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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    :D I aim to please!
  2. 1 point
    AYINGEL!!!!!!!! What KIND of cake? Homemade or store bought and full description please!!! oh... so yeah... http://orlando.craigslist.org/tlg/2469891766.html You're welcome girls.
  3. 1 point
    I only text if my car is stopped. Plenty of studies have shown cell phone use while driving is as bad or worse than driving drunk. Of course my argument is you can put the phone down. Still, there are responsible ways to use a phone while driving. Hands-free is one option (although I've heard of studies that say the hands-free isn't any better). Personally, when I talk on my phone in the car, I'm barely paying attention to the coversation; my focus is on the road. And there have been nights I might not have made it home without someone talking to me keeping me awake. I dislike blanket legislation since it punishes those of us who are responsible. Still this is a huge problem and something does need to be done about it. I just don't know what.
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