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Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2002 7:38 PM
Tahiri woke up groggily.
"Where am I?" she said, sitting up, "Whoa, bad idea!" and she laid back down. Her head pounded something terrible, and she was all alone in the dark.She moaned softly to herself. 'What have I gotten myself into now?' she wondered. THen it all came back to her in a hazy mist. There she was, replaying the scene mentally, of the yellow gas filling the room, and Anakin pounding ferociously on the glass surrounding him, and her eyes tearing up, and her thinking, 'I love you'.... She heard a door softly swish open. Her head lolled back, she couldn't move her toes. Obviously, that poison was stronger than Maria had said...

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2002 7:40 PM
"Tahiri?" came the choked whisper,"Tahiri? Listen, I know you can't hear me, but things have been going crazy since you've been gone..." the voice trailed off. Absently, Tahiri recognized it as Anakin, and his pain in his voice tore at her heart, but she couldn't say anything.
"Maria froze Jace in carbonite, but Mom and Dad got him out...He's suffering from carbonite sickness, and he still can't see... It was Jeditines Day last month, and I was so lonely without you...How could you do something like this to me?" he whispered. "Tahiri, I love you. I will ove you always." Tahiri could tell he was standing over her, and a wet warm tear dripped off his face.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2002 7:41 PM
He leaned over to kiss her one last time. His lips touched hers and sent a jolt down her spine, from head to toe and back again. She kissed him back, hard. He pulled away, surprised, but she grabbed a handful of his flightsuit and pulled him down again. She covered his mouth with hers, and he wrapped her in a tight embrace.
*Don't you dare do that to me ever again, you hear me Tahiri?" he said through the Force.
*I won't Anakin. Never again.*
*I love you Tahiri!*
*I love you too*
*Happy belated Jeditines Day, Tahiri...*
*Same to you Ani... I love you*

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 10:36 AM
Meanwhile, in the far corner of the galaxy...

The creature sneered. "What slushy, romantic ideals!" it exclaimed. "It's about time we brought some action into this scenario..."
The creature moved forward. His face was momentarily lit by the light from the transmission he was viewing of Anakin and Tahiri. It was greatly disfigured. One of his eyes was shut permanently and had a big scar running down the eyelid to the cheek. His nose was crushed into his face and, when he opened his mouth to speak, teeth were noticeably absent.
"Well, my twin." he said to the holoimage. "It is time for my return. You will regret the day you abandoned your brother!" He laughed maniacally before switching off the image and turning to board his ship. He took off, and set a course for Coruscant...

Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 10:37 AM
Han and Leia were discussing their children's badn, a long way out of hearing of Luke

"I think it's a good thing. Their getting out, seeing the galaxy, having a bit of fun. And compared to what we did when we were younger, it's positively safe!" Han commented

"SAFE!! Tahiri technically died! I'm not putting my children into that sort of situation ever again!"

"Consider the money. I mean, ever since you quit the government, it's been a little tight, you have to admit," Han wheedled

"Only because it all goes on keeping the falcon from collapsing into a small heap of rust and hope." Leia retorted

"The kids get to pick the retirement home. Good enough reason to support them, don't you think?"

And Leia was won over. The Punks wouldn't be spilt up (and grounded) just yet.

Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 10:38 AM

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 10:44 AM
The Punks had decided a vacation was in order. After spending a lot of time drinking, sleeping, playing short gigs, winning awards and relaxing, they thought they needed a break. They had decided to go and visit Han and Leia and catch up. So they were all crammed into Leia's apartment.
"Man!" said Jacen, settling into his mothers couch. "I'm tired. We have done nothing but work for the past year or so. This is a much needed break. Mom, make us all a four course meal, please?" he asked in his childlike voice, knowing Leia could not resist it.
"Oh, alright." said Leia, before hurrying into the kitchen to prepare the food.
"And bring us some drinks! Preferably of the alcoholic kind!" yelled Anakin after her.
"And some WD40 if you have it!" cried Tahiri.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 10:45 AM
Sorry, TBC

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 10:56 AM
Leia returned an hour later, covered in food stains. Because the Punks had been moaning about her speed, she had roped Chewie into helping. He followed her out of the kitchen, wishing he hadn't worn the flowery-patterned apron.
Tahiri wolf-whistled in his direction. "Hey, Chewie!" she called. "Put on a pair of marigolds and I'll dump Anakin and move in with you!"
Impossible as it seemed, Chewie blushed.

So the Punks relaxed. They stayed this way for what seemed like about a week to them. In fact, as Leia politely pointed out, ^ months had passed.
"Get your backsides in gear!" she yelled at them. "I'm sick of cleaning up after you! Get lost!"
She chucked the lot of them out on the street. Considering she threw them out the window and she lived on the 373rd floor, they fell a long way.
"How rude!" said Tenel Ka, using the force, like the others to reach the ground safely. "What shall we do now?"
Suddenly, in a dark alley behind them, a voice replied.
"Now you die!"

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 11:08 AM
The Punks turned round to see who had spoke. A small, deformed figure slunk out the shadows.
"I've returned, my twin, to see your death at my hands!" he said in a raspy voice.
"WHAT!?!" yelled Anakin. Tahiri was hiding behind him, cowering.
"You!" he cried, pointing at Anakin. "You're my twin! Our mother decided at an early age that I was too ugly to be a member of the family so dumped me off on an asteroid with atmosphere!"
"WHAT!?!" yelled Anakin again.
"You heard me!" said the figure. "Our mother said 'I'm sorry, Bartholemew. You're just to ugly to live with us!"
Anakin couldn't believe it. "You're my...twin!?!"
Bartholemew laughed maniacally. "Not you!" he said. "Her!" He pointed at Tahiri.
Tahiri stepped out. "It's true." she said. "He is my twin brother."
"And now you will die!" he said, lighting his lightsabre. "All of you!"
~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 1:24 PM
Anakin ignited his lightsaber "You'll have to get through me first!" He yelled

"Well that was the general idea" Tahiri's evil twin replied. "I have spent years training in the ways of the dark side.

"What? Who trained you?" Tahiri asked

"Well nobody really," replied Bartholemew, "I watched a holovid series on the Discovery Channel about it"

Anakin raised his lightsaber into a defensive position as his attackers lightsaber swung in quickly from overhead.

Quickly he attacked with a low swipe across the evil twins' feet, Bartholemew jumped back in time though and hammered several more blows down onto Anakins blocking manouvers.

Tahiri ran down the corridor into the darkness, staying in the shadows where she could still see the deadly lightsaber duel going on. She used the Force to strengthen Anakin's attacks and wondered where all the other Punks had gone.
In the far distance, she saw three more lightsabers activate, lighting up their end of the alley.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 1:33 PM
In the glow of the energy blades she could just make out the faces of Jaina, Jacen, and Lowbacca as they advanced on Anakin's attacker.

Suddenly the evil twin did a forward flip over Anakin's head and turned around to attack from behind, he noticed the three figures that had been creeping up on him and pushed his hand out in front of him.

Jacen let out a cry as he went flying backwards, knocking Jaina over in the process.

In the same instant Anakin flung his lightsaber backwards over his head to block an attack that surly would have decapitated him. He turned around to face his attacker once more. when he moved forward he found that there was a strange burning sensation in his body. Looking down he saw a red lighsaber blade dissapear out of his body.

As he collapsed he heard Tahiri screaming in the distance...


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 1:43 PM
Lowie picked up Jacen off the floor and they went down the corrdor chaseing after Tahiri and her evil twin.

Jaina crouched down next to her injured brother.

"Anakin!" She said, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah sure it was only a little lightsaber wound..." he groaned.

"I'm sorry Anakin, if only we had been quicker."

"Yeah, yeah," he replied "Say it at my funeral."

"Don't be stupid" she said.

Jaina activated her comlink. "Dad! Get here quick!" She shouted

"What is it?" Han replied.

"It's Anakin!" she said "He's hurt!".

The next thing they knew, the familiar sound of the Millennium Falcon told them that their father was landing nearby.

Han and Chewie (still wearing the flowery apron), picked up Anakin and took him onto the ship and rushed him to the nearest MedCentre.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 1:56 PM
Jaina sprinted off in the direction that Jacen and Lowie went, wondering where everyone else had dissapeared to.

She soon found them all searching for Tahiri.

"Is Anakin going to be alright?" asked Jacen

"He'll be fine" she replied.

Groooooooooaaaaggghh-oh-ahhhh [We can't find Tahiri] said Lowie.

"Fact" said Tenel Ka

"Well lets think about this" said Jaina. "If you were a crazy Sith evil twin, that was extremely ugly, where would you go?"

"Um...a Synth-Flesh surgeon?" said Jacen

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaagggh? [a cantina?] suggested Lowbacca

"You lot are hopeless" she said, as she leaned back on the wall behind her.

The others gasped as the wall opened up to reveal a secret passageway.

"Well, I guess that's the best lead we've got" said Zekk

They all entered into the darkness of the passageway, with their lightsabers at the ready.

-=-= Green Lead =-=-
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 2:48 PM
They all turned on thier lightsabers, leaving a rainbow glow on the transparasteel walls...What lay before them was a maze....filled with unusual dangers...

<Had to keep it going...yea I know patetic post...>

*~* Four *~*

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 3:28 PM
"Ook...this gets more and moer interesting every step of the way..." murmured Zekk.
"Yea, tell me about it!" commented a bewildered Jaina.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Jacen.
"Jace, trouble, danger, deception and lies lurk in there!" said Jaina.
"Ya, I know that! What are we waiting for? Impossible is our stock in trade!" said Jacen
"He's got a point there, Jaya..." said Zekk.
"Oh, all riiiight. If I must." And they stepped into the dark corridor, with Tenl Ka and Lowie guarding their backs.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 3:31 PM
<Hey! Our story has reached 50 pages! We should celebrate!>

~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 3:33 PM
After walking a few ways, they came to a split in the pathway.
"Uh, alright, me, Zekk and Lowie'll take the right, and Jace, you and Tenel take the left." said Jaina.
"Who put you in charge?" grumbled Jacen under his breath.
"Excuse me?" asked Jaina.
"Nuthin'. Talking to myself." he replied.
"Riiiight. Ok, anyways, we have our comlinks, and we'll be in touch... see ya!" and she headed off down the tunnel.
"Uh, bye Jaya!" said Jacen.
"Bye-bye friend Jaina!" called Tenel Ka, who hadn't said anything at all during the exchange."Shall we go, then friend Jacen?" she asked as Zekk and Lowie tromped off after Jaina.
"Yep, I guess we have to."
"Alrighty then."
"What are we waiting for?"
"I do not know."
"You first."
"That's ok."
"Fine, I'll go first!"

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 3:40 PM
"Jacen, my friend..." started Tenel Ka.
"Yes?" he prompted.
"Uh, do you not think it is better to turn off our lightsabers in case some one is following us?"
"Uh, I guess so." They thumbed their lightsabers off, and strode in the darkness.
Jacen stumbled and fell, and almost went head first down a deep chasm, if not for Tenel Ka's snatching him with the Force.
"Sith! Now what?" he said.

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 3:52 PM
"I suppose we'll have to retrace our step" said Jacen

They started walking back but soon realised that the path behind them had gone.

Jacen activated his lightsaber and they both saw that they were standing an a tiny bit of floor that was shrinking rapidly.

"I guess this is goodbye." remarked Tenel Ka

"Yeah" Jacen replied, deeply dissapointed that he was going to die without having a chance to have one last drink.

They began falling down a big shaft. For ages, they just kept falling and falling and falling and falling and falling and falling and falling.

Eventually the reached the ground. But it wasn't solid as they had expected - it was bouncy. Like jelly.

Tenal Ka screamed as she went flying back up into the air.

"Whoah!" exclaimed Jacen after they had stopped bouncing around. "I want to do that again!".

"Let's not forget what we came here for" said Tenel.

"Right..." said Jacen


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 4:00 PM
Suddenly the whole area was lit up by uge glow-panels on the walls and when their eyes adjusted to the brightness they saw a door in the far corner of the room.

"C'mon!" Jacen told his team-mate.

They walked through the door to be confronted by what seemed to be a Sith palace.

"Wow!" said Jacen "We could use this place to shoot the holovid for our next single.

Tenel Ka nodded in agreement.

"So we meet again" a voice boomed out. "Welcome to my humble home!"
It was Bartholemew.

"Where's Tahiri?" Jacen shouted

"She is waiting for you and your friends so we can begin the execution" Bartholemew said.

"This would make a great song" thought Jacen. Then realised he'd said it out loud.

"Whatever" said Tahiri's evil twin "soon the Jedi Punks will be no more"

Two very large guardian droids came up behind Tenal Ka and Jacen and secured them, making sure they could not escape.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 4:08 PM
"Soon the other Punks will be here and we can begin the ceremony." Bartholemew sneered, "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."


Meanwhile, Jaina, Zekk, and Lowie were also having difficulties finding the end of the maze. They had come to more dead ends than they had thought was possible to fit into one maze.

They found a turbo-lift and went down it.

Raaagghhharhgh! [this floor is all wierd!] commented Lowie as he stepped out of the lift and bounced a metre high into the air

"Stop moaning, Lowie" said Jaina. "We must be close to finding Tahiri now."

She could feel her own twin brother nearby. And felt glad that he hadn't been ugly and turned to the dark side and tried to kill her.

"There's a door over there" said Zekk

They all headed off across the room towards the door in the far corner.

-=-= Green Lead =-=-

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 4:11 PM
"Ah, here they are now!" said Bartholemew as the others stepped through the door. "Guards, seize them!"
The guards moved to intercept the Punks, who stood there drawing their lightsabers.
"Now it gets messy." murmured Jaina, as she slashed down their attckers.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 4:12 PM
oops fogot my rank!
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 4:43 PM
The three were soon tied up like Jacen, Tenel Ka, and Tahiri. "Zekk, you dip, you should'a known he would have Sith guards," Jaina complained.

"Hey, it's not my fault your skills are rusty!" Zekk defended himself.

"Guys, as soon as you are done argueing over who's fault it was that we are sitting here is bonds, we can maybe FIGURE OUT A WAY TO ESCAPE!" Jacen screamed.

"Uh, right," Jaina muttered.

"Oh, I dont think that will be happening any time soon," a dark voice said, and Tahiri's twin stepped out of the shadows. "It's time, dear twin."
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 4:49 PM
Bartholemew laughed evily. Tahiri gulped. "I'm starting to think this vacation was not such a good idea," she muttered.


"That is a fact," Tenel Ka said.

"Shuddup!" Bart cried. "And now, my young Jedi, you will die."

"I'm thinking, um...not!" a solemn voice said from behind Bart. A muscled figure stepped out in the light, and the punks and Bart gasped. The girl waved at Jacen and Zekk, then quickly regained her composure. She drew out a blaster, and shot Bart in the chest. He fell to the floor, groaning.

"Quick, lets get out of here!" the girl cried.

"How did you find us, Anja?" Jacen asked the girl.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 4:57 PM
"I wanted to ask you guys a question, so I asked Han where you guys were. He told me about what happened in the street, and I saw you guys enter this place, so I decided to follow." Anja replied.

"Oh, well thanks," Jaina thanked. "Now what was it you wanted to ask us?"

"Oh, yeah. Can I be in the band?" Anja inquired.

Jacen's jaw dropped. "Uh, sure," he managed. Tenel Ka and Jaina glared at him. "Come on, guys, Anja would be a great addition!"

"Well, I guess," Tenel Ka muttered, moving closer to Jacen.

"Great!" Anja beamed.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 5:07 PM
The punks left the dead Bartholemew were he was, and decided to try the nearest cantina. "I wonder how Anakin is," Tahiri murmured.

"He's fine. I talked to him earlier," Anja said. Tahiri's face grew dark, but she regained her composure before anyone could notice.

Lowie rumbled something, and Anja replied, almost unconciouslly, "Yeah, he does have a nasty cut." The punks looked up suprised.

"You understand Lowie?" Zekk asked, amazed.

"Yea, I learned when I was workin' on a computer project along with some wookies over on Kashyyk." Anja informed them. Lowie's eyes seemed to light up. He uttered a question.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 5:14 PM
"Of course I do! Any computer technition can do that," she laughed. Lowie and her continued to talk computers, and the Punks left the bar to go see Anakin. It was late night before Anja and Lowie slipped into the hotel room the punks were sharing. Anja planted a kiss on Lowie's cheek, and slipped off into the bed she was sharing with Tahiri.

"Whoa, was that a kiss you just gave Lowie?" Tahiri whispered.

Anja blushed. "He, uh...asked me out tonight. He's really nice, and we have a lot in common."

"Yeah, but you guys are like totally different species!" Tahiri stated.

"That doesn't matter. Things like this are common now days. In fact, I have a friend wookie who is married to a Bith," Anja whispered back.

Tahiri smiled. "Well, in that case, I hope you two are happy together. Lowie needs someone special. Jaina has Zekk, Jacen has Tenel Ka, and I have Anakin. Lowie needs someone too."

"I'm glad you approve," Anja smiled, and turned over to go to sleep.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 5:17 PM
*done for now*

~*:)*~ SFP 1 ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 9:28 PM
"Can't we stay out of trouble? Why do we always have to stumble from one adventure in the another?",complained Jacen" I mean we have a lot of fun together but somehow i would enjoy having a a ,uhm a normal life. you know what i, uhm mean?"

All the punks sitting around the table looked at each other and said simultaneously
"No, what are you talking about" Everybody busted out laughing, exept Jacen.

"Very funny" yelled Jacen running out the door. But then right in the door he tripped over a piece of cloth from a punk and landed right on his face in hairdye.

Now the punks were rolling on the floor laughing.

They could not get up for another 15 minutes.

But the they started wondering what jacen would do now.

They sent Jaina to look for him. She found him locked in the refresher.

"Hey JC what are you doing in there. I want to take a shower. No just kidding, don't be mad at me."


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 9:46 PM
In the force she felt that he was very upset, not only about the fun they had made of him but also something else, she had not felt from him before.

Then Jacen answered,"Ok you can come in , but you have to promise me on your Jedi honour, not to tell anybody."

" That's alright i'm your sister remember?"

Jacen opened the door, and just as she saw him she busted out laughing. But ,as soon as she reaized that it was a serious problem she had herself back under control.

I looked funny but infact she did not know what to say or to do. Jacens face was covered with neon green hairdye.

The others felt her laughter in the force and came now to the refresher to see what was going on, but Jaina quickly closed the door behind her to protect her now very little seeming(gr) brother.

Jaina just told them to leave them alone for a little while. She told them, that they had to make brother to sister talk.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 9:53 PM
The others not very satisfied walked away guessing what could be wrong, and busted out laughing again and again about their creativity.

Meanwhile Jaina tried to find a method to get the dye off his face.

But the problem was less to get it off but what Jacens face would look like afterwards.

But then she asked him if she could call for Tenel Ka's help, because of her ability of moving things with the force. She hoped that she was able to move the small dye pigments off his face.

He agreed,and a minute later Tnel Ka had to control herself not to laugh, but she prevailed, and immediately started the 'operation'.

She accomplished it and after half an hour Jacen looked again like a human being.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2002 10:07 PM
In the afternoon a few beers later they paid for the hotel and moved back to the Punk. They had to find somewhere to make a big concert, to get back into the business.

'New Stars are born and old are gone but the
Jedi Punks will prevail' were their motto for the new Galaxy tour.

Their first concert should be on Malastere.
They all thought that would be awesome to looke at the people banging their heads with the two eyes hanging out of their head.

As the evening of the concert had came, they went over the song list. They added a few new songs. One new songs about the stickyness of hairdye, one about bad minded sith ships and one about a mean twin brother.
For the last song to clear things up Tahiri took the leadsinging part.
* I am done for now*

-~=(0_0)Stead fast Five(0_0)+~-


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:22 AM
>I'm going to post now. Plese wait till I'm done! Thank y'all!<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~~

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:27 AM
"That was great!" exclaimed Tahiri, "Anakin, I really appreciated that song about Bartholemew!" she said after the concert. Anakin blushed red, and Tahiri went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed even redder with that.
"So, what ever happened with John? Haven't seen him for months~ and he's the only SIth we haven't killed yet! We got Maria, and Bartholemew, but no John!" asked Zekk.
"Hmm... I haven't really thought about it that much... he can't be up to any good!" said Jaina.
"Yea, you know those evildoers, always up to some scheme to take over the galaxy!" said Jacen. Just then, the Punks' comlines bleeped simulatenously.
"Guys~ come down here quick!" exclaimed Anja,"We have a high priority holo coming in!" the Punks dashed towards the comm center.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:29 AM
<whoops~ sorry Podracer!, I started posting before your post and didn't see it till now.. hehe, my bad! i guess just ignore my post! sorry, Commander>

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:44 AM
The Punks left Malestare in a hurry. They found it difficult to breath with all of the methane.

Drifting through the Graveyard of Alderaan, the Punks relaxed in the lounge of the Drunk Punk. Drinking heavily, of course.

Anja took a swallow of WD-40. "Tahiri, I don't know how you can stand this stuff."

The younger girl stsrted. "What do you mean by that?" She sounded almost hurt.

Anja reached into her duffel bag and pulled out a large jug. "Here, try this," she said pouring the blue liquid into a glass.

Tahiri looked at the drink skeptically. "what is it? I don't drink anyhting unless I know what it is."

Anakin laughed. "Sure, sweetie."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:46 AM
"It's called Windex. Very expenseive." She laughed. "A bunch of stupid planet on this little backwater planet called Earth use to clean glass."

Jaina raised her index finger. "Oh, i've heard about that place! They've only got, what six billion people."

Anja nodded. "But it's the only place you can get it. hard there too. NONE of the liquir stores carry it! You have to go to this place called "wal-mart."

Tenel Ka spoke up. "Oh. Do they sell walls there?"

Anja shook her head. "No, but they do have this little yellow whistling head that flies around the store running into signs."

Jaina gulped as she recalled the little Sith creatures.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:46 AM
"Well, Tahiri, are you going to try it or not?" Anja asked.

Tahiri took a swig. She swallowed hard and coughed.

Anja laughed. "Sorry. Maybe Ammonia just isn't the substance you shold be drinking."

Jacen sat up as a thought came to him. "You know, we haven't done anything with that prize money yet."

Lowie rumbled a question. [Did you have something in mind?]

"Maybe. We talked earlier about buying an Andris mine. Why not Kessel? You can get ANYTHING there: ryll, andris, glitterstim."

"We could sell glitterstim to the Imps," Anja put in. "They could use it in their interogation rooms."

Jaina looked surprised. "Anja, they're evil."


"But, you might be on to something," Anakin said. "NRI. They could use the help."

Jacen nodded. "Yeah. We can contact Belindi Kalenda. Dad knows how to reach her." Her turned to Jaina, "Remember when he was helping her on Corellia?"

"That's a great idea, Jace!" she said. "C'mon, Zekk. We're going to Kessel!"

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:50 AM
>That's okay Thairiveila. No harm done. I'm finished now. Maybe we can come up with a way to fit yours in there somewhere. Why don't you write about a concert or something like that for the miners on Kessel. I don't know. I'm shot for ideas.<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 10:59 AM
<ok, everyone, now I'm posting! no interruptions, please! hehe!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 11:07 AM
Tahiri sighed."Are we there yet?" she asked in a nasal voice that sounded alot liek John.
Everyone laughed.
"Hey, remember when we ahd Val and Jys with us, and Jysie would say that every hyperspace jump?" asked Jacen.
"Oh, yeah, Jace! i member! I wonder how they're doing? I can't believe we forgot them!" said Jaina.
"Yea, but their parents would freak if we offered them a spot in the band again..." commented Zekk.
"Who is this Val and Jys?" asked a confused Anja. The Punks launched into a long and descriptive tale of their adventures before the "wedding".

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 11:22 AM
They had just barely finished telling Anja everything when they arrived at Kessel. They were greeted by the masses of cheering prisoners. They gave an amazing concert, as usual, and then went to talk to the prison warden. They had just negotiated to buy an Andris mine! As they partied on the Drunk Punk about their sucess, and what a steal this mine was, the comm center beeped. Tahiri went over to check on it. It was a coded high priority, red flag holo from Corellia.
"Hey guys, we have an important holo! Come and check it out!" she called. The group ambled over to the center. Tahiri thumbed it open.
"Jacen, Jaina... the rest of the Punks... hey, guys, what's going on?" the image of Corran Horn said."I hope this finds you guys in good health-" and new person cut onto the screen. "Shut up Corran, we have no time for formalities! Hey, listen, as much as i hate to say this, we need your help. Valin and Jysella um, how do i put this, Corran?"

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 11:23 AM
"Uh, how about got kidnapped?" he suggested.
"Perfect," Mirax Terrik-Horn said, "Well, anyways, they've been kidnapped by some guy called 'Darth John'...? Ya think you guys can find them?" she pleaded.
"Darth John?! DARTH JOHN?!!? He calles himself DARTH JOHN!" exclaimed Jaina.
"Yes, Jaina my friend it would appear so..." said Tenel Ka.
"Well,what are we waiting for, we'e got to do something!" exclaimed Anakin.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 12:36 PM
<I'm going to post now!>
~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 12:44 PM
Meanwhile, on Yavin 4...

The Jedi Apprentices were all quietly studying the ancient Jedi texts. Luke was watching over them, using the force to check they were concentrating on their work.
Luke was wondering if they had lapsed in security recently at the Jedi Academy. All of his students and all the Jedi Knights were all in this giant hall. If a terrorist wished, he could blow them all sky high, or throw gas grenades in the room and knock them all out, holding them hostage. Nah, thought Luke. It'll never happen.
Then, it happened.
Suddenly, from all sides of the hall, gas grenades were thrown in. Gas filled the room quickly. The students dropped in no time. Luke tried to call on the force to hold his breath, but, strangely, he could not feel it. The last thing he saw was stormtroopers entering the hall with ysalamiri attached to their backs...

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 12:56 PM

The Punks were debating where to go to look for Valin and Jysella.
"The chances of finding them are slim." said Tenel Ka, solemnly.
"Yeah." said Anakin hotly. "But we gotta try!"
Suddenly, the comm channel chirped.
Jaina opened the link. John materialised in front of them.
"Finally!" he cried. "I've been looking for you!"
"John!" yelled Jacen. "What have you done with Valin and Jysella?"
"Oh, they are safe." he replied. "They are in danger though. Along with all the Jedi on Yavin 4!"
"What?" yelled Tahiri. "How?"
"I've got them all prisoner aboard my Super Star Destroyer, the 'Sithspit.'I will release all the Jedi, including Valin and Jysella if Anakin comes and fights me, one-to-one!"
"We won't send Anakin into your trap!" cried Tahiri.
"You're right." said John. "It is a trap! But if you want to see your Uncle Luke alive again, Anakin and Anakin alone will meet us at Yavin 4 in 3 hours! If you try something funny, I kill them all!"
The comm channel closed.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 1:02 PM
Anakin immediately set a course for Yavin.
"What are you doing?" cried Tahiri. "You can't go and fight him!"
"I can and I will." said Anakin grimly. "He's annoyed because I nearly beat him last time and wants to finish me off now. He won't though. I won't let him!"
"But what about us?" asked Jaina. "If he scans the ship and finds us, he'll kill the Jedi!"
"He will scan the ship, but he won't find you." replied Anakin. "I'm dropping you off at the nearest inhabited planet."
"What!" cried Tahiri. "I won't let you!"
"Oh yes you will." replied Anakin. "It's our only hope to save the others."
So, under much protest, Anakin dropped the other Punks off at Tatooine. He set course for Yavin again.
"You may think you can beat me, but you won't, John." said Anakin. "I have a plan..."

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 1:08 PM
John sat on the bridge of the 'Sithspit.' He had waited for over two hours for his nemesis' arrival. Surely he wouldn't let the others die?
"Sir!" called one of the stormtroopers. "The 'Drunk Punk' has just exited hyperspace!"
"Finally!" said John. "Tractor the ship into the shuttle bay and have a platoon of troops waiting!"
"Sir!" cried the stormtrooper. "The 'Drunk Punk' is accelerating! It's going to hit!"
The ship shook. In the viewscreen, John watched as the 'Drunk Punk' exploded, leaving a gaping hole in their side.
"No!" he cried.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 1:13 PM
"Sir!" said the stormtrooper. "Systems are shutting down all over the ship!"
Suddenly, John saw something in the corner of the viewscreen. It was an escape pod. It entered the hole of the Star Destroyer.
"He's aboard!" yelled John. "Find him!"
"Sorry sir." said the stormtrooper. "Internal scanning devices are down. I don't know where he is."


Anakin, wearing a full spacesuit, stepped out of the escape pod. The bay he was in was deserted. He walked over to the bay doors and opened them. He was aboard...

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 1:21 PM
Blazing fanfare, lots of bright colours.

Loud voice: "We will return you to 'Jedi Punks: The Comedy' after these messages!

Cheery music.
(Man walks out of bedroom, really sleepy.)
Voiceover: Having trouble waking up in the morning?
(Man nods)
Voiceover: Then you should try 'Blended Ewok' for breakfast!!!
(Man looks happy.)
Voiceover: Simply grab an Ewok, shave him, and stick him in your blender with a scoop of ice-cream. What could be better? Yum!
(Man follows instructions. Ewok screams in agony as he is put in blender.)
Voiceover: Now try it!
(Man picks up red coloured drink and takes a big gulp. He smiles happily at the camera.)
Voiceover: Blended Ewok! There is no better pick-me-up!

Loud Voice: And now, back to our feature presentation!

~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~ (Done!)

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 2:19 PM
-=-=-= Stead Six =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 2:35 PM
He crept silently down the corridor, probing the area ahead of him with the Force.

There was nobody about.

He carried on up towards the bridge, and saw a group of three stormtroopers running towards him. He never draw his lightsaber - he simply reached out with the Force and plucked one of the stormtroopers rifles straight out of his hands.

Firing with his newly aquired repeating-blaster he efficently desposed of the soldiers, with just a little extra help from the Force, of course.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 2:50 PM
He saw ahead of him the turbolift that would take him directly to the bridge.

And sensing nobody around he ran for it.

"Gotcha!" a voice said.

Anakin spun round only to find himself restrained by two stormtroopers with ysalimiri attached to their armour.

'I have a bad feeling about this' Anakin thought.

The troopers dragged Anakin into a huge arena in the middle of the Star Destroyer.

Hundreds of people where seated around the stage on which John was waiting, his red-bladed lightsaber already ignited in his hand.

"Okay Solo." John said "Now you will fight me, and loose!"
The tone of his voice had a slight hint of evilness to it.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 3:03 PM
"If I win," John began, "I get to keep all the apprentices from the Jedi Academy, they'll make a nice Sith army, don't you think?"

"No, I don't" Anakin said bluntly. "You said that you'd let everyone go if I fought with you."

"Come now, " said john, "I'm evil. Would you believe a Bothan if he said he won't reveal the location of the Death Star?"

"Umm... I guess not" Anakin replied

"Well anyway, if you win, and to do that you have to kill me" John explained "You can keep this ship and all my prisoners will be free."

"Well you could save yourself the trouble and just kill yourself" suggested Anakin.

"Right then. We begin." Announced John.

Anakin activated his lightsaber, and the purple blade cast a strange light around the arena.

-=-=-= Stead Six =-=-=-

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 3:57 PM
<ok,guys, I am posting now! drumroll please! hehe!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:11 PM
Anakin thrusted his lightsaber at John in a feint, and John took a step back. 'Hah, we haven't even swung a blow yet, and he's retreating! He knows I'll beat him!' Anakin thought to himself. John could sense Anakin's sense of truimph, and he grew angrier by the second. His features contorted with anger, and he brought his lightsaber down in a slash that would slice his foe in to two neat halves, but Anakin's blade came to block it. The air crackled as the lightsabers held against each other, then Anakin's eyes narrowed and he telekinetically shoved John backwards. The Sith stumbled, but recovered in time to stop Anakin's thrust. Anakin pulled back in a low guard, ready to stop anythign John would throw at him. John raised his blade high over his head, then swung hard downwards. The blades crashed, and met with such force that Anakin stepped back. He brought his blade around, and John blocked it and slashed back at him.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:14 PM
The air seemed heavy as the Sith grew angrier and angrier drawing on the darkside. John's fighting grew more and more frenzied and Anakin stayed calm. In getting so worked up, John was broadcasting his next moves to Anakin, so Anakin stayed calm and in control, effectively blocking and parrying every blow. Their blades met again, and Anakin used a Force-assisted jump to leap over John's head, and backflip into his next move. Anakin blocked another blow, and then kicked his leg out in a hard blow to shatter John's knee, but John created a Force-wall and Anakin may as well have kicked a transparisteel wall. John used the Force to wrench Anakin's saber away, adn hurl it against the wall. Anakin dove and rolled for it, calling it to his hand with the Force, willing it to come to him... but Anakin knew it would come too late...

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:20 PM
And then, it slapped into his hand, adn he thumbed it on, bringing it to halt John's blade inches from his face. He used TK to shove the Sith's blade away from his face, and Anakin somersaulted backwards, coming up to block another attack. He swung it hard, putting everything he had into the swing meant to cut John at midsection. John bit the bait, and went to block the blow way outside. His eyes widened as he eralized his terrible mistake, as Anakin pulled his blade out of the swing and drive it towards John's unguarded torso. The amethyst blade drove into John's shoulder, and the Sith screamed in pain. Anakin thumbed his blade off, and the Sith ran for it.

Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:24 PM
< post now! Whee-hah!>

|]Stead Seven[|

Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:32 PM
The Punks sat in a circle, watching the two Tatooine suns slowly sink beyond the horizon.
Zekk turned the womp rat that was rosting on a spit above their camp fire.

"Just like Anakin to drop us off on the place farthest from any civilization on this dustball." Jaina muttered.

"Hey, he's probably out there carving John into little chunks. We can forgive him this much." Jacen replied.

"Tell me that in the morning. Uncle Luke told us how cold it gets at night out here, remember?"

"Don't forget, we're Jedi. I'm sure we can handle a little uncomfotable weather."

"Well, dead John of no dead John, when Anakin gets back I'm gonna have a little talk with him."


Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:39 PM
Several hours later, the Punks were sleeping in enviro-bags from the Punk. At least, they were supposed to be sleeping.

Jacen couldn't sleep. How long, he thought, has it been since I had a beer? When the Anakin gets back with the Punk, the first thing I'll do is scramble for the Elba Ale.

Zekk couldn't sleep. Oh, my stomach. I'll never eat so much Womp-Rat again...

Jaina couldn't sleep. When Anakin gets back, I'm gonna kill him! She tugged on her enviro-bag to keep in the warmth.

Anja couldn't sleep. I wish I could use the Force to cure my insomnia.

Lowie couldn't sleep. Raaarrr aaarrroooohhh.


Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:49 PM

Tahiri slept like a log. This, after all, was her home-planet.


Tenel Ka couldn't sleep, either. In fact, she was in no position to sleep. Finding that she had too much pent up energy, the Punk had slipped out of her Enviro-Bag, grabbed only a sharpened stick, and ran off to hunt more Womp-Rats.


Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 4:53 PM

Carrying six dead Womp-Rats on two newly scavanged sticks, the warrior was tracking a particularly fat one, for herself. Aha! she thought as it ran into a cave, I finally cornered it!

Rushing into the cave, Tenel Ka payed no heed to the bones crunching underneath her feet. That is, until she heard a shrill animal scream, and a tiny snap. Then, out of the shadows, came a beast out of some Sith's nightmare.

Five meters high and covered in hard, scaly skin, the animal stalked slowly forward. Its sharp clawed feet disintigrated the leftover bones like wisps of air. The beast's bony head spikes caused shards of rock to rain down from the sky as they knocked against it. And as it opened its mouth, Tenel Ka though she could she the remains of a dead Womp-Rat impaled on its gleaming, razor fangs.

"Krayt Dragon," she whispered in horror.

|]Stead Seven[|

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 5:26 PM
*i am going to post now* may take a while*
-~+(0_0)SF Five(0_0)+~-

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 5:46 PM
She did not know very much about Krayt dragons, but she knew that much, that this was one and that they are dangerous.

The Krayt screamed at her and she ran.

In the camp Tahiri and the other punks woke up. They had heard the Krayt dragon scream and Tenel Ka yelling in the force for help.

Tahiri knew instantly that Ka had found a Krayt dragon and told the others.

Since she was the only one who knew something about them, she was in charge of leading the rescue mission.

On their way Tahiri told the others also about the pearls inside of the dragon and their big value on the market.

Now everybody was thinking about what to do with so much money, but then they heard Ka again and acelerated their running.

As they reached her they realized how big the dragon actually was and they ignited their lightsabres.



Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 6:07 PM
They threw their sabres to the dragon to scare it away,. They were successful they all retreated together with Ka the battle field with quick steps.

But soon they realized that Tahiri was not with them. They looked back and they saw her with the special gleaming in the eyes.

"Tahiri come her to us, are you trying to kill yourself. Anakin will be very disapointed when we have to tell him that you are dead" Yelled Jacen over to her.

But she just answered through the force "Don't worry about me, you just don't yell at me anymore. You are in bigger danger than i am when you do not stop yelling."

Jacen replied through the force "When you come over here right now then we all give you 5 cases of WD40. No ok 2 cases. Will you come please"

"No i need to do that here. It is all fate. Please let me do it alone. I will be alright."


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 6:34 PM
The others complained about her fate and how dangerous fate is, but then they went back to the camp telling her that if she needed help that she just should call them.

Tahiri did not answer but they were sure she heard them, not considering that there could be a yalamiri bubble from a few stormtroopers like on Yavin4.

Luckily that was not the case and Tahiri was sitting in front of the Krayt and tried to move as less as possible.

She knew the dragon could smell her but as long as she did not move she(the dragon) could not see her.

Tahiri made plans how to attack the Krayt best and choose to throw a stone right at the vulnerable spot of the dragon: Between the eyes and the nose.

She found a perfect stone and threw it guided by the force. She was excited so much that she missed the first attempt.

She found a new stone and this time she brought up all her concentration and threw it again.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 6:37 PM
This time she hit her right in the spot. The dragon was unconscious for approximately 5 seconds, but that gave Tahiri enough time to ignite her lightsabre and cut the dragons head off. This took her 3 attempts because of the strong resistance of the dragons body armor.

But that it was accomplished and she felt a huge wave of triumph going through her.

She did it now she was a real woman, accepted by all the man on Tatooine.

She cut deep in the stomach of the Krayt and after creeping in the stomach for 5 minutes she found the pearls and brought them out piece by piece, because of their heavy weight.

After she got out the biggest ones she looked around and found what she was looking for, a small cave. She found a hard to find spot and digged a small whole and put 2 pearls in there. She hid the place and marked on a piece of paper where it was.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 6:50 PM
The rest she left in front of the dragon. She went back into the dragon to find somemore but then she heard footsteps outside and thought her friends had come.

But soon she realized Tusken riders had surrounded her. And no way to escape.
She ignited her lightsabre ready to defend what was hers. But she realized that this would not be a jedi punk attitude to fight for your own wealth.

So she just swund the sabre a bit to get an escape path and with 2 medium pearls in her backpack she ran away.

She arrived at the camp and instead of waking the others up she enjoyed a glass of WD40 on the victory and kept night watch in case the tusken should find them.

*Yeeha done finnaly*
-~+(0_0)stead fast Five(0_0)+~-
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 6:56 PM
Here, I think I'll post now.
>gives a wookiee war yell<
.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 7:09 PM
Morning came and the Punks were greeted by a double sunrise. They found Tahiri already awake and ready to go.
" I didn't know you were that much of a morning person." said Jacen.
" Well, I ran into some old friends last night and decided to keep watch for our safety." replied Tahiri.

After everyone had eaten their supply rations of Talz Tastey Nutrient Nuggets, they felt ready to take on Darth John themselves. Jaina was grossed out by the food, as she reckoned that she found fur in hers.
"Well, ready to go ?!" asked Tahiri.
"What's the buzz, tell me what's a happening?" sang Jaina.
Tahiri looked at her oddly. That Nugget stuff must have affected Jaina more than they thought.
" We're going to walk to Anchorhead, and then I've got a surprise in store for y'all!" said Tahri to the others.

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 7:19 PM
The Punks all looked at each other curiously. "What could the surprise be?" they thought. With no other choices available, they followed Tahiri.

The way to Anchorhead was, unsurprisingly, sandy. Lowie moaned about how Wookies weren't engineered for the heat of Tatooine and how he'd have to spend hours in the shower getting the sand out of his fur. For once, the Punks were grateful for Anja. She was the only one who could find ways to make Lowie shut up.
For hours, they trudged through mountains of sand. Each sand dune looked like the one before it. Finally, the Punks climbed over a dune and saw the city of Anchorhead stretched before them.

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 7:25 PM
With cheers and cries of relief, the Punks quickly walked towards the city.
On the outskirts, just before the entrance to Anchorhead, Tahiri turned to talk to the Punks.
"Ok, now I want you all to follow me and I'll show you what my surprise is!"

The band followed Tahiri into the city. They walked down a busy street, vendors in their stalls yelling at the Punks to buy their wares.

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 7:38 PM
Tahiri wandered among the shops until she found what she was looking for.
"A jeweler?!" exclaimed Jaina.
With a smile, Tahiri reached into her sack and pulled out what seemed to be a glass ball. The jeweler's eye's widened in surprise.
"A kryat dragon pearl?" he wondered. Quickly, he examined the specimen before him. Finally, he turned to Tahiri.
"Well young lady," he said, " This is an excellant specimen of a kryat dragon's pearl. I'm willing to give you seven hundred and fifty credits for it!"
"I'll take it!" said Tahiri. Punk and jeweler made the exchange.
Tahiri led the still shocked Punks over to a corner where they could talk.
"Now," she said excitedly," We can buy our own ship and leave this planet!"
.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 7:39 PM
Oops... that should read " seven hundred and fifty thousand credits" sorry about that.

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 8:21 PM
*Ok Ok i am postin now*

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 8:53 PM
Jaina looked at Tahiri amazed saying,"What do you think you are doing. Buying a ship is a good idea but what is when Anakin comes back and does not find us, and where in the world did you find these pearls."

"Oh,uhm i did not think about Anakin. Uhm and i found the pearls in the Krayt dragon. You remember what i told you before we rescued Ka?"

"What" said the others simulteneauosly" you killed it ,really?"

"Hey what did you think, a jedi with the instincts of a tatooine born hunter, the dragon had not even a chance". Bragged Tahiri,leting the others have a look on the other pearl."

"You are just as brave as crazy" stated Jacen.

"But still i think we should buy us a new ship, because i have a feeling that i won't see the Punk again." said tahiri with fearful voice.

"Well, we can buy the ship, its your money do what ever you like, i would prefer to stick with the Punk and invest the money in record and hairdye fabrics." Commented Jacen.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 9:21 PM
The others agreed on looking for a new ship but waiting for Anakin to get back before moving anywhere else.


Meanwhile on a superstar destroyer with a small leak in the left side, in the beautiful Yavin system, a sith is running to
his bench to get some bactaband aids (sp),for the whole in his body.

Anakin moved towards a scared John. Anakin lifted his voice up so that everybody in the room could hear him,"John i defeated you now the, uhm let me think, second time, and now i will give you the chance to leave this ship and the now free jedis behind you. I won't kill you because some freaks we met on a ugly planet said they liked you. Now move on or i really have to kill you, and don't forget your imperial subordinates."

John complained but he realized that he was no match for Ani in his condition.

13hours fifteen minutes later the ship was free from imperials. Only a few droids were left.



Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 9:24 PM
Anakin was amazed "That was easy. But how in the galaxy should i manage a whole superstardestroyer."

But Anakin had an idea. He went to all the different stations and gave their control to the Captains control system so that he could control the ship from one seat.

He tapped himself on the shoulder for this geniality.

He set a course for Tatooine and just 45 minutes later he had everything worked out so that he just had to flip the switch, and he was on his way.

12hours later a official in the Anchorhead spaceport readjusted his scanner , and readjusted his scanner again but he could just not fix a big spot on his radar.

Then brave as he was he called in the space"Unidentified Ship please identify and give us desired landing place."

Anakin laughed about the official but answered in a deep voice," Here is the SuperStarDestroyer Sithspit i do not desire to land anywhere, we just desire to pick up some friends."

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2002 9:28 PM
At that point the official fainted. And Anakin was alone again. He waited and waited and waited. Then a new voice arose out of the comm."Sithspit please identify the persons you want to have we give everybody but please do not punish us."

"I will find them on my own." with that he cut off the connection.

He searched for his friends in the force and he told them to get a ship and meet them in orbit he had a big surprise for them.

They had bought them a modified correlian transport of the class 1300. They thought a ship like the Falcon couldn't be bad.

And as they came into orbit they wee really surprised. They'd expected many things but not a SSD.

They were welcomed by Anakin and he led them to the bridge to assign them their positios and then they discussed what happened per com, while flying through the space.
*i am done*

-~=+(0_0)Stead Fast Five(0_0)+=~-

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 8:56 AM
<i'm posting!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 9:04 AM
"I can't believe he did this!" exclaimed Jaina over comm to Zekk.
"Now what did he do?" he asked.
"He gave me kitchen duty! I have to wear an apron and the whole getup! I'm going to kill him!" she complained. She could hear Zekk snickering in the background. She knew he knew she hated cooking more than anythign else. "Shut up you." she said, "I think his "rank" is getting to his head... maybe he shouldn't play Grand Admiral anymore."
"What are you suggesting, dear? A coup?"
"Exactly, Zekk, exactly." she laughed.
"Who does he think he is!?" stormed Tahiri, "Giving me a waitress spot? Puh-lease! He's so dead! Oh, hi, can I take your order?" said Tahiri, who was griping to the bartender, as Jacen came in.
"He gave you a lousy one too? Uh, gimme a Tatooine Sunset.Please." asked Jacen.
"Mmm-hmm. Coming right up." then she slapped her forehead and walked off grumbling.'I wonder what eeryone else got....' she said to herself.

Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 2:16 PM
*k im goingt to post now since you don't want to*


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 3:26 PM
The mood of the crew was on the lowest point. Everybody on board of the SSD was tired of their job. No not everybody, only one little 15 year old guy had fun playing to be Grand Admiral.

The problem with the 'playing' was that he played with a pretty real SSD under his command.

To solve the situation Jaina took her nice flower apron off and made her way to the bridge.

She knocked on the bridge door, but nobody answered. So she entered and nobody was there to tell her where the Admiral went.

So she went to the Admirals rooms, and there she found Anakin sitting in a chair that had
a scary similiarity with the imperators throne.

Anakin asked from a few steps above,"Knock on the door before you enter, kitchen mate, and what do you have to visit me in my private rooms and not wait until the hour comes where i will listen to your questions."


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 3:52 PM
Jaina took a step backwards thinking, "Was this really her brother? The little nice boy with the brown hair? Or was that here just a copy with cobined sith-imperial blood."

She asked with low voice "Anakin stop it, this is all going wrong, nobody will obey you anymore if you don't stop it right now. And why is your hair not colored anymore?"

" I think its not your turn to ask questions or to propose ideas to me. You better get back to your kitchen or i call for the droids!" commanded Anakin.

"The droids? What droids are you talking about? And do not threaten me at all, i am still your sister" Portested she now slighly angrier.

"These droids" Said Anakin with a mad look on his face pointing on the now opening door.

Through the door came 2 assasin droids. They took their post besides the Admirals chair.

Now Jaina screamed and ran to her friends.

She met them waiting for her in the cantina.

They saw the scared look on her face and asked" What happened?"



Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 4:04 PM
She breathed deeply and then told them what she had seen.

They sent Jacen for another attempt to make Anakin realize that he brought himself in trouble. But instead of making the situation better, it got worse.

Anakin closed the beer resorces for all the other punks and the punks realized that the security system blocked them out of the parts where Anakin lived, and the security cameras followed them everywhere.

A few days later there came up a mesage on the screen:In 10 minutes there will be an official declaration of the Independant State of SithSpit.

Now they knew Anakin had gone mad.

After 2:00 Ship time the broadcast started. They saw Anakin standing at a pulpit with a sign in the background, which showed 2 crossed lighsabres.

They all wondered because Anakin looked kind a weird, but they thought it would be probably the light in the room.


Total Posts: 156
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 4:09 PM
In the speech the pseudo Anakin told that he was in control of the SSD SithSpit, and he was able to destroy any world that would attack his State which is now declared independent from every political system.
After the broadcast was finished they talked about what they thought about it and they came to the result that this was not Anakin.

And as they searched with their combined forces through the ship they found the pseudo
Anakin and figured out that it was John. They wondered why they did not sense it earlier but now everything was clear to them.

John had somehow tricked Anakin and recaptured the ship with the few assain droids by hand. He used a holoshroud to make the people think he was Anakin Solo, which has gone mad. And kept Anakin somewhere under influence of Ysalamiri.

Now they made plans how to overwhelm john and his defenders, without warning them too early.

*I am done*

-~=+|(0_0)Stead Fast Five(0_0)|+=~-


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2002 4:24 PM
<I posting!>
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