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Day One: Introductions

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"Well, I see you and you're girl are back to being buddy-buddy." Neil observed. "And acting the maggot already I see."

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A vaguely deep, cat-like growl rumbled from Marcus' throat. "It was a misunderstanding. Things are under control now." He seemed to calm down a bit, then asked. "Heading back to the house now?"

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Neil nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, I was about to head back and hit the hay. You coming along for the ride? Or is your lassie going to drive you to Mystique's?"

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Marcus looked over to Natalie. She was standing a couple metres away, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. Turning back to Neil, he said, "I'll catch a ride with you. Just gimme a sec."

He went back over to Natalie and said, "I'm gonna ride with him. Thanks for the offer, though. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He smiled.


Peter beat the others back to the mansion, far ahead of the other vehicle. The race had been close up until about half-way, when Scott's convertible suddenly slowed down. Peter had laughed then, figuring Jean probably had something to do with that.

The others finally arrived after Peter had parked, unlocked the door and deactivated the entry security.

Edited by Drake

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"I'll see you tommorrow then." She told him with a smile, before looking over his shoulder at Neil and then back to him. "Be careful. Remember what I said alright?" Natalie waved before heading to her truck to head home.

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Chase found his brother and grabbed him by the arm, "Hey Danny, come on let's get home."

"Alrighty bro," Danny replied. As they walked to the car, Danny said goodbye to Neil and promised that he'd pay a visit to the Brotherhood HQ soon.

"Who was that?" Chase asked, pondering Peter's reaction upon seeing Neil.

"Oh, just a friend..." Danny dismissed.

"A mutant?"

"Yeah, cos I can only have mutant friends now," said Danny sarcastically.

"Well, sorry for asking..." Chase muttered as they pulled out of the Cove's carpark.

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Lance and Kelly just sat back on the bar-like area watching the ending of the concert, and looking at all the mess that they were going to have to clean up. Kelly leaned heavily against Lance, her head on his shoulder, as if she were about to fall asleep, and he wrapped his arm snugly around her shoulders.


Brett just sat back and watched everyone, never talking to anyone, but instead watching the behaviours and actions of all those around him during the concert and party.


Catalina apologized to Joseph that she had to leave when she saw what time it was, but smiled before turning and heading back to her home, which was close enough to the beach not to be a huge problem.

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Peter stood back as the others passed him and went into the mansion. Lila was last and Peter stopped her. "Would you like to stay here for the night? Should I drive you back to where you are staying to get your things or drop you off?"


Neil drove Mystique's convertible back to the Brotherhood boarding house with Marcus riding along in the passenger's seat. Neil drove at unsafe speeds once again and they were soon parked back in their garage and inside, getting ready to turn in for the night.

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Lila thought about it for a minute. "Yeah, getting back to the hotel would probably be a good idea. Just let me grab my computer." She ran upstairs and grabbed her bag. "Do you think I'll be able to get a ride with my stuff tomorrow morning before school?"

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"Da," said Peter. "I will come over with the X-Van. School starts at 9? I will come at 8:30, okay?"

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Joseph stayed for one more song before finding his friend and getting a ride home. He hadn't realized how late it was and knew he would be sorry when his alarm went off at 6:00 the next morning. But he had fun, and it had been worth it.

He locked the door behind him and quietly went up the stairs, knowing his mother would be in bed already.

* * * * * * * * * * *

August knew it would be fairly certain that Bridget and the others would be the last ones to leave, so she took a moment during a particularly loud and rousing song, noticing all the girls dancing with some guys from school, to steal away towards the parking lot and get into her red Mercedes convertible.

She unlocked it and got in, taking a deep breath to calm herself. The back of her head was telling her something might be happening. Good or bad, she didn't know.

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