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(( No worries... she's never been down there before, so she might get lost. :p))

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((so :p i renamed it.>> :p joking i didnt.. :p and why should you be allowed to control yoda :p ))

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((alright kinda lost as to how to conduct the vote so im gonna need a third party if anyone will help me with this... me and gi are online i dunno if he will post right away tho? :p))

<In addition to the Fund we are hiring outside council to investigate this murder... i fear it may have been plotted within these very walls... but the investigator will do his job...>

hmm that will keep them busy for the next couple of months with paper work... hehehe, soon i will control them.

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They walked down the street, no one paying them any mind because Lara blended in with her black clothing. She strolled, with Tooky coming up behind and to her right, treading at point to keep guard. Lara caught her reflection in a shop window and noticed how worn and old her face looked. She sighed. Tooky warbled at her.

"No, everything's fine, Tooky. I was just thinking."

He tootled a question.

She smiled, "No, not that. Just realizing how much all the past years have taken a toll on me. After all this, I need --- we all need a good rest. " She patted his metal head. "Isn't that right?" Tooky beeped shortly as if to mean 'yes.'

Out of her reverie, she moved on down the street, Tooky getting in line diagonally behind her. Well, maybe all those events have made me wiser behind my years... She laughed at herself at the pure absurdity of the thought. Her, Lara, at not quite 30 yet. Get ahold of yourself, Lara...

Edited by Mara

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Rakkan waited outside the doors of the Jedi Council chamber for his summons to enter. He was lost in thought when a familiar sigh grabbed his attention. He smiled as he looked down upon his old Master.

"Have something on your mind, do you?" Yoda asked.

"Master Yoda, I was just thinking about a connection through the Force I received right before I called you on Geonosis. That is what I wish to speak with you about after the Council meeting" Rakkan said.

"Hmm, indeed. Troubled, your thoughts are. Speak with you, I shall." Yoda nodded then continued, "Come! Waits for us, the Council does."

The doors parted for Yoda and Rakkan followed him in. The old Master walked to his seat. Rakkan stood at the centre of the ring of Masters. Among the higher ranking Jedi sat Master Tram Good, a blonde-haired human from Corellia. There was also Undala Veda, a Twi'lek; Ak Sook, a Gran; and Kallabacca, a Wookiee. There were several others, of differing species, making up the 12 member Council.

Master Tram nodded to Rakkan. "Please tell us your report on the situation on Geonosis."

Rakkan bowed, "Thank you for seeing me, Masters. I have been to Geonosis and discovered something troubling."

Yoda nodded in agreement. "Sense that much from you, we can. Please continue, Master Rakkan."

"Indeed. Though the Geonosians gave no visual clues as to what they were up to, I sensed that they were hiding something from me. I looked into it and discovered that there is currently a particularly large political debate going on behind closed doors. I believe that one faction is being pursuaded by an outside source and the other factions are unwilling to go along with them."

"Do you know who this mysterious outside source may be?" asked Master Veda.

Rakkan seemed to consider it for a moment. "No...but I am willing to find out."

Yoda huffed. "Make our own decisions on what mission you shall take, the Council will."

Rakkan smiled. He's had this discussion with Master Yoda many times before and they always ended the same way. "Apologies, Master. I mean no disrespect. It's just that I don't like to see a mystery unsolved."

Yoda nodded and chuckled. "Know us too well, you do."

Master Tram nodded. "Return to the region and find out who's making the Geonosians nervous. You have the full support of the Jedi Council."

"Thank you Masters" Rakkan bowed. "May the Force be with you."

The other Masters nodded. Master Veda replied for them, "May the Force be with you as well."

Rakkan nodded and stepped out of the Coucil chambers. A moment later, Yoda joined him.

"Speak in my quarters, we will. Come" Yoda said as he walked.

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"Tooky, let's go down a few levels here. That lift there on the left. It's empty."

The little bluish droid tootled his agreement and entered, Lara following. They rode in silence for a few minutes before getting back out again.

"We could just go straight down, but again, I'm not sure where this place is exactly. I need ...landmarks or something." She walked along the street. "My last years on Coruscant were spent elsewhere... "

Hmm... She ran through all the memories she had relating to pubs. She came up with many, but nothing on Coruscant named the Rompin' Rondo. Nothing on Coruscant, really.

"Well, I guess we wander some more, Tooky. I can't place it yet."

Boopity boop.

They continued down streets, taking the random lift, gradually going from the middle of the city plant towards the upper lower part, Lara stopping to glance in windows along the way to keep up appearances.

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Yutti stands up to lead the vote.

<Fellow councilers. The time to vote for a new president is now. Please remember to vote with your instincts of who you believe would be the best for Druckenwell. Please submit your votes now.>

*Sits back down and submits his own vote*

((There sent...do your evil deeds now :p))

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Yoda and Rakkan take a seat on the raised, circular mats in the diminutive Jedi's quarters.

"Something you have to say, do you?" asked Yoda.

"Yes, Master" replied Rakkan, "Right before I left Geonosis, I suddenly felt a distant cry through the Force. The connection was weak when it reached me but the power behind it was obvious for the call originated near the Core."

Yoda nodded then said, "This call...respond to it, did you?"

"Indeed. I believe the caller was a Jedi Knight who left the Order. I'm not sure, but I think that she was..."

"Lara Tralant" Yoda finished.

"Yes" said Rakkan somberly.

"She is a Jedi Master. Hard to bury those powers, it is. What did you say to her?"

"I told her to return to Coruscant."

Yoda smirked. "Think she will come, do you?"

"Perhaps. I told her to meet me at the Rompin' Ronto. She would not have come back if she had to return to the Temple" Rakkan admitted.

"No. Too stubborn, she is, for that...but too curious, she is, to remain on Fresia."

Rakkan tilted his head. Yoda no doubt sensed his curiosity. "How do you know where she lives?"

Yoda chuckled before saying, "Think I was made the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, do you, without knowing a thing or two? Hmm?" He laughed again.

Rakkan laughed as well. "I would hope so!"

This caused Yoda to go into another fit of laughter.

"Okay, young Master Yoda. What do you think I should do? I told Lara that I would meet her."

Yoda quickly sombered up though lines of mirth still sat at the corners of his eyes. "Meet her...yes. Go to the Rompin' Ronto and help her, you must. Dangerous, she is, if left in her state."

"Very well. Thank you Master." Rakkan stood and bowed. "May the Force be with you."

With that, Rakkan left Yoda's quarters. He made his way back to his own room.

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(( Assuming too much, Yoda is :p ))

"See anything yet, Tooky?"


"Yeah, neither do I." They continue walking down the street they are on, looking for the Rompin' Ronto. Lara yawned.

"I'm still not used to these time changes. Even with all the travelling I do."

Tooky chittered in agreement.

"Well, I don't see this Ronto place anywhere. Maybe we should ask someone." She continued on a bit, then entered a shop on the right.

"Hello.. can someone help me?"

"Would you like to purchase something?" came a husky human male voice.

Lara quickly glanced around herself, noticing she was in some type of adult shop for various species.

"Oh, no, no. No thank you, Sir. I was just wondering about some directions. I'm looking for something called the Rompin' Ronto."

"That name is not familiar to me.

Requis! Come out here and help out this lady." A Weequay came from the back and the man repeated what Lara had asked.

"Oh yes, I know that place. At least I think so. Nice place, a bit rough." He said, minutely sizing her up. But he went on with directions anyway. "Go down this street aways, then go down eleven levels, turn left, go down a block, go down another level and head right. Can't miss it. Giant flashing Ronto sign."

"Oh, thank you." She nodded to the two and followed Tooky out of the door.

"Are you sure you don't wish to purchase anything?

"Yes, Sir, I am. Thank you again." She sent a subtle Force nudge to the man to divert attention while she and Tooky headed down the street.

They found a lift at the end of the street and got in to head down eleven levels.

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