair there. Finally, Starkiller base was just perry pointless in my opinion. We didn't need another super weapon and it wasn't set up as well as the Death Star in my opinion. It was just an excuse for a dogfight from what I could see. I was far more interested in the main leads and what was happening there. It wasn't perfect and it was clearly a very different film to the one Lucas would have made (which I still am very curious about) but boy, it was good fun. Can you ask for much more?
  2. 1 point
    I loved it! It had the right blend of OT and prequel. The perfect Star Wars feel.
  3. 1 point
    So now we know which rumours were true... Honestly I loved it. I have heard a lot of people complain that it was all fan-service, but I think it had just the right amount. There are definite parallels that can be drawn between TFA and the original trilogy, and a lot of joyous moments that captured the spirit of Star Wars perfectly. I really liked the bit where Kylo Ren Rey's origins are left somewhat mysterious. I'm sure we will find out in time, though. And then there is that bit. The bit that I feel is too spoilery even for spoiler tags. I'm sure I have more to say, but my thoughts are still jumbled right now.
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