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Radioactive Isotope

Star Wars Stamps - Vote for your favorite!

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Radioactive Isotope


The US postal service is releasing commemorative stamps to celebrate the 30th anniversary of ANH coming out in theaters. Click on the above web site and enter to win a 5 day 4 night paid stay at a hotel and passes to C4, your flight and about $2,000 spending cash as well for 3 people. You can also vote for your favorite stamp once a day.

i've already entered, and the little quiz thingy you have to take is so easy you could do it in your sleep.

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Probably for US citizens only, lol.

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There's also a few R2-D2 mailboxes around the country....

None close to me, though.

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I saw one of the R2 mailboxes when I was in Boston the other day. Didn't have my camera, though.

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Only one of the 15 stamps will be released into a separate sheet... you can decided which it will be!

Vote every day....

Plus, enter the sweepstakes for prizes...

The trivia is easy. :p

(And the shipping methods are as well, but you get second tries if you are wrong).

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