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Fascist school district bans shorts; boy wears skirt instead

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A fascist school district in England tried to implement a school uniform, and students protested. As part of the protest, one male student wore female clothing in order to get the point across. We had a gigantic 12+ page debate on Bungie.net, a debate which me and the other anti-school uniform people won and left the anti-individualism in the dust. Here's the link, what are your thoughts?


Edited by samusaran253

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We had that happen at my school the year before I started high school. The rules were changed shortly after the incident. Originally, the guys weren't allowed to wear anything other than jeans or khakis (or dress pants, obviously), but since there is no AC and no windows, he turned to a drastic measure of a skirt.

The sad thing is, on Nationality day my junior year, someone in the class below me was suspended for a day for wearing a legitimate Irish kilt.

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I'd hardly say the school was fascist. If I remember correctly the school actually said they supported his right to protest in the way that he did.

The school could have handled that problem better, rather than let it reach that point, and I believe they did actually review their uniform policy in the end.

I'm pro-uniform, but it shouldn't be so strict in a lot of cases... There should definitely be room for pupils to express their individuality; it is possible to look respectable and express yourself at the same time.

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