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Spin off movies?

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Apparently there are going to be some spin off movies. I've heard rumors of one based on the Han Solo Trilogy and another one focused on Yoda. What think you?

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James the Defender

As long as they're done with taste and don't mess with the EU any, I'm good with it. (That's a ton to ask, I know.)

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Bad furday

If one of the stand alone films was a Boba Fett movie, I'd love it if it opened with a shot of the sarlacc....and then there's an explosion, and the sarlacc blows up, and a hand comes crawling out over the edge, and then the screen goes black.

And it could be like a semi back story to Fett....and Han Solo in carbonite, with the other bounty hunters chasing him, ala It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. :p

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