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What Threat To The Bush Administration Are You?

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Theres nothing to bith about. Quiz is racist. Obvious and harmless observation.

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They're making a point, Corsec. A political comment on the mindset of many Americans. Many very stoopid Americans. Not to say it's right, but if you'll read the quiz in context, I'm fairly confident the writer is not racist towards those from the Middle East.

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I got republican. Heart attacks all around... :roll:

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They're making a point, Corsec. A political comment on the mindset of many Americans. Many very stoopid Americans. Not to say it's right, but if you'll read the quiz in context, I'm fairly confident the writer is not racist towards those from the Middle East.

yes, exactly

Edited by Disney Junkie

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They're making a point, Corsec. A political comment on the mindset of many Americans. Many very stoopid Americans. Not to say it's right, but if you'll read the quiz in context, I'm fairly confident the writer is not racist towards those from the Middle East.

If thats the case...then the mindset of many Americans appears to be racist. *shrug*

Edited by Disney Junkie

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Lol, Yay! You finally got the point of it! :p

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It's a joke. It's suppose to say; Republican Americans i.e The Bush Asociation think that all people from the middle east are dangerous and have a high 'threat rating'.

Not that all Americans are racist. Because, that, would be racist. :)

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Niether are all Republicans racist, I might add.

The fact that 19 of the 20 9-11 highjackers came from Saudi Arabia is not racism, it's fact.

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The fact that 19 of the 20 9-11 highjackers came from Saudi Arabia is not racism, it's fact.

Thats not the point. Labelling all Middle-Eastern people as terrorists is racism. A vast generalization.

Edited by Disney Junkie

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I'm sorry, but I just don't see the validity of what you're saying. No one in the Bush administration ever said all Muslims are terrorists. It's the administration that actually said this isn't a war against Middle Easterners or Muslims. Killing anyone is against the Islamic faith. Terrorism is terrorism. It just happens to be muslim RADICALS that are commiting the crimes.

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Terrorism is Terrorism...Terrorists are extremists who are dissatisfied with a government ((just happens to be the US's now...but any government))...it is not a country...why the hell are we attacking one. You can't invade/attack an idea. US is invading and bombing on "Suspected" terrorists...that means you kill anyone who doesnt like the government...why have they not attacked the Germans or French who dont like the US? They're asuming that the Muslims will be the radical ones...that's racism too.

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*points at the thread title*

No arguing. There is another thread for this discussion.

And yes, GI, I'm serious.

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:angel: :p

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Niether are all Republicans racist, I might add.

Yep. realised my mistake after I posted it. Didn't edit it cause i was too lazy.

It's a stereotype. 'Tis all.

Edited by Disney Junkie

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Threat rating: extremely low. You may think you can subvert the government, but if you should try you will be smited mightily because God likes us best.

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They're underestimating me...at their expense.

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Same as above.

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Threat rating: High. The Bush administration is concerned that it may not get a second term. Therefore, we are going to change the rules so that each Democrat vote only counts as 0.2 votes because Democrat is a shorter word than Republican

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*dies laughing* :rofl:

Edited by Rogue

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im a republican! dang! i hate republicans!

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