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Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 4:25 PM
OK, well, what do we do, guys? We have a mad Sith masquerdign as our brother who's holding our bro captive and we are in his own imaginary country. Any suggestions?" asked Jaina.
"Uh, talk about it over a beer? And find Valin and Jysie?" suggested Tahiri.
"Beer, yes, well, actually, close; little kids, no." replied Jaina.
"Uh, let me rephrase: talk about it over a CASE of beers and find Anakin?"
"Much better! We have a plan!" exclaimed Jaina.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 4:26 PM
<the Continued part may be in like 10 minutes, but it's coming!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 4:52 PM
After several beers each, and for Tahiri a can or two of WD-40, they had figuered out a plan: hopefully, John still liked Tahiri, so she would pretend not to know that he wasn't Anakin and distract him, while the others dtage a jail break and free Anakin and the rest of the aprrentices and Masters. So, Tahiri, staggered into "Anakin's throne room", and hiccuping softly, slurred,"Hey, there Anakin! How are you today? You've been awfully grumpy~ sumthin' amatter? You can tell me all about it..." she saw John/Anakin lick his lips, and he started into a long detailed descreptive complaint on how his kitchen duty (Jaina) wasn't working efficiently enough, how his waitresses (Tahiri) wern't polite enough, how his maid service (Jacen) didn't dust properly, and you get the idea. Meanwhile, the Punks were working hard at getting the Jedi freed....
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 7:02 PM
Ok, I'll post now.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 7:08 PM
The Punks crept through the bowels of the Super Star Destroyer. They hoped Tahiri was keeping John sucessfully distracted.
The Punks hurried through miles of corridors, traveling deeper into the ship. Eventually, they came to a turbolift.
"We should go down," said Jaina, "I feel Anakin's presence below us." Jacen pressed the down arrow on the wall. After a few moments of waiting, the turbolift arrived. The Punks entered the lift and pressed the down button. Swanky turbolift music was played over loudspeakers as the lift descended.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 7:16 PM
Suddenly, Jaina cried,
"Stop the lift, he's on this deck!"
Using the Force, the Punks slowed the turbolift to a stop. Glancing up at the numbers, Zekk said,
" how can he be on this deck? It's impossible, dude!"
The lift had stopped between decks 114 and 115.
"I don't know, but somehow Anakin is being held between these two decks!" exclaimed Jaina. Thinking quickly, she said.
"Let's all use the Force to open the lift doors. It's worth a look."

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 7:35 PM
The turbolift doors opened....

And the Punks stepped onto a deck that did not exist in the ship's records.

A long hallway, with walls and floor coverd in a layer of dust from neglect, greeted the Punks. Cautiously, The Punks crept through this ancient laybrinth, their footsteps echoing in the eerie silence.
"Look!" whispered Tenel ka, "Footprints. John's to be exact!"
"How do you know this?" asked Jacen.
Tenel Ka knelt down in the corridor and examined the dusty footprint.
"Well, the left one says'Darth John is the Sith's gift to women'. The right one says 'If you're following me, back off or be slain!' The prints do speak for themselves"
The Punks looked at each other. It was proof enough. Now they had to rescue Anakin.
.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 8:00 PM
<sorry, all i'm posting again...such torture i put everyone through, i know, it's just i won't be able to get on for a few days.... :D >

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 8:07 PM
"Sithspawn, this guy has one huge ego!" murmured Jaina. "I mean, come on, who personalizes shoe soles?! That was sooo last millennia!"
"This is a fact, friend Jaina." commented Jaina.
"We're almost there, I can sense him!" exclaimed Jacen excitedly.
Lowie grumbled something indecipherable.
It hit Zekk suddenly. "Guys,"he said, "Guys, are we sure this isn't a trap?"
"Positive. And if it is, who cares? Impossible and Dangerous are our stocks in trade!" said Jaina enthusiastically.
"It's not good to have to much stock like that in this market..."muttered Zekk under his breath.
"What was that, Zekk dear?" Jaina smiled sweetly.
"Aw, nuthin'."
"Here, he's in this holding cell!" shouted Jaina.
"AA23?" asked Tenel Ka, reading the plate.
"Yuppers. This is the one! Hang on for just a little bit longer, Little Brother!"
<ok, i've said my bit! g'nite all!>

Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 9:44 AM
The Punks, sans Anakin and Tahiri, made their way along the dusty corridor towards the cell where Jaina felt certain anakin was. They were almost there when, to Anja's horror, Lowie turned out to be asthmatic. She took him back to the turbolift while the others continued, clouds of dust rising at their every footfall.

Jaina led the way, her hand unconciously sliding into Zekk's as the ancient lights flickered and buzzed. They reached the cell, and she called out for her younger borhter. There was no reply.

Jacen had been thinking as they walked, and a frown crossed his face.

"What is it, friend Jacen?" Tenel Ka asked, the musty air deadening the sound.

'Deadening' thought Jacen, 'not good'. "How come we can sense Anakin now, when we haven't been able to for the rest of the time on this ship?"


Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 9:44 AM
Jaina stared at him. "Um, maybe the ysalamiri moved, or wandered off, or something?" She suggested nervously.

"Trap." Zekk stated.

"You want an 'I told you so' with that?" Jaina snapped, whipping her hand out of his.

"Well I did!" He snapped back.

"WE have not been trapped yet," Tenel Ka pointed out diplomatically. "Perhaps we should open the door."

"Yeah," Jacen agreed, as uneasy as Zekk in the 'dead' surroundings.

Jaina shoved her sabre into the locking pad, and as it crackled and melted, the door hissed ponderously open.

"Trap. Told you so." Zekk said.

*Cadet 04* (Thought I'd leave it ambigous)

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 9:55 AM
Okay, I'll post now. It'll probably be bad and short, but, that's what I gt for reading DJ. I hope it has a better ending....

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 10:47 AM
Staring back at them was the old Sith the Punks had encountered under the ground on Yavin 4, flanked by a large contingent of strmtroopers.

"Ahh. I knew you'd find your way here."

Jaina sneered. "Well, aren't we the perseptive one."

Tenel Ka spoke up: "Where is Anakin?"

The old man chuckled. "Oh, he is in good hands, don't worry. Why? Were you surprised that he wasn't here?"

"Some of us," Zekk said, rolling his eyes. Jaina elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow!"

"Enough if this!" Jacen yelled. He angled his lightsaber towards the geezer. "You tell us where my brother is, or we can take out all of your bodygaurds, and then come after you."

The Sith didn't move.

"What'll it be, old man?" Jacen asked.

The Sith chuckled evilly.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 10:50 AM

"'We can take out all of your bodygaurds, and then come after you.'" Jaina mocked. "And at which point, did you consider the fact that we were SLIGHTLY outnumbered?!"

Jacen struggled in his bonds to face his sister. "If I weren't tied down, I'd come over there and kick your butt for that."

"Well, the fact of the matter is, ding-bat brother of mine, you ARE tied down: just like the rest of us! Why? Because YOU had to charge into battle, lightsaber drawn, banners flying, WITHOUT YOUR BRAIN!!!"

"Oh, so it's my fault?"

"Yes!" eveyone answered in unison."

"Friends!" Tenel Ka yelled over the comotion. "Forgive me, but SHUT UP! This very counterproductive."

Zekk sighed. "She's right guys. I'd untie the ropse with the Force, but that 'old man' was smart enough to put an ysalamiri over there."



Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 10:50 AM
"Well, at least Lowie, Anja and Tahiri are free," Jacen put in.

"Yeah," Jaina said. "But what about US? How does that help US? They can't find us! Anja doesn't have the Force, Lowie can't sense us, and John's probably got Tahiri doing something dispicable."

Zekk grimaced. "Aw, Jaina! Thanks for the mentle image!""Should try screaming for help?" Jaina asked sarcastically.

No one answered.

"HELP!!!" Jaecn yelled.

Tenel Ka couldn't take it anymore. "JACEN!!!! Knock-- it-- OFF!!!!" she said through clenched teeth.

"Well , at least I'm making an effort."

"Yeah, just like you made an effort of threatening a Sith and 75 stormtroopers," Tenel Ka relpied.

"Tenel Ka: always the ever-serious one," Jaina said.

Zekk noticed something and sat up. "Hey, guys? We are tied together, correct?"

"Yes, Zekk," Jaina answered. "How very observant of you."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 10:51 AM
"Thank you. But what is keeping us from moving?"

"Zekk, honey. We are tied up. maybe they made yours too tight, because I think the bloodflow is being choked off from your brain."

Zekk shook his head. "No. We are sitting on the floor, all facing different directions. But, what is holding us on the floor? Besides gravity, knuckle-heads."

"Nothing!" Jaina said. "Zekk you're a genious! I'd kiss you, but you're kinda out of reach."

"That's okay. I can wait."

Jacen rolled his eyes. "So can I."

"What do you propose we do, friend Zekk?"

"On the count of three, we'll stand up and move towards the ysalamiri. Jacen, That's where you come in: you're going to coax it away."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 10:52 AM
"I would love to, but I don't have the Force."

"I know," Zekk said, seriously. "That's why it's going to be you and not any of us."

Jacen let out a resigning sigh. "Some things you just never win."

"And then, since they weren't smart enough to leave a gaurd, we'll find something sharo lying around and cut the ropes."

"Sounds good to me," Jaina said.

"Okay, ready? One... two... three."

The group struggled to their feet. Luckily, the dark room they were in had a smooth floor and plenty of traction.

They inched towards the ysalamiri, with Jacen facing it. "Go on little guy," he said. "Come on, get out of here!"

The creature stepped inquistivly towards Jacen. "Go away!" After another minute or so of coaxing, Jacen did the obvious: he kicked it with all his might, sending it flying down a corridor.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 10:52 AM
"Now we have to cut these bonds," Jaina said, looking around.

"There," Tenel ka said. "That bulkhead looks rough. Zekk, can you break the ropes on it?"


"Wait a second!" Jaina said, the Force flooding back to her. "I have a better idea." She found a grip on the Force, and telekinetically pulled her lightsaber to her from across the room. It floated throughthe air and cut through the ropes between herself and Tenel Ka.

Freed, the other Punks retrieved their lightsabers and clipped them to their belts and ran down the hall.

"Well, that was easy," Jacen said. "Why?"

"Plot convenience," Jaina said. "We can't die yet: we're the good guys!"

"Or they have something terrible waiting for us," Zekk said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, would you stop being so pessimstic!" Jaina scolded.

"Yeah man," Jacen added. "Your glass is really half-empty."

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 10:54 AM
Okie-day. I'm done now. I know it's stupid,
but, oh well. It's longer than I thought it would be!

Sorry it took so long!

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 1:24 PM
Well, fine then! No one's on it seems, so I'll post again.

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:14 PM
sorry, it's coming!

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:16 PM

"Come on, you fools! The others must be around here somewhere!" The old Sith man yelled at his stormtroopers.

The captain confronted him with a slaute. "My Lord, perhaps they have left the ship?"

The old man planted a right hook squarely on his helmet, making it spin painfully around. He whirled to face the troops. "Anyone else think they've left?"

The only answer he received was an immediate scurring of white armor to find Anja and Lowie.

The geezer smiled. "I can sense them. They're around here somewhere. Come on. The alien's presence is coming from this direction." He led the troops down an adjacent corridor.

"Oh no!" Anja breathed, seeing the Sith lord leading 67 stormtroopers straight towards them. "They nust've gotten the others!"

She pushed Lowbacca in the opposite direction. "Come on, Lowie. Honey, we can't take them all! We have to run. It's our only chance!"


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:18 PM
Lowie finally saw what Anja was talking about and was overcome by a violent asthma attack. Anja shoved an inhalor in his mouth and dragged him down the corridor. 'Some andris would be very helpful right about now,' she thought, but quickly pushed the thought from her head and griited her teeth.

"Lowie, not so much!" She yanked the inhalor out of his mouth. "You're going to hyper-ven-tilate!" She broke off as her hairy friend began gasping for oxygen. She thrust a paper sack at him. "Here. Don't ask me where I got it, just breath into it!"

The couple charged down the hallway, the Sith and his stormtroopers hot on their heels.***

Tenel Ka nearly stopped. "Wait! I can sense Lowbacca."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:19 PM
"Me too," said Jacen. "They're really," the group ran into the fleeing girl and her asthmatic boyfriend. "close."

Anja helped Jacen up while Jaina pulled a wheezing Lowie to his feet. "Run," she said.

"What?" Jacen asked. "Why?"

"Because you're being chased by an old man weilding the Dark Side and the remaining 67 stormtroopers you tried to kill half an hour ago," the Sith Lord said, rounding the corner. He smiled a yellow grin. "That's why."

Anja turned back to Jacen and gestured at the geezer. "Because we were runnng from him."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:20 PM
Jacen through a half smile. "Thank you. what would we do without you here to clear things like this up for us?""In his clutches," she answered.

Zekk turned smiling to Jaina, who stopped him from saying anything. "If you say 'I told you so,' I'm going to hurt you."Zekk spread his arms and gave her his best "what-did-I-do-I'm-perfectly-innocent" face.

She shook her head at him. "Gee, where have I seen that face before?"

"On a Corellian," Jacen answered. "Right before he's shot for murder."



Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:22 PM
Zekk turned to him. "Thank you, Jace. That REAL comforting!"

Jacen shrugged.The old man laughed. "As entertaining as this all is, do you have any last requests?"

"Yeah," Jaina put in. "Can you let us go?"

Zekk whacked her in the back of the head. "Ya' idget!"

Jaina didn't take the innocent smile off her face, just quietly planted her elbow in Zekk's gut. "Exnay on the uupid-say," she murmured.

The old man though a moment, adding to the suspense of the situation. After what seemed like an eternity to the Punks, he chuckled. "Nope."

Jaina snapped her fingers and stomped her foot. "Dang."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:22 PM
Anja spoke up. "Well, could you at least tell us your name?"Tenel Ka saw where she was going. "Yes. It is nice to know your murderer. I hear it's quite comforting."

Jacen, still clueless, gave his girlfriend a look as if to say, 'where in the Force did you get that stupid idea?' but kept his mouth shut.

The stormtroopers began to fidget anxiously. "Actually, i'm a might curious myself," one said. The rest agreed.

"My name?" The man looked uncomfortable. "I-it's M-Madison." He dissolved into sobs.Anja smiled inwardly and took a step towards him, and put her arm around his shoulder. Lowie growled almost inaudibly. "There, there," she said to him. "Madison isn't such a terrible name."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:23 PM
"Yes it is!" he wailed between sobs. "It's a stupid name! My parents were idiots!"

"Oh, no, it's not that bad. And what happened to your parents? They couldn't have been that bad. I... like... the name Madison. It's nice."

"I don't want a nice name! And my parents have been gone a long time. Oh, I hate my name!"

"Gone?" she asked. "What happened to them?"

"I strangled them with the Force when I was four."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:24 PM
Anja grimaced. "Oh. Well, that was a terrible thing to do!" She stood up. "For shame!"

Madison looked up at the young woman. "Why? What did I do?"

"Don't give me that!" she scolded. "Go to your room right this instant! Go!"

The old man, once imposing, cowered in fear under Anja's muscular frame.

"Move!" She stomped her foot at him and pointed down the hall.

The old man sniffled. "Yes, ma'am."

"And tell your friends to go home. You're grounded mister! You can play with them in a week."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:24 PM
Madison stopped in front of the stormtrooper captain he had hit earlier. "Well, I guess you guys should leave. I'll call you when Mom let's me out of my room."

The captain, face hidden by his helmet wasn't sure what to say. "Um. Yes sir, Lord... um.. madison... sir."

The man nodded. "Alright." He waved to the stormtrooper. "I guess I'll see you later, Jeffery." he continued down the corridor.

Once the crazy Sith Lord was a safe distance away, the Punks looked at each other ad drew their lightsabers at the troops, except for Anja, who drew a wicked-looking blaster rifle.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:25 PM
The stormtroopers, drew their weapons and opened fire. the Punks stepped Jacen and Lowie stepped in front of Anja to protect her in the close rang battle. Anja crouched on the deck, taking down trooper after trooper while the Jedi deftly sent the blaster bolts back at them. No bolts actually made it through the outer cirlce of defense, and the battle was over in less than five minutes.

Jaina, sweat beading on her brow, looked over the carnage. "You know, it's almost not fair." She shrugged, lightsaber still drawn. "C'mon. We gotta find Anakin."

She lead the group down the corridor they had come.

Lowie whuffed a comment to Jaina [I can't sense Anakin.]


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:25 PM
"Niether can I," she replied. "He must have ysalamiri near him."

He continued, [Can't we just go to the area that is devoid of the Force? Wouldn't that lead us straight to him and the other Jedi?]

Jaina turned to him. "That's perfect!" She reached up to give him a scratch behind the ear. "Lowie, you're a genius!"

The Wookie smiled.

Anja looked somewhat annoyed. "Okay, so now we have a plan-- one that I can't help you with. What do we do when we find them?"

"Kill the ysalamiri and hope that the Jedi are up for one heck of a fight," she answered.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:26 PM

Luke was on the verge of tears. "HEELLLLLLPP!!!!!!"

Master Ikrit glared at him from the group of Jedi bound on the other side of the room. "Oh, for Force's sake, would you calm down!"


"Apparently you won't."

Unlike the Punks, the other Jedi WERE bound to the ground, surronded by ysalamiri and their lightsabers had been shoved in a storage locker.

The wailing continued. "HEEEELLLLLLLPPP!!!!!!!"


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:26 PM
The lights in the room turned on, and a voice came from the entrance. Luke let out a fresh cry.

"Screaming doesn't work, does it, Uncle Luke?" Jacen said.

"What are you kids doing here?" the Jedi Master asked.

"Rescuing you, what's it look like?" answered Jaina, stooping to untie a group of students.

"Well, don't," Skywalker said, pouting. "I've got everything under control."

She stopped and looked across the group. "Yeah, looks like it. Well, since it's all under control, I guess we'll just leave you here then." She motioned the group towards the door.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:27 PM
"NOOOO!!!!" the Group called out, nearly in unison. "HEEELLLLPPP USSSS!!!!"

Zekk chuckled. "Alright. Jacen, you take those three groups, Tenel Ka, those over there, Lowie, those, and Jaina you get those on the far side of the room."

The Punks sliced through the ropes with their lightsabers and helped the Jedi to their feet.

Anja located the ysalsmiri and shot them with her blaster. The group of Jedi murmured as the Force came back to them.

Master Skywalker glared at her. "Why did you kill them? We could've used those to our advantage."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:28 PM
Tenel Ka shook her head. "No. We have to get rid of John. and There is a Sith Lord on the ship. They could find us easier if we carry them around. We found you by zeroing in on the Force-less bubbles."

"Oh. Good thinking," he conceded.

Zekk through Luke his lightsaber, then addressed the group. "Do any of you know where Anakin Solo is?"

The Jedi pointed towards a locked door in unison. Approaching it, Zekk could see that a sign on the front said, "HE'S IN HERE."

"He's in here," Zekk said to Jaina.

"How do you know?"

Zekk pointed to the sign above the door.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:28 PM
"Ooohhhh. I see. Yep. Probably is."

Zekk plunged his lightsaber throught the locking mechanism. Or at lest he tried. It sputtered out on contact. "Cortosis ore," he breathed.

The group stood in contemplation.

Anja stepped forward. Everyone stared in wonder. "Hmmm...." She began pushing buttons on the control pad. The door whoosed open.

Anja smiled,proud of herself. "Ta-da!"

The Jedi were dumbfounded. "How did you do that?" Jaina asked.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:29 PM
She looked at him. "When you're not a Jedi, you learn that there is a way of opening locked doors by unlocking them. You see this button?" Anja gestured to a very large button that said, "UNLOCK" in bold lettering. "If you push this button, the door opens. Just like magic!"

The group, Masters included, erupted with a chorus of amazed, "OoooooooOooOOOOOO."

Anja smacked her hand on her forehead. "Oh no. This is NOT happening."

The group plunged into the room, lightsabers drawn, but not yet ignited.

It was a large room: with the walls, ceiling, and deck a bright white, giving the image of having no end.

In what appeared to be the center was Anakin. Sitting on the ground, hands in binders behind his back, legs drawn under him, rocking back and forth and humming to himself. The younger Jedi--and some of the older ones-- stood back in horror at the sickening sight.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:29 PM
Jaina, in a flood of tears, ran to her younger brother. "Anakin!" He didn't seem to notice her. "Come on, Little Brother, snap out of it!"

Anakin looked her in the eye, with a great deal of pain in his. Jaina took him by the shoulders. Anakin's head drpped again, and Jaina noticed, for the first time, the earphones.

Ankain continued humming. Jaina ripped them out of his ears and put them to her own. "Bye, bye, bye," was what came from them.

Screaming in horror, Jaina pulled the wire out of them, ending the torture.

Anakin stoped humming and rocking and fell on his side, in tears. Jaina fell on top of him. "It's alright now, Little Brother. Come on Anakin, we have to go now."

Zekk came forward and took off Anakin's bonds and helped Jaina steady him.

"Tionne!" Jaina called into the group. The woman emerged. "Take Anakin. I have something to settle with our friend John."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 4:31 PM
I'm done! Sorry it took so long, I had lot's of computer trouble, and well,... that was about 12000 characters long. It took forever to type, especially as slow as I type!

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 5:43 PM
<<i'm baaaack! and i'm posting!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 6:00 PM
"Oh, Anakin, your arms are sooooo muscular!" exclaimed Tahiri. "But, unfortunately, not as muscular as John's were..." she said disappointedly.
"Anakin" was surprised. He took Tahiri and kissed her hard. "But I am John!" he said.
"No, you're not! You're Anakin!" she said.
"No, actually, I'm Darth John, Sith Lord of the Universe! It was all a masquerade to fool you and your friends!" he said.
But, much to his surprise, Tahiri burst out laughing,"Oh, Anakin! That was a good one! Always the joker!"
"I'm not Anakin! I'll prove it!" and with that, John dropped his shroud.
Tahiri gasped with forced-surprise and astonishment <no pun ^intended!>, then smiled in fake pleasure, "Oh, John! It is you!" *Now I kill you.* she added silently.
"So, you admit your true feelings for me?" he asked.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 6:08 PM
*Oh, brother! I have had enough of this charade!* she grimaced inwardly, but said cheerily, "Oh, yes, John! I've always admired your powers, charm and skill!!"
John seemed to glow, and Tahiri could see his ego doubling, and tripling in a matter of seconds.
*Oh, great! I thought he had a big ego to begin with!* she moaned inside.
And just before she could say anymore, the real Anakin burst into the room. No one told him of the plan.
"TAHIRI!!! NOOO!" he shouted.
*Anakin, love,it's all part of the plan!" she told him through the Force.
*Yea, right!" he shot back.
*Sith.* she said as John grabbed her and wrapped her in a strong embrace, and said, "Hah! Anakin, you fool! She loves ME! Haha! Look who's the loser now?!" he taunted him. Tahiri forced herself to laugh at Anakin. She could see the betrayal flashign through his face.
*Sithspawn, Anakin! It's a charade! Don't you see that?* she shouted through the FOrce. But he didn't hear her, anger blinding him to the Force.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 6:19 PM
He reached down to ignite his amethyst blade, "We never settled our fight, Johnny boy. It's about time we do." he said in a very un-Anakin like voice.
"But, Anakin, I got the girl, and I got the guards, AND I got the ship! The battle's already won and YOU'VE LOST!" he dissolved into hysterical cackling. Anakin was blinded by rage and went to attack John, but was stopped.
"I'm doing this tonite/You're probably gonna start a fight/I know this can't be right...I know that I can't take no more/It ain't no lie/I wanna see you out that door/ Ani, BYE BYE BYE!" sang John. He waved his hand in a good-bye gesture, and Tahiri followed suit. Anakin was dragged out of the room by invisible hands.
"That would be what I call a cruel irony, Tahiri my sweet."
"And how is that a cruel irony, Johnny dear?" she asked, inwardly gagging.
"I made him listen to that song over and over again while he was locked up! And then, to hear it sung to him, as he exits the room..." John cracked up.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 6:22 PM
,"You know Tahiri, I really crack myself up!" he said, wiping tears of mirth away.
*Yeah, I bet.* she thought.
"Where are you sending Anakin?" she asked.
"Hmm, don't know, don't care. How's that for an answer?"
Tahiri screamed in terror and rage to herself.
*Hurry, guys, he's taken Ani somewheres and ############ on me!* she Force-shouted to her friends. But, for the mean time, she hugged John closer, and asked him to tell her about his great adventures.
*Sithspit, this guy had a major ego!* she thought as she listend to his recounts of the battles with the Punks.
*Hurry, Jaya, Jace, hurry please!* she urged the Punks. *There is only so much I can take...!*
<i am done!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 6:26 PM
<oops. i wrote ################### o-n m-e... don't know why its sensored...::shrugs::.>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 18, 2002 6:28 PM
<auuuuuggggghhhh! john is h i t t i n g ... if that didn't make it thru then its just sith, and then change the sentance...grrrrrr....>
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 2:16 PM
John was telling how he had acted heroicly in battle.
"And then, this little runt in a lab coat lands infront of the stage brandishing a lightsaber. Ha! I cleaved him in two with my lightsaber and then sent the Punks packing back to their ship. Cowards!"
Tahiri could only smile nicely as she thought of creative and artistic ways to kill John and mutilate his body. She noticed that his hands were inching closer to the top of her tube top.

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 2:26 PM
"Hey, watch yer hands, buster!" she snarled, slapping John in the face. Thinking quickly, Tahiri reached into her belt pouch and took out a sticker that said "Property of Anakin-Hands Off!" She placed this on her tube top, near the top.
*C'mon guys, hurry up. He's got roving hands syndrome!* Tahiri cried through the Force.
"I...I thought you expressed your true feelings for me!" exclaimed John in a mix of shock and outrage. Suddenly, the wall behind them collapsed with a crash.
"You thought wrong!" hissed Jaina. She and the other Punks advanced...
.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.
Phoenix Storm

Total Posts: 4974
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 2:34 PM
hi, i'm bumping stuff up because the troll came back...

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 3:25 PM
<ok, I'm posting!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 3:33 PM
John gasped in surprise and anger, "Well, two can play at this game! Alrighty then, no body move at ALL!" and with that, Tahiri was suspended in the air two meters above the decking.With a collective gasp, everyone froze in place.
"OK, genius, now what?!" hissed Jacen.
"I dunno! I haven't thought this far! Gimme a sec!"
"Tahiri doesn't have a sec!" whispered Anakin.
"Alright, alright, I admit it! I didn't think Siths were this smart! Just, just hang on for a sec, willya?!" she snapped.
"HAH! STUPID JEDI! NOW WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?Cry to your Master Skywalker? Oh, Master, the evil bad man isn't playing by the rules! Waah!" he mocked, "C'mon, take your best shot!"
Anakin shouted, "Put her down NOW, John!"
"Put her down now John!" repeated John in a higher version of his nasally one.
"Don't make me do this..." warned Anakin.
"Don't make me do this! Ooh! I am sooo scared!"
Anakin closed his eyes in concentration. Beads of sweat formed on his brow.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 3:36 PM
"What is he doing?! Is this in the plan?!" asked Jacen.
"Uh, I dunno what he's doing! I didn't tell him to do anything!" Jaina said.
"Remember, anger is of the dark side!" warned Luke.
"Oh, please, Uncle Luke, can it already!" said Jaina,"I've had enough of thse dark side for one day!"
"Jaina! You'll never hear enough of the dangers!" exclaimed a shocked Master.
"Puh-leaze! I am A PUNK, I DO NOT CARE!"
"Jaina! Not so loud! You'll disrupt Little Brother's concentration!" hissed Zekk.
"Oops. My bad."

Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 3:50 PM
<I believe I will be posting now.>

|]Stead Seven[|

Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 4:01 PM
As everyone gazed at him in anticipation, Anakin grew a little uneasy. Tahiri was staring at him also, suspended in midair as if held by an invisible fist.

Why isn't it working? he thought.

The sweat on his forehead was beginning to blur his vision, and he was growing angrier by the second.

"Arrgh!" the Punk screamed, "It didn't work!"

"What didn't work?" everyone asked.

"Well, I remembered reading somewhere that a Jedi can cut someone off from the Force."

"Ah!" Luke interuptted, "I know what you mean! It is said that Nomi Sunrider used that technique on Ulic Qel-Droma in the Si-"

"Yeah, that's nice Uncle Luke. But if I can't do it, how will we save Tahiri?"

During this exchange, John had been quietly chuckling to himself. Now he let loose a high-pitched laugh of evil.


Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 4:02 PM

"You fools! You think I was using the Force? You know, if there's one thing you idiots can't do, it's notice a ysalamiri when you're already in it's field. I brought more than the ones you dealt with earlier."

"B-but, then how is Tahiri floating?" Zekk sputtered.

"Oh, I guess I haven't let you in on all my secrets. This SSD, the Sithspit.Do you know where I got the blueprints for this?"


"A place called Bastion, the Capital of the Imperial Remnants. Do you know what else I got there?"


"The blueprints for a cloaking device!" John shouted triumphantly.


Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 4:11 PM
With a grin a parsec wide, John punched a button on datapad from his cloak.

Suddenly, out of thin air, huge black shadows appeared. Roughly in the shape of huge men, the shadows slowly formed into...well, huge men. Actually, it was hard to identify their species, as the three meter tall individuals were wearing ornate helmets and wide red robes. One of them was holding Tahiri.

"The Emperor's Sovereign Protectors!" Luke gasped.

"The what?" the Punks asked, now completely confused.

"You know! When the Cloned Emperor came back, he had these big towering guards that wore red helmets, just like that! They were actually his royal guard, just in differ-"

"Okay! We get the point, Uncle Luke. Sheesh." Jaina sighed in exasperation.

"Well, you're wrong on one count." John sneered. "These aren't really Sovereign Protectors. They wear the clothes, which were another 'gift' from Imperial High Command. These are just Gammoreans in the costume."


Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 4:20 PM

"I was wondering what that smell was." Jacen muttered.

"But where are the ysalamiri?" Zekk asked.

"In the Gammoreans helmets. There's a lot of room in there. By the way, I've given them a name, get ready for this." John said.

"Okay." Everybody else said.

"The Invisible Deadly Guys Who Smell! And Strike Terror Into Yourself! Invisibly!" John bellowed theatrically.


"Don't you like it?" the Sith Lord voiced quietly.

"Hey!" Jaina interjected, "Why don't you tell us more about your guard people, John?"

"Oh yeah! Anyway, the cloaking device is in their arms." John's smile suddenly turned evil. "How about I give you a closer look?"

Pressing another button, John restored the Gammoreans Cloaking Devce as they drew vibropikes from their robes and advanced towards the Punks. The guard carrying Tahiri slipped out of the door with John.

"Oh n-"

"Uncle Luke, shut up!"

|]Stead Seven[|


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 5:45 PM
K i am gonna post now

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 6:19 PM
The Punks reorganized into a fight squadron. This was accomplished by activating their lightsabres. But this did not solve the problem of the cloaking device.

And the idea of retreat went through all minds and after a quick look at each other they grabbed their legs and ran.

On the run Jacen had an idea"Remember from the Star Crack part where they fought the invisible ship they just waited until it fired then they could see where they were?"

"Great idea but if they hit, one of us will be dead remember?" commented Jaina sarcastically.

"We all gonna die" muttered Zekk.

"This is a not quite a fact" stated Tenel Ka.

"So you got an idea? You better hurry cause i am running out of oxygen. I am not as athletic as you." Said Zekk breathing very heavily.



Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 6:25 PM
"You could use the f...., forget it." corrected Jaina herself, remembering that the Ysalamiri were there.

"Hey guys, i could help us." yelled Luke.

"How?"was the astonished question by the running punks.

"Lando once taught me some of the language of the Gammoreans. I could say something to them to confuse and to get them to deactivate their cloaking device" Said Luke happily to help something.

"Yeah good idea and offer them some Windex or WD40, i think they would like that stuff."
said Tenel Ka.

And so Luke turned around and spoke something to the Gammoreans, he did not see where they were but he could smell them.

They probably did not understand him but they bursted out laughing in a dirty Gammorean way. In that second the laughter made them as a clear target and this was what the the punks needed, they ignited their lightsabres and splited the Gammoreans in two parts.

After they killed the Yasalamiri they continued rescuing Tahiri.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 6:51 PM
They found them by zeroing to the none force bubble down and shortly they saw Tahiri flying in front of them.

Anakin hollored with full voice to John
"Give up you little sith brat. We defeatd your little 'The Invisible Deadly Guys Who Smell! And Strike Terror Into Yourself! Invisibly!'. We won't kill you when you give up now."

To Jaina with a lowered voice."Is it against the Jedi rules to lie?"

Jaina just answered "We are the punks!We
don't care!"

John answered" really you won't kill me?"

At that point Anakin regretted what he just said but affirmed the others hope."Of course not remember its against the jedi law to lie."

"OK i will give up, but only when i get to fight with Jaina, in a place of her choice. A fair one on one! What do you think?" Proposed John.

Anakin said "No way fight me or nobody! I wont let my sister go in any danger!"


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 7:13 PM
"It is ok any i can beat that sith dummie, everybody can. His ego is so big i wont even fit into the SithSpit." To John" Ok John fight me... in the bar where everything began. Where you made the terrible mistake to choose us as your opponents, because we neglected your request to be a JediPunk. In the little bar on Vortex named the Night Shift"

So was it done and a few days later they all arrived at Vortex. The procedures were the same, scaring some ground officials and scaring some pirates away. The SSD made always his effect.

But for this evening the punks reserved the bar.

They spoke about some fighting techniques for Jaina to beat John.

As the time approached they left Jaina alone to meditate about some beer and to prepare for the fight.

They had installed some holovid cameras and Anakin sat in a commentators chair above the fight scene.

Then the moment came Jaina entered through the front door and John through the backdoor.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 7:15 PM
*Sorry* the first line shuold be : It is ok Ani*

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 7:18 PM
Jaina still holding a bottle of beer in her hand took the sabre in the other hand and ignited it.

John jumped forward and ignited in the flight his lightsabre.

He hoped that would give him the surprise advantage, but instead Jaina had anticipated it and threw a chair right in his path.

He stumbled and fell on his face. The floor was very clean and the dirt he had on his face is in all galaxies well known as ############### started an attack series but after a few hits Jaina threw him her beer in the face and sidekicked him through the bar.

He got up thinking about a new plan and almost unseen he took out a, Anakin could not belief his eyes, a emporors bone.

Anakin had no time to warn Jaina and she was not prepared for that attack and so she got hit by the first wave of lightnings.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2002 7:20 PM
This sent her for a few seconds to unconciousness and John assured for his victory approached her quickly and lifted the sabre for the killing hit, as Anakin threw his red white ball to John.

The ball opened and a small yellow 'picachu' saying figure came out and instantly starting to throw lightnings at John.

John was not prepared for that attack either and so he fell on Jaina.

She thought John was attacking her and before he hit the ground she had ignited her lightsabre and pushed it through Johns breast.

He feeling that his powers were floating away, planted quickly a kiss on Jainas lips and died.

*I am done, finally he is dead puuh, was a long way.

-~=+|(Stead Fast Five)|+=~-

Total Posts: 49
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 9:01 AM
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 10:30 AM
Jaina quickly rinsed her mouth with a swig of WD-40. Not only was it a good drink, it also washed away annoying stains of grease and oil. Jaina smiled at the rest of the Punks, ridding her mouth and the galaxy of the taste of John forever.

>Short post I know, but I'm in school and don't have much time!<
.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.

Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 11:10 AM
THe punks stared around their new ship.
Tahiri snatched her WD40 back from Jaina, but she hardly noticed. The Star Destroyer orbitting above them filled all of the Punks' attention.

"A star destoryer, huh?" Zekk said, whistling in amazement

"Huh." Jaina agreed.

"All ours?" Anja wondered aloud.

"Yeah. I mean, apart from that sith guy we grounded." Jacen nodded.

"Grounded. That's kinda what we are until we get back in the air," Tahiri commented, but no one laughed at her rather pathetic attempt at a joke.


Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 11:11 AM
(*stared at their new ship*)

"So, punks!" Jaina began, "where next?"

"Where indeed." Anakin glanced over at his uncle, "Anywhere but Yavin 4?"

"Definately, but we aught to drop uncle luke back first," said Jaina.

"Yeah, before Aunt Mara comes looking for us," Jacen agreed.

"You could even say 'lukeing'," Tahiri added, but again, no one laughed.

"It's a big galaxy." Tenel Ka said solemnly.

"You might even say huge," Jacen agreed.

<groughnargh> Lowie added (ginormous)

"Oh come on, Lowie, everyone knows that ginormous isn't a word," Anakin complained.

"Is too!" Anja leapt up in defense of her love.

"Is not!"

"Is too!"


Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 11:12 AM
Luke stared at the squabbling teenagers, Tahiri finishing off the WD40 and sulking because no one would laugh at her jokes, Anakin, Anja and Lowie bickering over whether Anakina's dictionary could be counted as canon, Zekk and Jacen watching Anja a little too closely while Jaina and Tenel Ka watched them. He tried to forget the death of John, and the electric rodent that had been his downfall, but he couldn't help wondering where the creature had come from. He sighed.

"What about some beer?" he said to himself.

The Punks fell silent. "Great idea, uncle Luke!" Jaina cried, "You're buying, right?"

Emp. Dan

Total Posts: 621
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 11:40 AM
"You will buy beer for me" Luke mindtriked them laughing to himself.

"But we don't have any money..."Anakin started.

"You will steal money" Luke laughed, Anakin got out his blaster and ran of.

"Uncle Luke we ran into Chewie" Jaina said.

"Course and I'm Darth Vader's son!"

"But you are Darth Vader's son" The punks replied.
Emp. Dan

Total Posts: 621
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 11:43 AM
"oh yeah! well I know about Chewie!" Luke replied.


"There is a danger punks, I thought Chewie could help did he?"

"No he ate our food and went to see dad" Jaina replied.

"Sounds like him" Luke muttered.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 1:51 PM
<I'm going to post! I'm ignoring Emp. Dan's posts.>
~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 1:59 PM
While Anakin was getting the drinks in, the other Punks sat around the table, chatting.
"Did you guys happen to catch last nights episode of 'Jerrty Springler?'" asked Luke.
"Yeah!" said Tahiri. "It was well cool! I nearly died of shock when Ackbar came on!"
"Ackbar was on 'Jerrty Springler?'" asked Jaina.
"Yeah!" said Luke. "It turns out Ackbar used to be a female Mon Calamari, his wife has been cheating on him and his 3 spawn-children aren't really his!"
"Wow!" said Jacen. "I bet he's annoyed now!"
While they were talking, a dark figure appeared behind Luke.
"Hello Luke." said a femenine voice. "I'm back!"
Emp. Dan

Total Posts: 621
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:00 PM
(WHY! alright the Chewie thing went far)

Anakin ran back with the beer, everyone was loaded. Luke decided to leave them to their ####.
Emp. Dan

Total Posts: 621
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:02 PM
whoops too late.

Luke turned round and saw Callista! she was smiling, Luke fell unconcious, Callista helped him up.
"Mara turn the telly down!" Luke groaned.
"Mara? I'm Callista your long lost love.
"Eye I believe you!" Luke cried!

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:04 PM
Luke turned. Behind him stood Callista.
"Callista!" he exclaimed.
"That's my name, don't wear it out!" she said, laughing gaily.
Suddenly Luke activated his lightsabre, brought it up and chopped Callista's head clean off her shoulders.
The head rolled on the floor. When it stopped, the face showed an expression of shock.
"Uncle Luke!" cried Anakin, returning with a tray of drinks in his hands. "What did you do that for?"
"That cow ruined my life for too long a time. I've been waiting to do that for four years! C'mon kids, let's get outta here!"
With that, the Punks followed Luke out in stunned silence.

~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~ (Done!)

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:06 PM
<Hey Emp Dan! Close, but not as good as my version. If you wanna join up, get over your Chewie obsession and go to the recruitment thread. All posts will be ignored until then.>

~~~ * Stead Three* ~~~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:23 PM
** my posting will now commence **

-=-=-= Stead Six =-=-=-
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:29 PM
***I'm happy with anybody posting, as long as you know what your doing< looks at emporer dan with purpose>*****

*~* Four *~*

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:42 PM
"Master Skywalker," Zekk ventured "would you like to come back up onto the ship and help us sort it out?"

"Um... no" Luke replied, "I wanted to show you something"

Jaina turned to her two brothers, "Uncle Luke is up to something".

"Yeah, he's acting all wierd" Anakin said.

Just then, Luke stopped and they met up with Han, Leia, Chewie and Mara.

"Okay you lot", Han said to the Punks, "got in there - here are your tickets" He gestured to the door to an arena and handed them all small rectangular peices of flimsiplast.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 2:59 PM
Confused, the Punks walked into the vast arena and took up their seats in the front row.

"I have a bad feeling about this" muttered Jacen

"Don't we all" said Valin

"That is a Fact" stated Tenel Ka

Suddenly, the curtains on the stage in front of them pulled back and C-3PO appeared on the stage, apparently to introduce the band that was about to play

"Oh no..." Jaina started

"..they didn't..." said Anakin

"..they couldn't have!" finished Jacen


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2002 3:22 PM
Threepio started talking "It is my honour this evening to introduce..."

The Punks closed their eyes and prayed this wasn't happening

"... Master Luke and the Republic Rapsters"

Luke, Mara, Leia, Han and Chewie came onto the stage dressed in extremely baggy clothes.

The Punks' jaws all dropped in unison as they saw their Heros/Parents/Masters make complete fools of themselves.

Then they realised - they crowd were going mad - they loved them.

"Please tell me we havn't woken up yet" said Tahiri.

Anakin looked at her, still speachless at seeing his closest relations singing rap songs

<I'm rubbish at making up songs so if someone could make up a rap song for them to be singing that'd be great! I'M ALL DONE NOW>

-=-=-= Stead Six =-=-=-

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2002 4:07 AM
By the time the concert was over, the punks were still shocked speechless. The twins were mortified that their parents were singing rap, and Anakin was repulsed that Luke had made an outfit out of a Jedi robe. The other punks were just stunned, seeing as they weren't really related to anyone on stage.
"Well, did you like it?" Mara asked. She had her hand uncomfortably close to her lightsaber, so the punks were imedately tried to get out of answering.
"Uh...why don't we take you all out for a beer?!"
"You could come see out SSD!" nearly everyone started suggesting things at once. TBC

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2002 4:15 AM
When Mara caught on, she just laughed.
"You don't have tp answer. And, yes, I think all of us would like a nice beer." she said. The punks looked at Jaina, who had said it.
"Uh...we don't have any money." she said. Mara shrugged.
"We do. Come on, I'll buy." she said. All of the punks looked to one another. Mara was their old enemy, and last they knew, she was out to kill them.
"Is this just a nice aunt-like deed, or is it a trap?" Jacen asked.
"Trap?" Mara repeated, a little too quickly for comfort, "I would never dream of trapping any of you." At this, all of the punks knew she was lying.
"You're lying." Anakin said.
"It's against Jedi rules to lie." Mara said.
"That's because you're not a Jedi! You're not even Mara! You're her clone!" Tahiri exclaimed.
Maara laughed evilly. "So you've finally figured it out! Meet my friends, Luuke, Haan, and Leeia!"
~_~_SF Lead_~_~
Emp. Dan

Total Posts: 621
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2002 12:31 PM
"OH MY GOD!" Tahiri shrieked. Mara wasn't Mara, Tahiri was with a maniac! what could she do!
"I like your hair" Tahiri cried it was such a stupid thing to say to a psyco!
* * * * * * *
Threepio was cleaning up the mess from the concert, Han, Luke Leia & Chewie(he was in the concert) were talking.
"Say Luke where's Mara?" Leia asked.
"Beats me" Luke replied.
Chewie growled as Han laughed.
"Maybe she cheated on you" Han laughed.
"Master Luke sir" Threepio yelled.
"What" Luke replied.
"Tahiri's in trouble"
"What!" Luke shrieked.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2002 2:15 PM
<Posting! And, once again, ignoring Emp. Dan...>
~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~
Emp. Dan

Total Posts: 621
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2002 2:19 PM
MDN2 maybe I'll ignore you cause there was nothing wrong with that thread.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2002 2:23 PM
"OK!" said Anakin. "Just where are all you clones coming from? And why are you all evil?"
Maara laughed, evilly. "We will never tell you our creator!" she said. "You will all perish under his might!"
"Under his might?" scoffed Tahiri. "Please! If he's anything like the bad guys we fought before, we will crush him!"
"Fools!" bellowed Luuke. "The people you fought were all subordinate to him! He is the big boss man!"
With that, the clones turned and walked away.
"I wonder who they were talking about?" mused Zekk.
"No doubt he will reveal himself to us sometime in the future." said Jacen. "He's probably not that tough."
"Famous last words..." said Jaina.
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